"This is the first time I've seen a dungeon like this."

"Something feels... not quite right."

Hunters carefully observe the surrounding environment.

The space inside the door is like an ancient temple.

Buried as if buried for ages, it was a dark and dank temple; moss and weeds spread like fur moss on the floors, walls and ceiling.

Seeing this, several hunters retreated immediately, their bodies trembling slightly.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird here?"

"There is always a feeling of being stared at by something!"

Three or four powerful hunters continued to move forward regardless of the frightened people behind the team.

"Tsk! Don't say those depressing words, understand?"

"Let's have a quick fight and then go home."

The space inside the door is unusually wide.

Huge domes hang over people's heads.

The space here is about as large as several Capital Olympus stadiums put together, maybe even bigger than that.

However, it inexplicably gives people a sense of suffocation.

The reason is very obvious.

"That...that is..."

"Wouldn't that damn thing be the BOSS?"

In the deepest part of the place, a colossus beyond imagination sat on a throne as large as itself.

The colossus is nothing but a giant stone god!

"My goodness!"


The hunters couldn't help being amazed.

The first thing that popped into Cheng Jin-Woo's mind was the Statue of Liberty in New York.If the statue of the goddess is sitting on a chair, will it be the same size?

However, the Statue of Liberty is a female statue, and here is a male statue.

'This statue could be bigger...'

In front of the statue, the hunters swallowed nervously.I'm afraid this huge statue is the ultimate boss in this dungeon.


Fortunately, the idol remained motionless.


Even Song Zhiguo let out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, everyone, let's go."

The relieved hunters dispersed and began to search nearby.

"It seems that there are no monsters here?"

"I think so."

"Don't talk about Warcraft, I haven't even seen a bug."

Although the space where the statue is located is large, the internal structure is very simple.There are countless torches hanging on the wall; beside the wall, there are many stone statues slightly taller than people standing quietly.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Like a work of art!"

The stone statues standing by the wall are of different shapes.

Each stone statue holds a different object.Some hold weapons, some books, some musical instruments, and some even hold torches.

"It's like..."

"Looks like a statue in a holy temple."

Song Zhiguo was the first to say what Wang Jianshe wanted to say.

Song Zhiguo looked at his feet, as if he had discovered something.

"Huh? This...is it a magic circle?"

In the center of the temple is a magic circle that has never been seen before.

at that time.

"Uncle Zhiguo! There seems to be something written here. Come and take a look!"

A hunter shouted when he found a distinctive stone statue in a corner.

Song Zhiguo, who was observing the magic circle, stood up and walked towards the stone statue.

The other hunters also gathered around the stone statue.

What makes this stone statue different is that it has a pair of wings and a stone slab in its hand.

The inscriptions carved on this slab attracted the attention of hunters.

Song Zhiguo glanced at the stone slab and said to himself.

"It's a rune."


This kind of writing does not exist on the earth, and is unique to the world of the dungeon.And only hunters who have awakened their magical abilities can understand this kind of writing.

"Laws of the Cathenon."

Song Zhiguo read the first sentence.

Cheng Xiaoyu listened anxiously to the content on the slate that Song Zhiguo read out.

Suddenly, someone tugged at his arm.

Looking back, Xiaoxi was standing there with a pale face.

Chapter 3 The Beginning of the Offensive

Seeing Xiaoxi's face, Cheng Jin-Woo was startled.

"What's wrong? Is there any discomfort?"


Seong Jin-Woo looked at where Xiaoxi's fingertips were pointing.

It was the great statue of the god, or rather, the face of the god.

Seong Jin-Woo tilted his head in confusion because the idol looked the same as before.


Xiaoxi stammered, "It, its eyeballs moved, it was looking at us just now."


Cheng Jin-Woo looked up at the statue, but the statue looked the same as before, without any change.

"You must have read it wrong..."

However, Xiaoxi didn't seem to hear what he said, she lowered her head, tightly holding onto Cheng Jinyu's arm, her body trembling even more violently.

'and many more! '

At this moment, Cheng Jin-Woo also noticed something was wrong.Surprisingly quiet around.

"The sound has disappeared..."

The sound of the flame burning on the torch gradually disappeared.


However, Song Zhiguo's voice was still heard clearly.

"Worship God. Second, praise God. Third, prove your faith. Those who violate this law will never be able to leave this place alive."

at this time.


The sudden explosion woke everyone present like a dream.

"What...what's the situation..."

"What's that sound?"

Cheng Jin-Woo was the first to notice the abnormal changes around him.

His senses were already running at high speed, and he could tell where the loud noise was coming from in an instant.

"The door! The door is closed!"

As soon as Cheng Jin-Woo shouted, everyone looked at the entrance.The open stone door has been firmly closed.

"Damn it! I can't stand it."

The first hunter who objected to continuing to explore the dungeon yelled and cursed loudly and strode towards the stone gate.

"I want to go home! What ultimate boss, what treasure, go find it yourself!"

The hunter glared at Song Zhiguo as if protesting, then turned around and grabbed the door knocker angrily.

At that moment, Song Zhiguo's eyes widened,

"do not want!"


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