The two gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

The two walked together on the campus, and they were a perfect match, the girl was beautiful and the boy was handsome.

But as they walked along, no one spoke first.

"Okay, let's do it here!"

Satsuki, who was walking beside Bai Feng with her head down, didn't know what she was thinking.

She was startled when she suddenly heard Bai Feng talking, and it also brought her back to her thoughts.

"Ah? Oh, okay."

Bai Feng looked at the other party. In fact, he had already guessed the other party's identity before Satsuki introduced himself.

After all, Satsuki Momoi's pink hair was quite recognizable.

And the other party's bomb-like figure, combined with the fact that they were in Teikō Junior High, must be Satsuki Momoi.

Bai Feng saw that she didn't speak, and didn't be polite to her.

He asked directly: "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about."

"Besides, we don't seem to know each other."

"That... Don't think too much, I just came to get to know you." Satsuki was a little flustered and pursed her lips.

She was usually very lively and outgoing, but what happened? She was a little restrained in front of Bai Feng.

Bai Feng's direct question made her confused and completely disrupted her plan.

She was so cute, why was the other party not gentle? It was completely different from what she imagined in her mind!

Bai Feng ignored the other party's embarrassment and continued: "I know you are the manager of Teikō Basketball Club, and you are also responsible for intelligence gathering."

As if thinking of something, Bai Feng's mouth curled up a little, with a hint of playfulness. "You came to me to make up for the loss of intelligence?"

Bai Feng knew that the other party, as a professional intelligence collector, did not show up during the game just now.

As the owner of Beyond Vision, he was very sure that he was not wrong.

The reason for not showing up was also easy to guess, that is, the strength of their own side was too weak, and in Satsuki's eyes, they were not even qualified to collect intelligence.

But now she hurried over to find Bai Feng again, obviously knowing some details on the court.

Satsuki had her own little calculations and wanted to proceed step by step.

As a result, seeing Bai Feng being so direct, she couldn't continue to play it safe.

Satsuki, who adjusted her state and regained her composure, said: "I just went to see Kise, and he said that you are very strong."

"The opponent who can be praised by Kise must have reached an unimaginable level of strength."

"So, for a player like you, I will definitely come to see it!"

"Besides, you also said that I am an intelligence collector."


Bai Feng: "Okay, let's get straight to the point. If we want to collect intelligence, it is obviously not possible today."

"Don't tell me that you can find out all my details just by talking."

Seeing that she was still talking, Bai Feng interrupted directly.

Satsuki also revealed her intention directly: "Players of your level must want to find a strong enough opponent to compete with!"

"I know the thoughts of geniuses like you very well. I can recommend an opponent to you."

" Aomine Daiki!"

"You should have heard of him, how about? Let him be your opponent, and you two will play 1V1."

Bai Feng listened to Satsuki's words calmly, and he already knew the other party's intention.

This little girl is very smart, and as expected, the other party has two plans.

First, it is to use the one-on-one match with Aomine Daiki to carefully observe his strength.

Second, it should be a bet on Bai Feng's strength. If Bai Feng is really that strong, it can stimulate Aomine Daiki's motivation.

Let her regain her interest in basketball.

Bai Feng knows this girl very well. In the original book, she is very close to Aomine, and the two are childhood sweethearts.

She even went to the same school as Aomine in high school.

In this way, the other party's real purpose may only be to stimulate Aomine, and collecting intelligence is secondary.

Really gentle and delicate!

Bai Feng had the intention of teasing the other party, and said with an expression of approval: "You are right, if there is a high-level opponent, it is very good."

"I do want to compete with masters, but..."

Satsuki heard this and smiled. She felt that Bai Feng was going to agree with her.

Who said Aomine Daiki's name is so famous? A player with Bai Feng's strength, how could he resist the temptation to play against Aomine?

Before she could fully smile.

Bai Feng said again: "But, I really don't have time today. My teammates are waiting for me to have dinner together." After that, Bai Feng waved his hand and prepared to turn around and return to the team. Seeing this, Satsuki hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, it won't take long." "A one-on-one duel is very quick, just over ten minutes." "If possible, I will go find Ah Da now." It can be seen that this girl is very anxious, and the weapon is waving around in anxiety. Even Bai Feng, who is of such a temperament, can't help but look at her twice. Bai Feng didn't want to waste time with her, so he simply said: "If you want to play with me, you can, let him come to Jianguang to find me." "As a challenger!" "You can pass this sentence to him, forget it today." After that, Bai Feng waved his hand and left. This time, Satsuki didn't give her the opportunity to continue to pull, and Satsuki was embarrassed to continue to pester her. After all, the other party did have something to do, and he had just finished the game. If she was dragged to a one-on-one duel with Aomine now, it would be taking advantage of someone's misfortune. The most important thing is that she still has to find Aomine Daiki. After Satsuki realized what she did, she felt that she was wrong. She could only watch Bai Feng leave, with a strange look in her eyes.



Bai Feng, who returned to the team, saw a group of gossiping faces as expected.

"Ah Feng, what's going on!"

"Hurry up and share with everyone."

"What's your relationship with that girl?" Everyone was talking.

Bai Feng quickly stopped them: "Stop, stop, stop, be quiet, haven't you seen a girl before?"

"I came here with a purpose, and my body was almost cheated away."


"Tell me quickly."


The bus was full of laughter and went straight to the hotel.

The coach took everyone to find a Chinese restaurant, and everyone was very satisfied with the food.

The only one who was dissatisfied was probably Coach Ham.

Dahe: "Eh? Coach, why are you so dark? It's almost seven, it's cold."

Coach: "Eat yours!"

After the dinner, because the restaurant was very close to Bai Feng's home, he said goodbye to everyone and went home alone.



Back home, in a quiet environment, Bai Feng couldn't help but: "Check the rewards in the system!"


[Task completed! ]

[Reward: One draw. ]

"Start drawing!"

With a command, a large turntable appeared in front of him and began to rotate from slow to fast.

During this period, Bai Feng saw a lot of strange things.

For example: growth potions, buffs, character skills, etc.

What excited Bai Feng the most was that he saw Shishi Rin, Shishi Sae, and many blue-locked strongmen.

But the pointer of the roulette wheel slid over without exception.

"What the hell, you can only look at it but not touch it." Rogue behavior, ugh!

Finally, the pointer stopped.

[The ability of the character drawn: Kunishin Renjie-confrontation core. ]

[Ability introduction: When in physical contact with the opponent, you can keep your core stable to the greatest extent, so that your technical moves on the court will be more calm. ]


PS: Thank you for your support! The author is a part-time writer, so the update is a little late, but I will try to update more often.

There is also the issue of the heroine. I am considering whether to write Satsuki as the heroine. Let's wait and see.

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