The hunter's head suddenly disappeared from the neck.The headless body fell backwards to the ground due to loss of center of gravity.

Bang dong!


"Uh uh!"

The hunters started screaming.

The stone statue that smashed a human head with a steel hammer returned to its original position by the door as if nothing had happened.And the blood that splashed on his body silently told what happened just now.

" moved!"

"What's the situation? Can every stone statue here move?"

"Are we against them?"

"I didn't even see how it swung the steel hammer!"

But Cheng Jin-Woo knew very well that their troubles might have just begun...

He suddenly remembered what Xiaoxi said just now.

"It, its eyeballs moved, it was looking at us just now."

"If what Xiaoxi said is true..."

A general chill ran up the spine.

Cheng Jin-Woo turned his stiff neck with difficulty, trying to see the thing behind him clearly.


The idol was looking down at him.

At this moment, the eyes of the god like copper bells suddenly turned red.

Is it a hunter's instinct?

It should be said that it is an instinct of a living body to predict danger.

Something is going to happen.

And it was something that everyone present couldn't bear!

Cheng Jin-Woo immediately turned to the other hunters, shouting desperately—

"Everyone get down!"

At this moment, the eyes of the idol emitted a terrifying red light beam.Cheng Xiaoyu flew towards Xiaoxi, hugged her tightly and lay on the ground.

Swish swish swish!

The light beam just swept the place where Jin-Woo was standing just now.

Just a tenth of a second.

No, hundredths of a second.

It was really scary.

However, others did not have such luck as Cheng Jin-Woo.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


Those who were swallowed by the red light disappeared in place.Wherever the beam passed, only the horrific wreckage of the hunters remained.

The hunters who touched the red light disappeared without screaming.Those hunters who witnessed the death of their companions wailed in pain.

"Then, what is that?"


"Why did this happen..."

Hunters felt unprecedented fear.

Of the sixteen hunters, only eleven survived.

No one has not experienced such a powerful attack.

"Thanks to Xiao Cheng's voice, I avoided that light beam."

"If it wasn't for Xiao Cheng, we might have..."

The hunters looked at Cheng Jin-Woo and swallowed nervously.Cheng Jin-Woo is their savior.Without his warning, the consequences would have been disastrous.


Cheng Jin-Woo lay on the ground and looked up at the statue.The idol's eyes were still blood red, but there was no sign of attacking again.

"Is the attack... over?"

Cheng Jin-Woo looked down at Xiaoxi.He was terrified and trembling in his arms.

This is the reason why he, as a B-level healer, did not enter a large guild, and could only participate in such simple group battles.

Xiaoxi's breathing became more and more rapid.

Cheng Jin-Woo thought to himself, we can't let her go on like this anymore.

Seong Jin-Woo tried to straighten his body while thinking about what he could do.But someone pressed his shoulder hard.

"Don't stand up."

It's Song Zhiguo.

Cheng Jin-Woo felt flustered, but still did as he said.

Song Zhiguo said loudly to the other hunters,

"Everyone don't move! Just stay where you are!"

Song Zhiguo glanced around, and then looked at Cheng Xiaoyu again.

"Only those who moved were attacked, and those who listened to your words all survived."

"That's it."

Song Zhiguo was puzzled.

"Didn't you alert us when you discovered something?"

"No, I just feel that danger is approaching..."

Song Zhiguo's eyes suddenly flashed a strange light.

'It seems that his intuition is quite accurate.I heard that he seems to be an E-rank hunter, right?If his ability value is higher...'

Just when Song Zhiguo looked at Cheng Jin-Woo with a slightly regretful expression, Cheng Jin-Woo finally had time to check the situation of this veteran hunter.

When his eyes touched Song Zhiguo's left shoulder, Cheng Xiaoyu's eyes widened.

"Uncle Zhiguo, your... your arm?"

"It's okay, I can hold on."

"But this......"

Cheng Jin-Woo swallowed his saliva.

Song Zhiguo pressed Cheng Jinwoo's shoulder with his right hand, and his entire left shoulder was chopped off shoulder-length.


Song Zhiguo looked down at Xiaoxi's situation, then took off his T-shirt, as if he couldn't feel the sharp pain from his left shoulder, he tore the clothes into strips and tied them to the wound.

"Help me fasten it. It's a little hard with just one hand."

Cheng Jin-Woo nodded

After taking simple measures to stop the bleeding, Song Zhiguo just let out a long sigh.The sigh contained his endless vicissitudes as a hunter.


After the simple emergency treatment, Song Zhiguo began to observe the surrounding environment with all his energy.

Although the stone statue stopped attacking, their condition did not get any better.

Now, time is passing by second by second.


"Why do we have to go through this..."

Some hunters even cried in fear.

"It's not a problem if it goes on like this!"

The patience of the other hunters was wearing thin.

Cheng Jin-Woo's heart was also very anxious.

’ Indeed, we cannot sit still like this. '

But what can we do now?

If Song Zhiguo's judgment is correct, then once someone moves, they will be attacked by the statue.

Even if one is lucky enough to avoid the terrifying beam of the Colossus and reach the gate, the two guardian stone statues on both sides of the gate are still a big problem.

The naked eye couldn't keep up with the movement speed of the goalkeeper just now.

Is it really possible to open the gate and escape before the stone statue attacks?

Not at all possible.

In other words, it is only a matter of time before the hunters are wiped out.

'Wait...time question?'

Thinking of this, a strange feeling welled up in my heart.

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