Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 17: Teammates Return To The National Competition!

After Bai Feng recovered his strength, he did not stay on the court any longer.

He packed up briefly and prepared to go home.

This place was not far from his home, and Bai Feng came back almost ten minutes later.

He did not use the key to open the door himself because he knew someone was at home.

And there were two girls, and they were together, so it was not certain what they were doing.

Bai Feng suddenly broke into the door, and if he saw something, both parties would be embarrassed.

It was inappropriate to open the door by himself after all. Bai Feng was very normal except when he was drunk.

Even things that most people could not do well, Bai Feng could do.

This calmness that did not match his age also made Bai Feng's temperament unique.

"Bang bang bang!"

Bai Feng knocked on the door, and soon, his cousin opened the door.

After seeing that it was Bai Feng, she opened the door and let Bai Feng in.

Seeing that Bai Feng was sweaty, she did not dislike him.

His cousin pouted: "Didn't you take the key? Why are you knocking on the door?"

Bai Feng: "Well, aren't you afraid that someone is at home?"

After Bai Feng entered the door, he found that his cousin's friend had left, so he said directly.

Cousin: "Hey, I didn't realize my brother is so attentive!"

"Not bad, not bad."

Seeing her naughty, Bai Feng ignored her and went to the bathroom to wash his body.

Seeing Bai Feng was about to leave, cousin: "Oh, what a coincidence, Yuko just left not long ago, she is very interested in you!"

"And I told her that you play basketball, and her eyes lit up."

"You don't know, her expression, it's so hungry!"

"Tsk tsk~"

The cousin's ability to sell out teammates is really top-notch, Bai Feng is also speechless.

Let her continue to make trouble, maybe she will continue to say something fierce.

Just when she was about to stop her, she saw the cousin's face full of curiosity.

Asked: "How is it, is it great?"

Bai Feng was completely speechless, after looking at the other party's mediocre.

"Well, better than someone!"

Seeing Bai Feng's response, the cousin was obviously stunned.

After a moment, she reacted: "Ah! You damn Bai Feng, stop right there." Ignoring him, Bai Feng had already entered the bathroom and closed the door when she was stunned. While washing, Bai Feng was also distracted by his cousin's words. Thinking of the foul-making figure of Nemaki Yuko, the other party's thick and full of capital was simply rare. Bai Feng estimated that he couldn't control it with one hand at present, well... he still had to grow up a little. ... After washing, the two did not continue to play. The next day, everyone had their own things to do. The cousin went to work, and Bai Feng had to go to school and basketball team training. There was no conversation all night, and he spent a peaceful and fulfilling day, which made him sleep well. When Bai Feng woke up, his cousin had already gone out and prepared breakfast for him and put it on the table. That's the good thing about his cousin, she knows how to take care of people. After washing, Bai Feng admired his handsome face and finished his breakfast. He rode his bicycle to school. Jianguang Middle School, a not-so-famous school.

Whether it is in terms of study or sports, he is mediocre in all aspects.

The reason why he came here to study is that it is close to home.

Moreover, Bai Feng's academic performance has always been very good, and he is not picky about schools at all.

He doesn't even need to listen much in class. He can master all the knowledge points by reading the book privately.

To put it bluntly, Bai Feng doesn't need to make a fuss about these things in junior high school.

Bai Feng almost slept for a whole day. His behavior was turned a blind eye by the teachers. They didn't want to care at all. As long as the grades were good, it was fine.

Bai Feng's unique approach also made girls of this age group curious.

They like this, especially Bai Feng is so handsome.

In addition to the blessing of the sports student BUFF, I don't know how many girls secretly talked about him behind his back.

What's more, some people regard Bai Feng as the object of that.

After the last class, Bai Feng got up and prepared to go to the basketball department.

After he left the classroom, the girls couldn't control their long-suppressed emotions.

"Ah! No matter how many times I see you, Feng Jun is still so charming."

"Yeah, he looks handsome again."


When the boys in the class saw this, they didn't react. They were used to it.



When Bai Feng arrived at the basketball hall, he could already hear the noise inside. He was not the first to arrive.

After entering, he saw a group of players gathered together.

Everyone said this to one of the boys, and they all looked very happy.

Da He: "Fuck, you don't know how we beat Teikō yesterday."

"Miracle Era knows, right? Kise Ryōta knows?"

"Brother, just do it! Just dunk!"

Da He was beaming with joy and boasting to a boy who was taller than him.

Bai Feng didn't notice it at all. Bai Feng walked behind him and watched him boast quietly.

The players also noticed Bai Feng's arrival at this time, but they didn't remind Da He. Everyone was holding back their laughter.

Da He saw that everyone was not in a good state, and he also reacted and looked behind him quickly.

Da He scratched his head awkwardly: "Ah...A Feng, when did you come, hehe!"

Bai Feng: "It seems that you need some stimulation. I've decided. Just follow me to train."

"When the time comes, you might really be able to dunk over the Miracle Era!"

Bai Feng ignored Da He's embarrassment, and then looked at the boy that everyone had just surrounded.

The other party was taller than Da He, and was also the tallest among all the people present. It was estimated to be two meters tall.

At this time, the other party walked in front of Bai Feng: "Captain, Shota Shingo has returned to the team!"

"Well, not bad, it's good to be back."

Bai Feng looked at the person in front of him and was very happy in his heart. The other party was actually the real center of the Jianguang team.

And Da He played as a power forward. The reason why Da He replaced the other party.

That was because of Shota's injury. This time he returned, it seemed that he had fully recovered.

Shota had actually been recovering from his injury for a long time. He had been resting since last semester.

At that time, Bai Feng had not awakened his memory and had always been a little transparent in the team.

But although Shota could not train, he had always been paying attention to the situation of the basketball team, and he also witnessed Bai Feng's rise all the way.

He was truly convinced by Bai Feng, and sincerely believed that only under Bai Feng's leadership could they have the chance to touch the national competition floor they had always dreamed of.

They didn't chat for long before Coach Ham came.

He was holding a piece of information in his hand.

After everyone gathered.

The coach said: "Everyone, the national competition preliminaries are about to start!"


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