
Passive Skill: (Unknown) Lv.Max

Perseverance Lv.1

Active Skill: Run Lv.1

Murderous LV.1

Stealth Lv.1

He wanted to see the information on stealth skills.

Relevant words quickly appeared in front of Cheng Jin-Woo.


[Skill: Stealth Lv.1]

Active skills

Requires 200 mana.

While hiding the figure, it can also temporarily erase all traces of the user. During the "Stealth" period, 10 mana will be consumed per second.

The mana required for the skill is two hundred, and it actually consumes ten mana per second during use?!


How can this hold up.

【MP: 7/548】

He was down to a measly seven mana points.

'It really has bottomed out. '

Seong Jin-Woo's max mana is about 550 now.

It should be able to last for 35 seconds at full play.

But if you consider other skills, you shouldn't even be able to last for 35 seconds.

"Jiang Haotian did the same just now, and within a few seconds he released his stealth skills. '

It turns out he didn't do it on purpose.

It's just that the mana value to maintain this skill is not enough.

If a high-level hunter like Jiang Haotian can't maintain this skill for a long time, then those low-level hunters can't apply this skill even if they learn it.

"Mana is an issue right now."

So far, Seong Jin-Woo has allocated all the points to abilities other than intelligence, but mana has never been increased.

In other words, if you want to expand your mana, you need to increase your intelligence...

'Should I also increase the intelligence value?'

But Cheng Jin-Woo still felt that it was a pity to allocate points to abilities that had nothing to do with combat in order to use a certain skill.

'Compared to other ability values, the benefit of intelligence is too low. '

Strength, stamina, agility and perception.

He could actually feel the effects of these four enhanced abilities.

As the number increases, he becomes significantly stronger.

The only thing he didn't feel a real change in his body was his intelligence.

'The current intelligence value is four times that of the first level. '

The only thing that has changed should be the mana value that has also been increased.

That's it.

But assigning points to intelligence for this one thing...

'It's still too wasteful. '

If the points are distributed elsewhere, those points will become his power.

The only conclusion he can draw now is that he should keep leveling up until he has enough mana.

Then allocate the precious points to other more worthy abilities.

'Is the ability worth...'

Cheng Jin-Woo suddenly remembered that he still had five rewards from the urgent mission.

He hesitated for a moment whether to allocate it to intelligence, but in the end he gave three points to strength and two points to physical strength.


Strength: 75

Stamina: 45

Agility: 82

Intelligence: 39


(Available points: 5)

Physical Damage Reduction: 20%

Sure enough, ending with five makes people feel comfortable.

Cheng Jin-Woo showed a satisfied smile.

at this time.

Rumble rumble.

There was a violent vibration in the dungeon.

'Is it an hour so soon?'

Running out of time.

Cheng Jin-Woo closed the status window.

He intentionally procrastinated until the portal closed, but if he stayed any longer, he might be trapped inside forever.

Before leaving, Cheng Jin-Woo turned around and took a look at the boss's room.

"Magic spar is also taken..."

None left.

After confirming again, Cheng Jin-Woo quickly disappeared through the exit.

Rumble rumble rumble.

The vibration of the dungeon was more violent than before, as if to warn that the portal was about to close.


Agents from the Hunter's Association's investigative division arrived at just the right time.They stared dumbfounded at Cheng Jin-Woo slowly coming out of the portal that was about to be closed.

"Well, sir, are there no other survivors besides you?"

"there is none left."


The expressions of the investigators froze instantly.

Nine hunters went in but only three came out alive.

This is undoubtedly a big accident.

Several similar serious accidents occurred one after another in one area alone, and these investigators only felt that the sky was falling.

They still want to make sure there are no other survivors inside, the portal has been closed.

That's why Cheng Jin-Woo waited until the teleportation port was about to close to come out.

'Of course they can't let them know that there were survivors inside. '

In this case, the only evidence left is the testimony of the three survivors.

An investigator said in a complicated tone.

"Just now, the investigation department received a call from the chairman of Jin Jiang Industrial, saying that he wants to surrender himself."

At this time Song Zhiguo joined the conversation.

"The chairman of Jin Jiang Industry?"

"He is the victim's father, and it is reported that he bribed Jiang Haotian to murder the prisoner."

"That's it..."

After the chairman knew that Jiang Haotian had successfully killed the rapist, he confessed everything.

"Actually, it's not Jiang Haotian, but me..."

The police walked towards the chairman, and the people from the association walked over here.

Cheng Jin-Woo asked after listening quietly for a while.

"Then it's all right?"

Hearing Cheng Jin-Woo's question, the investigators looked perplexed.

"Well, that's pretty much it."

There is conclusive evidence enough to prove Jiang Wutian's crime, and the three prisoners fought desperately with Jiang Wutian.

As Cheng Jin-Woo asked, there is no doubt about this matter.

But only one thing.

An investigator articulated a problem he had been unable to figure out.

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