【HP: 5,114】


【Fatigue: 0】


Strength: 72

Stamina: 43

Agility: 82

Intelligence: 39

Feeling: 69

(Available points: 5)

Physical damage reduced by 20%


Passive Skill: (Unknown) Lv.Max

Perseverance Lv.1

Active Skill: Run Lv.1

Murderous Lv.1

【Equipment items】

Guardian's Necklace (A)

Before I knew it, I was already close to level [-].

Cheng Jin-Woo didn't have much expectation in his heart when he hunted those weak goblins at the entrance, but once he killed the goblin boss and once again when he dealt with the minions, he raised a total of two levels here.

Fortunately, the stronger guys are all in the boss room.

'No, it would be inappropriate to call it lucky?'

Three different paths, and the difficulty of the boss room.

If a low-level hunter rushed into the boss's room after hunting those weak goblins, the consequences of seeing those goblins might be disastrous.

Unlike goblins, goblins are quite troublesome monsters.

'Although there will be a goblin or two in the middle of a group of goblins...'

But encountering goblins in such numbers in one place is rare.

It's really impossible to predict what's going to happen next in a dungeon.One person's lucky day can turn into someone else's worst nightmare.

Your own strength is the only guarantee.

This is the reason why Seong Jin-Woo wants to keep getting stronger.

Making a living in a dungeon is one thing, but what if a monster appeared near the hospital where my mother lived?

What should you do if you are attacked by a monster while walking on the street?

No, it's not just Warcraft that is in trouble.

Hunters are also a dangerous existence that is not lost to Warcraft.Although various organizations are trying to manage them, their binding force is limited.

You must have the power to protect yourself.

'Hunters will not become infinitely stronger. '

But he can.

In theory, as long as he can continuously improve his ability value and has the right equipment, he can upgrade infinitely.

And today he discovered another way to become stronger.

That's the Runestone!

Cheng Jin-Woo took out a rune stone from his pocket.

Like other objects, the information on the Runestone surfaced.

【Rune Stone: Invisibility】

This skill can be obtained by breaking the Rune Stone.

For the uninitiated, this is a small rock with strange letters etched on its face.But for hunters, regardless of level, these are items that will make them salivate.

High-level hunters will keep it for their own use, while low-level hunters will sell it to higher-ranking hunters.

Especially the rune stones with rare skills like this are very expensive.At the auction, this special rune stone can be worth at least tens of millions; if it is placed on the black market, the price will even increase several times.

The reason why it can be sold so expensive on the black market is that there will be no official records of transactions on the black market.

Having a hidden skill is like having an extra lethal weapon in your hand.

'Just like Jiang Haotian's stealth skills. '

If he didn't have such a high perception ability, he might have died in the hands of Jiang Haotian.

The thought sent shivers down his spine.

'It's fine to sell, there will be ways to make money in the future. '

Don't be fooled by immediate interests.

His priority right now is to become stronger.

Not to mention the value of this rune stone that contains 'invisibility' skills.

This small stone is worth a few suites, no, even a few buildings.

Then, Cheng Jin-Woo did this thing that he never dreamed of in the past.

As soon as he exerted force with his hand, he crushed the rune stone.


A burst of reddish halo emerged from the cracks in the rune stone and slowly shrouded him.

It's like being treated by magic.

Only the color of the light changed from blue to red.

Anyway, it doesn't feel bad.

The light red halo surrounding his body entered his lungs through his nose, and he immediately felt an unknown force gushing out of his body.

Soon, a familiar machine beep sounded.


['Skill: Stealth' has been learned. 】

['Skill: Stealth' can be used. 】


He successfully absorbed this skill.

The first time he used the runestone to acquire skills, he was still a little nervous, but the whole process was easier and faster than expected.

'Can I go invisible now?'

After successfully obtaining a rare skill, his heart beat faster.

Seeing is better than hearing.

Seong Jin-Woo immediately used his new skill.

'Stealth. '

From fingertips to toes, his body began to become permeable.

It's a strange feeling that I can't see my own hands.

'What will happen then?'

While thinking, he called out the dagger.

Then, he felt his hand holding something.Miraculously, although he can feel it, he can't see anything.


Just like the knife that Jiang Haotian carries with him, 'Kasaka's Fang' can also be invisible.

Sure enough, Jiang Wutian's weapon is nothing special, especially this rare skill.

'How wide is the coverage of this skill?'

Chapter 35 White Lies

Seong Jin-Woo picked up a stone from the ground, and the stone also disappeared from sight.

'Is that all right?'

He became more and more curious, so he put his hand on the goblin's corpse, but nothing happened.

It seems that the scope of use of this skill is limited.

At least, he can now be sure that the clothes he wears and the items he holds in his hands will be affected by skills.

at this time.

【Your MP is exhausted, cancel 'Skill: Stealth'】


The invisibility was suddenly lifted.

'It's only been a few seconds, and the mana is gone?'

Cheng Jin-Woo kept moving his body from side to side, trying to make himself familiar with this invisible state, but the skill was suddenly released.

Cheng Jin-Woo hastily opened the status window.

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