After the coach finished speaking, the players were excited and nervous.

The reason for nervousness is understandable. After all, for these basketball students, this kind of competition is almost the highest standard.

No junior high school student does not want to appear in the national competition.

Their performance in previous years was very bad. The best record they had ever had was only the second round of the division.

If their strength was still the same as before, they would not have been looking forward to it at this time.

But now is different from the past. The appearance of Bai Feng has rekindled their confidence in impacting the whole country.

Especially after winning Teikō Junior High, which made them more confident.

Seeing that the players are so positive, the coach did not keep them in suspense.

He took out the information in his hand and explained it to everyone.

"The draw date for the divisional qualifiers is next Monday, and the competition will start the next day."

"The four major regions in the country will be eliminated separately."

"Finally, each region will decide 8 teams and meet in the national competition!"

The coach looked at the information in his hand and explained the process of this competition to everyone.

The rules of the preliminaries this time are the same as in previous years. The four regions of Japan will compete for the top eight in their respective places.

The four regions are Kanto, Kansai, Nagoya, and Hokkaido.

Bai Feng and his team happened to be in Tokyo in the Kanto region, which is also the place with the most brutal competition.

Most of the strong schools in the Japanese junior high school world are gathered here.

In this way, it is understandable that Jianguang could not qualify in previous years.

Bai Feng felt that if the former teammates were placed in Nagoya or Hokkaido, the chances of qualifying would be much greater.

Retracting his thoughts, the coach had finished explaining at this time.

Everyone present was very familiar with these processes, although they did not know the process after entering the national competition.

But for the regional preliminaries, it was very clear, after all, everyone's entire junior high school career stopped here.

It can be said that Jianguang Middle School is a qualified gatekeeper, a pure novice monster, leveling up for others.

And the most amazing thing is that in the previous knockout rounds, the opponents entered the top eight without any surprises after defeating them Jianguang.

This also caused some strange rumors about Jianguang Middle School in the junior high school basketball world.

The coach left after he finished speaking. The game was about to start. As a coach, he also had a lot of things to prepare, such as collecting intelligence on potential opponents.

Although he was not good in terms of ability, his attitude was still impeccable.

After he left, Bai Feng also led the team to start training.

Everyone did not calm down, and they were all excited by the upcoming competition.

Especially some junior players in the team were very excited at this time.

"Do you think we can qualify this time?"

"I don't know... The competition in our Kanto region is very fierce."

"What are you talking about? Do you think it's the same as before?"

"Yes, yes, now with Senior Bai Feng here, we can definitely do it!"


When everyone talked about Bai Feng, they couldn't help but focus on the figure leading the team in front.

That tall and thick body exuded a calm temperament inexplicably.

In the eyes of this group of junior players, an inexplicable sense of security rose in their hearts.

Bai Feng heard the noise behind him, turned around and said sternly: "Okay, concentrate on training!"

After hearing Bai Feng's words, everyone shut up.

Bai Feng treated them very gently in private and could joke with them.

But he would be very strict during training. If they didn't obey, there would be consequences waiting for them.

Everyone knew this, and then they shut up and started training.



At the same time, Teikō Junior High.

Everyone in the first team also learned about the preliminaries.

Except Aomine Daiki, everyone in the Age of Miracles gathered together at this time.

Each of them showed their characteristics on their heads, with distinctive and unique styles.

People who didn't know thought they were a group of bad guys, gathering to make trouble!

The stadium was very quiet, and no one in the Age of Miracles spoke, suddenly.

"Crack! Crack!"

The quiet atmosphere was broken by a sound.

Everyone looked back and saw that it was Atsushi Murasakibara who made the sound. His figure was two meters away, standing behind and eating potato chips.

Akashi looked at Murasakibara with his eyes blank, as if he had no emotion.

Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was self-evident.

Murasakibara paused for two seconds after seeing this, and just curled his lips without saying anything.

At the same time, he also stopped the action of his hands.

Akashi Seijuro's strength can be seen.

Seeing this, Kise recalled that Akashi also looked at him like this after learning that he had lost the game.

At that time, Kise even felt that the other party would suddenly take out a pair of scissors and hit him.

Kise knew that Akashi had a little habit and liked to hide a pair of scissors with him.

Just when Kise was racking his brains to think of a solution, Akashi left directly.

But Kise knew that this matter was not over.

The scene returned to that weird atmosphere again.

Not long after, Satsuki also came, and she broke the situation on the scene.

Satsuki: "Oh, everyone is here."

After greeting with a smile, she looked around and said: "Isn't A-Da here again? This guy is really..."

Everyone originally thought that Satsuki's arrival would break the atmosphere.

In the end, they talked about Aomine Daiki directly. Didn't they see Akashi next to them?

Although he is short, he shouldn't be invisible, right? It's not that Akashi has less presence than Kuroko.

Kise was speechless in his heart: 'Little Satsuki, your eyesight is not good! '

But Akashi's anger as everyone imagined did not happen.

Akashi: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether I come or not, as long as I can win the game!"

After saying that, he glanced at Kise Ryōta.



A few days passed quickly, and it was Monday, the day of the draw.

After everyone gathered, they got on the bus and rushed to the venue, Tokyo Yoyogi Gymnasium.

In the last few days of training, everyone adjusted their mental outlook to the best, and each one was full of vitality and confidence.

But when they got off the bus and entered the stadium, they saw that many teams were already seated.

The sudden arrival of Jianguang and his team made them all look back.

Being watched by so many eyes, Bai Feng's teammates were immediately shocked.

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