Since then, City Z has never been inhabited again.

Cheng Jin-Woo stared at the key in his hand.

'Is this really what I want?'

Fortunately, unlike the previous key, this time the key is 'accessible' rather than 'movable'.

That means he can escape at any time.

Even if the key suddenly disappears, there is still a return stone in his backpack that can be used.

'The opportunity that is hard to come by should not be wasted in vain. '

He wanted to confirm for himself whether the key was what he really wanted.


In front of Dacheng Pagoda.

Hundreds of stories high buildings, soaring into the sky.

It can be described as a veritable 'skyscraper'.

It was late at night, and the silent streets were extremely gloomy.

'But just in case...'

Seong Jin-Woo looked around and pulled off the hood of his sweater.

If someone saw him disappearing and reappearing out of thin air without a teleportation port, it might cause commotion.

And there are monitors all around, it doesn't hurt to be a little careful.

At this moment, someone noticed Cheng Jin-Woo.

'Who is that person?'

At night, the ones still wear hats and are ghostly.

The security guard in the building got up and left the seat after seeing the very suspicious Cheng Jin-Woo.

Come to think of it, at this point in time you're still wearing a hood and wandering outside the building, it's hard not to be suspicious.

However, when he walked towards the door, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What, what?"

The security guard was terrified.

That person was obviously walking towards this side, but suddenly disappeared without a trace.


The security guards looked around, but they didn't even see anyone.

He was very puzzled.


Just as he was walking back, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye and turned his head away.

"Uh huh?!"

He fell to the ground in fright.

"This, this, what the hell is this!"

The guard yelled palely.

In midair, a hand floating in midair is gradually disappearing.


Jin-Woo withdrew his hand.

'Here is connected to the outside world. '

Unlike the last time, this time there was no invisible wall, and the key was lying obediently in his pocket.

In other words, he can leave here at any time.

"The retreat route has also been confirmed..."

Because he didn't know whether the difficulty of the key really represented the level of the dungeon, so he was more cautious than usual.

Seong Jin-Woo took off his hat.


Looking back, the scene in front of me made people couldn't help but exclaim.

Just after he took a few steps towards the Dacheng Pagoda, the world in front of him changed drastically in an instant.

Can this place still be called an underground city?

It's a completely different world in front of you.

There is no Dacheng Pagoda here, but a huge tower-like building stands in front of you.

'Is it a tower? Or a castle?'

The spire soars into the sky, and its surface is covered with red and black flames.

It doesn't look like it's being lit, more like the tower itself is on fire.

"The Flame Tower."

Compared to Devil's Fort', the name Flame Tower may be more appropriate.

Cheng Jin-Woo slowly walked towards the direction of the tower.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The closer you get, the clearer the sound of the flames.

'How to get in?'

Even if you get in successfully, how to get out is also a problem.

If it is the same as the last dungeon based on the subway station, then this dungeon based on the Dacheng Tower may also need to climb up to a hundred floors before it can be captured.

He couldn't calculate how long this would take.


Cheng Jin-Woo stopped.

He sensed a strong breath at the entrance.

He carefully observed the surrounding situation, and then saw a black creature the size of a bull sleeping soundly at the door.

Jin-Woo carefully took out Kasaka's fangs.


[Item: Kasaka's Fang]

Difficulty of getting started: C level

Type: Dagger

Attack power: +25

A dagger made from Kasaka's fangs.The venom on the sword has the effect of paralyzing or bleeding the opponent when attacking.Can be put in a backpack or sold in the shop.

Effect "Paralysis": Can make the attacked object unable to move to a certain extent.

Effect "Blood Loss": Causes the attacked target to consume 1% of its stamina per second.

Although the attack power is not high, its special effects have been fully verified in actual combat.

'It would be nice if this monster could be dealt with through the paralyzing effect. '

Cheng Jin-Woo leaned over lightly.Do your best not to make a sound.

But it can't hide from the sense of Warcraft.Soon, the monster that smelled the scent lifted up.


Cheng Jin-Woo was amazed.

The monster stood up completely, and its three heads immediately turned towards Seong Jin-Woo.

【The Gatekeeper of Hell: Cerberus】

The monster is a giant dog with three heads.

Cheng Jin-Woo noticed the red name above its head.

It means that this monster has a high level.

"Since it is red, it should be similar to the centipede in the penalty area, right?"

At that time, he barely escaped the centipede's attack.After all, he was only level 1 at that time.

'It's different this time. '

During this period of time he has become a lot stronger.

The black monster in front of him must be very strong, but to Cheng Jin-Woo, he didn't have a strong sense of oppression.

His keen perception told him that he could defeat Cerberus.

His perception is not as high as Bai Ti.

In order to make the best judgment, he has been working hard to improve his perception.


Spotting the enemy, Cerberus showed his fangs.

Cheng Jin-Woo glanced at Cerberus' tail.There is also a cluster of flames burning at the end of the whip-like tail.

Cheng Jin-Woo's eyes suddenly became sharp.

'The fangs and the tail, it seems that it has at least two means of attack. '

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