The reward was finally confirmed, and it was another character from the Blue Prison, Kunishin Renjie.

To be honest, when Bai Feng drew Kunishin, he was not very satisfied.

After all, there were so many good things on the turntable, why did he draw this?

Although Bai Feng had watched the anime Blue Prison in his previous life, he did not continue to follow the comic plot.

He only remembered that the character Kunishin was eliminated. In this case, it is no wonder that Bai Feng subconsciously thought that Kunishin was not good.

After all, in Bai Feng's cognition, a character who left the main plot early in the anime, how powerful can he be.

If possible, Bai Feng actually wanted to draw Itoshi Rin the most.

First, he is very powerful, and second, he feels that he really lacks the ability to end.

If he can draw Itoshi Rin, Bai Feng thinks there is a high probability that he will get offensive skills.

But just when Bai Feng was about to sigh, the system promptly displayed the ability information of Kunishin Renjie.

[Kunishi Renjie - Confrontation Core. 】

【Ability introduction: When you have physical contact with your opponent, you can keep your core stable to the greatest extent, so that you can perform technical moves on the court more calmly. 】

After seeing the ability introduction, Bai Feng paused for a moment to think, and then showed a look of joy.

"Oh, I was preconceived, wrong, wrong."

Increasing the stability of the core of confrontation is a very important ability.

It is far from being able to explain its true importance in a short introduction of the system.

You must know that core strength is very important for athletes, and it may even affect the fluency of technical movements.

Especially in confrontational sports such as basketball, if you don’t have a strong core strength, you will be trampled on the court.

Imagine that you are about to break through someone on the court, and suddenly you are touched by the opponent.

As a result, your lower body is unstable and you stumble and fall directly! How sad it is.

On the contrary, if the core confrontation is good, you will not be afraid of the opponent's body collision.

Even under extreme conditions, there is no need to completely get rid of the defender, and it is no problem to carry the opponent directly.

And this skill is exactly what Bai Feng urgently needs, although he has 86 points of strength attribute.

It is also considered excellent among peers, but that is the data calculated by adding up the comprehensive strength.

When Bai Feng was playing, he could clearly feel that his core strength was insufficient.

This is actually normal. After all, Bai Feng is 191cm tall, and the center of gravity of such a tall body is relatively unstable.

Especially in the growth period, it has not yet been finalized, and the growth of strength cannot exceed the growth of height.

Although he did not get what he wanted most in this system lottery, it can be regarded as making up for his own shortcomings.

"Very good!" Bai Feng summed up his own strength, and he felt that he had made a lot of progress.

Some can't wait to go to the court to test it and see how much he has changed.

Bai Feng went to the bedroom to find a basketball and was about to go to the nearby wild court.



When he walked to the door, suddenly.

The door was pushed open and two women walked in.

It was Bai Feng's cousin Zhu Sha who opened the door. She was dressed in casual clothes and had a delicate face.

Bai Feng had never seen the girl following behind his cousin.

The other party wore glasses, a professional suit, and had a tall figure.

He was holding a pen and paper in his arms, a typical urban white-collar worker.

But the A4-sized paper in front of his chest could not block the pair of weapons, and his figure was a bit foul.

Bai Feng took a quick glance and looked away: "You came back early today."

Bai Feng currently lives with his cousin. His parents cannot take care of Bai Feng because of work.

They were worried about letting Bai Feng live alone, so they handed him over to Zhu Sha.

"Yes, I'm not busy today, and I brought a friend back." The cousin must be in a good mood at this time, and she was a little playful when she spoke.

While the two were talking, they didn't notice that the girl the cousin brought back at this time was looking at Bai Feng and the others in surprise.

As if she had discovered something incredible, the gossip in her heart had overflowed on her face.

Who is this handsome guy, and he is so young, Zhu Sha is having too much fun!

"Sha, who is this?"

After hearing her friend's words, Zhu Sha also saw the curious look on the other person's face.

After looking at her friend meaningfully, she didn't keep her appetite.

Zhu Sha: "Let me introduce you, this is my cousin Bai Feng, who is currently living with me."

"How about it, handsome!"

She didn't care whether her words were appropriate or not. When Bai Feng heard the word cohabitation, his eyes trembled slightly.

But Bai Feng is used to it. After all, his cousin is so generous and a little naughty.

Her friend looked surprised when she heard it.

Zhu Sha did not continue to joke and explained to the other party.

She introduced the other party to Bai Feng. This generous lady is her cousin's college classmate, named Linchun Youzi.

She is currently working in sports media.

The two have not seen each other for a long time. Today, they agreed to reminisce at home.

After chatting with the two for a while, Bai Feng prepared to go to the baseball field.

After all, he just wanted to play basketball now, even if there was a generous and tolerant big sister in front of him, he could not stop him.

When Bai Feng left, as expected, the topic of the two girls shifted to Bai Feng.

Linchun Youzi showed her true appearance at this time, which was completely different from the quietness just now.

"Damn it~ Sha-chan, you actually have a beautiful woman in a golden house." Full of jealousy.

Zhu Sha: "Hehe, how envious?"

"Just ask if you are handsome."

Youzi looked at her proud face and felt a little depressed, although she didn't want to admit it to the other party.

But thinking of Bai Feng's handsome face and his calm temperament that didn't match his age.

She couldn't say anything against her will and nodded in agreement.

Zhu Sha suddenly thought of something, her eyes flashed: "By the way, Yuko, you are now working in the youth sports media, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I forgot to tell you that my brother also plays basketball now."

"And I heard that he is the ace of the school team."

"You can just go for an interview. You probably don't have any resources when you just started working."

"How is it?"



Bai Feng came to the baseball field near his home with a basketball.

At this time, people are free.

There are a lot of people playing basketball and spectators, and it looks very lively from a distance.

"Huh? Look, everyone, Bai Feng is here!"


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