The door of the ultimate boss room is opened.

It was pitch black inside.

Even eyesight that has been raised to a certain level with perception points cannot see clearly.

All you can see is the soles of your feet.

The stone slabs on the ground are neatly arranged one by one.

Neat gray slates give an eerie feel.

clatter la la la

As soon as I stepped on the stone slab, countless torches hanging on the wall were lit to illuminate the inside.

'Sure enough, it's the same as in the double dungeon. '

Jin-Woo looked wary.

Looking around, he stepped forward step by step.

Huge pillars are arranged on the left and right, and a throne is placed in the deepest part.

'As if...'

Reminiscent of the king's worship hall in the movie.

The big ones.

After walking a few steps, I heard the sound of the door being closed.


Xiao Yu turned around and took a look, but he didn't panic.

Because this is what was expected.

Jin-Woo moved forward again.

'...felt a strong breath. '

A strong premonition told Xiao Yu that he must reach that throne in order to end the task of changing jobs.

And this premonition never missed.

However, from behind the pillar ten steps away, a shadow slowly stepped out and blocked Jin-Woo.

Step on, step on.

The guy who stopped turned around towards Jin-Woo.


Jin-Woo swallowed.

Seeing the red name on that guy's head, he fully understands that it is the ultimate boss here.

【Knight Leader Scarlet Jagrit】

A knight in red armor.

It is also armed with armor like other knights, but unlike them, the guy doesn't look dull.

The most conspicuous piece of equipment is the helmet.

The long red mane on the top of the helmet is like a horse's tail, which is very impressive.

Jin-Woo who observed the helmet also noticed a difference.

'It...has eyes?'

I don't know whether to say the eyes or the eyeballs.

No matter what, there is a silvery brilliance around the eyes.The two brilliance are as chilling as the ones exuded by machinery.

That cold gaze turned towards Jin-Woo.


'The guy exuding a strong breath turned out to be it...'

Maybe defeating this guy is the real purpose of the job change mission.

Since this is the case, we must be more cautious.

Xiao-Woo observed Yegrit's movements and placed his fists.

'Anyway, the short sword is useless. '

It takes an instant hit to defeat a knight.

strong power.


Yegrid, who silently stared at Jin-Woo, took off his red cloak suddenly.


The cloak fell to the ground.

'What is this for?'

That guy's action isn't over yet.

He also took off the long sword on his waist and the two short swords behind him and put them on the ground one by one.

One by one like to Jin-Woo.



The only sound in the quiet room was the clash of metal and stone.

Jagrit, who threw away all the weapons, also imitated Jin-Woo's clenched fists and a fighting posture.

Jin-Woo's eyes widened in surprise.

'Is that guy...'

Because I want to fight with bare hands, it also learns to fight with bare hands?

Jin-Woo bit his lip.

''s underestimating me. '

The monster's provocation didn't make Xiao-Woo impulsive.

The more impulsive you are, the more calm you must be.

Contrary to his excited heart, Jin-Woo's eyes became sharper.

'bring it on. '

Jagrit seemed to have read Xiao-Woo's heart, and it charged straight over.

Step, step, step, step!

It's hard to imagine running in armor.

'Only when the strength value is less than [-] is the speed affected by the armor. '

It means that the guy's strength value is at least [-] or more!

Looking at his movements, his agility does not lag behind that of senior hunters.

Jagrit, who was so close, jumped in front of Jin-Woo.


The guy who jumped into the air aimed his knee at Jin-Woo's face.

'So fast!'

But Jin-Woo who entered the fighting state is also in the accelerated state.Jin-Woo, who leaned his body almost ninety degrees, dodged Yegrit's attack.

Jin-Woo regained his posture.

Unlike other knights who had to rush several steps forward before they could stop, Jagrit stopped immediately.


No time to marvel at its perfect movement.

Jin-Woo ran quickly, and kicked that guy's face hard before Yegrit could turn around.

But it also correctly blocks attacks in unstable stances.


Yegrit completely blocked Jin-Woo's left kick with his right hand.

'how is this possible!'

Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

With one foot tied, Jagrit's fist hit him head-on.

woo hoo

Jin-Woo instinctively used his arms to defend, but the impact could not be eased.


The defense was released and the body bounced back.


Jin-Woo made a sound in shock.

But it's about to turn into a moan.


In an instant, Jagrit came in front of Jin-Woo.

Before he was ready, Jagrit's left fist flew towards Jin-Woo's cheek.

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