The upper limit for sit-ups and squats is also 200.

[100 push-ups: completed (200/100)]

[100 squats: Completed (200/100)]

[100 sit-ups: completed (200/100)]

[Running 10 kilometers: Completed (11/10)]

No more, no less, exactly two hundred.

It can exceed one hundred, but it will not rise infinitely.

It must have some meaning.

Intuition told him so.

I wonder if there will be another reward waiting for him after he completes these extra values'?

'Let's make sure. '

Cheng Jin-Woo quickly walked out of the apartment.

He quickly ran the remaining nine kilometers.

When Cheng Jin-Woo stood at the door of his house again, a new piece of information appeared in front of his eyes.


[You have completed the hidden mission: Prepare to become a strong man. 】

[Hidden mission rewards have arrived. 】

【Whether to accept?】


The task name has not changed, but the type has changed to 'Hidden Task'.

His guess was right.

Cheng Jin-Woo swallowed.

'......confirm. '


[Task rewards are as follows]

Reward 1: Restoration status.

Reward 2: All stat points +3

Reward 3: (choose one)

(1) Blessed Random Box

(2) Cursed Random Box

【Do you accept all?】


'All stats increased by three points!'

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

The hidden quest rewards are really unexpected.

All the ability values ​​have increased by three points, which means that he has been promoted to three levels in a row.

No, the ability value has increased, but the level has not increased, which is a good thing.

A higher ability value means that future upgrades will become easier.

But he also felt a little pity.

If only there were daily hidden daily quests.

'But since the rewards for disability missions are generous...'

It means that hidden tasks will not appear every day.

If the hidden mission will only appear this time, it means that he must be very cautious when choosing reward 3.

【Reward 3】

(1) Blessed Random Box

(2) Cursed Random Box

This is the first time this reward has appeared.

As long as he chooses one of them, it means that he must give up the other.

'So, I'll never know what's in the other'

Just look at the names of the two to know which one to choose.

But it might be a trap.

"Accept reward 3."


【You must choose one of these two random boxes. 】

【Blessed Random Box】

Click to get the item the player wants.

【Cursed Random Box】

Click to get the items the player needs.

【Which one do you want to choose?】

The explanation given is simple.

This makes the choice very difficult.

If there is no instruction, he will definitely choose the 'blessed random box' without hesitation.

But after reading the explanation, no matter which one you choose, you will feel a little pity.

'One is what I want and one is what I need...'

It doesn't sound like anything will be bad in either box.

' But there must be a catch here. '

What he wants must be what he wants,

But that's not necessarily what is needed.What he needs is not necessarily what he wants.

For example, what he needs is a powerful weapon, and he may get a powerful bomb that can even blow up the whole area.

'That's why it's called the cursed box. '

Seong Jin-Woo chose the less risky option.

If you don't know the result, you won't regret choosing this way.

After calm thinking, Cheng Jin-Woo finally made a decision.

"Blessed Random Box."

A small box appeared at his feet.

Cheng Jin-Woo picked it up.

'Could it be...?'

Chapter 28 The Key to the Devil's Castle

The size of this box made Cheng Jin-Woo feel very familiar, and his heart beat faster.

Cheng Jin-Woo speeded up his hands.


Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

Inside the box lies a golden key.

This is the key to the simulated dungeon he has been looking forward to for a long time.

Soon, its information appeared on the key.


[Item: Key to Devil's Castle]

Difficulty of getting started: S-level

Type: key

You can enter the dungeon: Devil's Castle, which can be used in the Dacheng Tower in the S District of S City.


Cheng Jin-Woo exclaimed.

Although the difficulty of obtaining cannot represent the level of the dungeon, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with it.

Because the dungeon entered with the E-level key before was not so difficult.

But what if the difficulty of the dungeon is really S-level this time?

Even an attack team composed of S-rank hunters cannot guarantee success.

About a 50% success rate?

The difficulty of the B-level and above portals will increase like a cliff, and it seems that there have not been many S-level portals in the world.

'One of them also appeared in Z City. '

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