Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 12: The Stadium Is Lively, The Challenger

Bai Feng was heading towards the court where he usually played basketball.

He ran into a group of people holding balls, and they were walking in the direction of leaving.

Bai Feng was still a little confused. This group of people holding balls were obviously here for exercise.

But there were no signs of exercise on their bodies, and they didn't look like they were in a hurry to leave.

Bai Feng ignored them and continued walking, but then he heard someone in the group recognize him.

"Huh? Look, Bai Feng is here!"

After hearing Bai Feng's name, everyone looked in the direction the speaker pointed.

"It's Bai Feng, damn, he's finally here."

"Yes, yes!"

After confirming that the person coming was Bai Feng, everyone was extremely happy.

Bai Feng, who was recognized, did not pretend to be cold. Since others were so enthusiastic, he was embarrassed to turn around and leave.

And Bai Feng also knew his influence on this court, thinking back to the two months when he just awakened his memory.

He came here to train almost every day and play basketball with the adults here.

Relying on his own strength, in just two months, he not only became the boss of this stadium, but also made a name for himself.

Not only that, many nearby baseball stadiums have heard of him, and he has become famous.

Bai Feng stopped and prepared to say hello to this group of people.

But before he could speak, the young man who first discovered Bai Feng just now.

He hurriedly said: "Brother Feng, you are finally here."

"You don't know, something big happened in our stadium today!"

The other party's anxious look made Bai Feng a little confused.

"There is a challenge from an outsider in the stadium today."

Bai Feng: "So? Then accept the challenge, don't be so anxious."

Bai Feng felt that the other party looked a little familiar, and he should come here often to play.

Seeing that he was a little flushed, Bai Feng reminded him slowly.

"Hey, Brother Feng, let's go to the stadium first."



Bai Feng came to the venue with the most people, which is where he usually plays and trains.

Because of Bai Feng, this half court has become the most popular place in this baseball stadium.

When Bai Feng was not here, this place was almost the most crowded.

However, there were too many onlookers in this field at this time, and they surrounded the court in a circle. Everyone was watching the confrontation in the court intently.

In this case, if you are short, you can't see the situation inside from the outside.

You can only clearly hear the explicit shouting inside, which is why more people around are attracted.

"Well played, just like this!"

"So weak, I thought you were so strong."

"What a waste of our time, is this the extent? Are there any men?"

"I'm a little tired, are you playing a round-robin game?"

Bai Feng relied on his height and stood behind the crowd to see what was happening in the field.

One side was obviously in a dominant position, and the other side was sprayed without saying a word.

And Bai Feng happened to know all the people in the sprayed team.

The three big brothers often played in this court and took care of Bai Feng before.

Bai Feng frowned when he saw this. The gunpowder smell of this ball was a bit strong!

The two teams competed in a 3V3 match. If they followed the rules here, they should have played a 21-point system.

"Bang!" Loud block.

An old man Bai Feng knew was thrown down and blocked.

And the opponent did not stop after blocking, and directly pressed his body on him.

The old man was beaten to the ground, and the sound of landing was very loud, and the people who heard it were rubbing their teeth.

This scene was a bit cruel, but I have to admire the old man. He fell so hard, but he gritted his teeth and got up to continue.

However, the gap in strength is huge, and sometimes it is not the will that can change the outcome.

21:4, the old man's side was defeated!

"These guys are really good."

"Yes, but some of them are too loud."

"What do you know? Why play without passion? This is called the strong are right."

"Yes, if you don't accept it, beat them."


The audience around obviously didn't come to watch the game often. Most of them were attracted to watch.

Otherwise, how could they not defend their own people at all? It's just that what they said makes some sense.

In competitive sports, the strong win, don't mess with the others.

You can be infinitely arrogant if you win!

The group that won the game was still standing in the middle of the field.

They kept shouting: "Is there anyone else?"

"Hurry up! Come here for the reputation, but the result is this level."

"What a waste of time, where is your so-called king of ball? Are you afraid of us and dare not come out?"

People who often play in this field are very angry when they hear that the other side is so wild in their own home.

But what can they do? They have all gone up and were beaten one by one.

They are indeed stronger than them, and no matter how much they say at this time, it will be pale.

"Damn it, it would be great if A Feng was here!"

"Who of you has A Feng's contact information, find him quickly."

"Hey, Bai Feng went to play a game with Teikō today, he shouldn't come."

When everyone was whispering about how to carry Bai Feng out.

They saw a figure who was obviously taller than everyone else in the crowd in front!

It was Bai Feng.

The moment they found Bai Feng, everyone's expression was almost uncontrollable, like a child who had been away from home for a long time seeing his father!

"Fuck, you are finally here!"

"Get out of the way, let Feng in!"

Everyone stood up and tried to clear the way for Bai Feng.



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