Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 16: Training And Looking To The Future

The crowd of onlookers, after a brief silence.

Became noisy again, this kind of scene is really rare.

Everyone couldn't control their desire to express themselves at this time, and it can be seen that they were very excited.

Unlike them, Bai Feng has now regained his composure.

Looking at the other party who woke up, he was still muttering cowardly words.

He looked like he had sequelae from being beaten, and his cowardly expression made it impossible to tell that he was fierce just now.

The contrast between before and after was too great, and Bai Feng was speechless.

The other party's current appearance really made him lose interest.

Bai Feng murmured to himself: "It's like this again, it's always dull and boring after the passion."

Bai Feng is a person who pursues excitement. When the opponent shows aggressiveness, he often responds with a warm response.

But every time the passion fades and returns to calm, that feeling is really uncomfortable.

When the two teammates of the opponent came forward to observe the injury just now.

Bai Feng even hoped that the other party would fight with him, so that he could continue the pleasure.

But the other party, from the beginning to the end, was hiding as far away as possible from the plague god, and even deliberately avoided eye contact with Bai Feng.

Just like a mouse seeing a cat, he was extremely scared.

After a while, the other party hurriedly left, as if he was running away, fearing that Bai Feng would stop them.

After the other party left, everyone who knew Bai Feng came forward to talk to him.

Everyone was very happy, but also a little scared.

"A Feng, it has to be you. It was really dangerous just now. If it was someone else, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Yeah, why do I feel that your strength has improved again."

Bai Feng: "Haha, don't praise me, old brothers, you also know that I change every day."


They felt right, Bai Feng's strength has indeed improved greatly.

His purpose of coming to the baseball field today has been achieved, and Bai Feng is very satisfied with the test results.

It even greatly exceeded his expectations. After the skill [Core Confrontation] was turned on, the stability of the body was greatly improved.

He didn't dare to confront these adults before, and he used his body too much.

But now it's different. He is not afraid of these adults at all.

Bai Feng couldn't think of anyone who could compete with a core player of this level in junior high school.

Perhaps only Atsushi Murasakibara in the "Miracle Era" could do it. After all, his physical fitness was unique among the "Miracle".

Everyone started chatting.

The crowd could see that they would not continue playing.

There was no fun to watch, so most people left one after another.

However, many people shouted to Bai Feng before leaving: "Good job, come on!"

"Remember you, come on in the national competition."

"Yes, we will go to see you."


Bai Feng smiled when he heard this. With the blessing of his handsome face, Bai Feng's affinity was overwhelming.

He didn't look crazy on the court just now. Many girls couldn't control themselves.

At this time, Bai Feng would be praised by anyone who came!



After the audience left, he didn't plan to go home.

Bai Feng was holding a basketball when he went out. He had originally planned to train.

Since we are at the court, let's finish the content that we haven't trained today.

After saying goodbye to the old guys around him, they all left one after another, leaving this half court to Bai Feng.

Some went home, and some went to another court to continue playing.

In the past two months, Bai Feng conquered this place with his own strength.

This half court has also become his exclusive land. Usually when Bai Feng is not here, everyone plays here.

After Bai Feng came, they would tacitly move his position for him to train.

The content of his training is shooting. Three-pointers, mid-range shots, lobs, all kinds of shots, all need to be trained.

Bai Feng's shooting is definitely better than most junior high school students at present.

However, compared with other points of himself, it is still not excellent.

Moreover, the people Bai Feng compared with were not most junior high school players.

But the group of perverts in the "Miracle Era", and he even wanted to expand his horizons.

This world is real. Although he has only awakened his memory for a short time, according to the time travel, he has lived here for more than ten years.

After awakening his memory, he also inherited the life experience of more than ten years.

This experience tells him all the time that everything is real.

Bai Feng was a basketball fan in his previous life. He certainly knew that the place that symbolizes the highest hall of basketball in the world is the NBA!

Naturally, when he traveled to the black and blue world, he also thought of the NBA.

After searching, as expected, the highest hall of basketball in this world is also there!

Bai Feng still remembers that when he finished watching the NBA game video.

He was speechless for a long time, because Bai Feng didn't know how to describe that scene at all.

If you have to say it, you can't understand it, you can't understand it at all.

But Bai Feng knows that the reason why he can't understand it may be because the other party can enter some special realms.

Bai Feng knows that there is a Zone here, which has the ability to greatly improve the state.

So he didn't continue to delve into that mysterious thing.

And Bai Feng feels that with his own talent and the blessing of the system, one day he will get a glimpse of the scenery on the top of the mountain in this world.



After training for almost two hours, it finally ended.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the lights on the court were on, and the surroundings were still clear.

Bai Feng, sitting under the basketball hoop, was breathing heavily.

"Hu! Hu!"

He was sweating all over, and his clothes were soaked.

He didn't sweat when he played basketball with that group of people just now.

Now he is training by himself, but he is in this state.

But this is normal for Bai Feng, he is extremely strict with himself.

He will do his best to achieve perfection in every training.

If it weren't for this mentality, he wouldn't have improved his strength to this level in just two months, even if he had the buff.

Bai Feng sat quietly for a while and restored his breath to a stable state.

At this time, it was late, and there were almost no people on the court.

Feeling the quiet environment around him, Bai Feng closed his eyes quietly, and he recalled all kinds of past lives.

Grudges, regrets, unwillingness, all kinds of ups and downs came to his mind.

At this time, a breeze blew.

The cool feeling made Bai Feng calm, and he opened his eyes.

"The past is gone, let's focus on the future."

"This time, I want to take it all!"

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