'Because of carelessness, he was attacked almost once. '

In fact, when you feel the breath of mana concentration, you have already prepared yourself.

Zhao Xiaohui's flash magic.

Jin-Woo wasn't stupid enough to be fooled by the same attack twice.

It feels like this is what it means to revisit the previous battle.

' Not only that. '

Each monster has a main number of points needed to defeat them.

The knight is strength, the assassin is feeling, the archer is agility, and the magician is physical strength.

If you fail to meet a certain level of the points, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

If the power point becomes low, it will not be able to cause damage to the knight in the armor, and if the perception is low, it is very troublesome when catching assassins.

'The evenly added points worked at this time. '

Although the intelligence points are slightly lower, as long as you save some mana.

[Open 'props: leather pocket'. 】

[Contains '2 gold coins' and 'kettle with warm water']

[Get '2 Gold Coins' and 'Kettle with Warm Water']

When Xiao Yu got it, he took out the water bottle in the warehouse and drank it in big gulps.

"Hoo one"

Fatigue is also accumulating.

'How long do we have to go? '

No, does this really have an exit?

Jin-Woo put down the empty water bottle and stood with his hips in his arms.

Three hours have passed since entering the dungeon.

Both physically and mentally become exhausted.

'...Would you like to take a break?'

Jin-Woo sat down against the cave wall.

'Status window. '


【Fatigue: 66】

Fatigue has accumulated to a dangerous state.Reaching over seventy will directly have a bad impact on the body and spirit.

It's better to take a rest for a while to reduce fatigue.

Jin-Woo leaned his head against the wall.

Momentarily sleepy.

Jin Woo, who was really too tired, fell asleep instantly in this environment.


call out-!

The crackling sound that cuts through the air!

In the exhausted state, Jin-Woo also correctly caught the flying arrow.

Jin-Woo opened his eyes.

At a suitable distance the archer is ready for the next attack.

'It's not letting me sleep. '

Jin-Woo took out 'Kasaka's Fang' and stood up.



The knight who was punched to the chest, whose breastplate was severely deformed, fell between Jin-Woo's fist and the wall.

The fallen guy doesn't move anymore.


[The knight has been eliminated. 】

【Level up!】

Although it's a pity that he can't restore his status, his level is constantly improving every time he fights.

This was the only thing that comforted Jin-Woo under the accumulated fatigue.

Jin-Woo looked at the slightly torn fist and clicked his tongue.

Take a little rest to recover.

But these hideous monsters give no time to rest.

But thanks to them, they got a lot of good things.

【Equipment items】

Guardian's Necklace (A)

High Knight's Breastplate (B)

Intermediate Assassin's Shoes (B)

Lesser Assassin's Gloves (C)

High Sorcerer's Ring (B)

Except for these things that can be used immediately, the rest of Jin-Woo was put into the warehouse.

'It would be nice to get a weapon. '

It's a pity that the short sword obtained from the assassin has similar attack power to Kasaka's fangs, but there is no bonus effect.

What will this guy give?

Jin-Woo reached out his hand to the light emanating from the fallen knight.


[Props: Metal Gloves of Senior Knights]

Difficulty of getting started: B

Type: Armor

Physical Damage Reduction: +3%

Bonus effect: Prevents hand injuries.

When the strength value is less than 80, the movement will become slower.

'Yo. '

Jin-Woo happily obtained the 'High Knight's Metal Gloves'.

Then put it on directly.

Like other props, metal gloves do not have any impact on the body, and it is easy to move your fingers.

'very good. '

Jin-Woo who twisted his fingers raised his head.

On the other side of the entrance, there is finally a space where the torch ends.

Closed inside is the door.

There are very few ultimate bosses with doors.

Naturally, I thought of the double dungeon I went through not long ago.

There was no preparation at that time, so everyone suffered a great loss.

But now it's different.

Jin-Woo looked back at the road he had already traveled.

'Come here to kill almost six hours...'

The level is also up to level 45, and the equipment is also complete.

Already ready.

Although I have the idea of ​​resting to replenish my strength, but whenever I want to rest, monsters come to disturb me.

Can no longer attract monsters to consume stamina.

【HP: 4,511/8,330】

【MP: 660/790】

【Fatigue: 43】

Gotta use this to get the odds.

After checking the status for the last time, Jin-Woo tightened his grip on the handle of the city gate.

Squeak Ya Ya Ya Ya!

The bulky door was easily opened without knowing what was installed on it.

Chapter 48 Knight Leader Scarlet Yegrit


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