Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 34: No Blind Spots In The Whole Game

"Fuck, that's awesome!"

"A junior high school student is so strong."

"How many points has he scored?"

"It should be over 70!"


The gymnasium was full of spectators, reporters, and cheering teams.

They were all very excited because Bai Feng was so strong.

They had never seen such a brutal game. Bai Feng completely conquered them with his shots and shots.

Even the opponent's cheering team applauded Bai Feng.

Amid the noise that almost overturned the ceiling.

Bai Feng calmly pushed the ball forward before he crossed the half court.

Bai Feng activated the [King's Domain], and in an instant, the hit rates at different positions appeared in front of his eyes.

80%, 88%, 90%... Data appeared in Bai Feng's eyes, all very high.

This was also because the strength of Bai Feng's opponent in this game was too different from his.

Another reason was that the opponent's mentality had declined at this time.

Bai Feng found the highest one among many data.

Inside the three-point line, at the right side at a 45-degree angle, the data of 97% appeared.

Seeing this, Bai Feng did not hesitate and accelerated to the target position.

With his 90-point speed, he ate the defender alive without any surprise.

The next moment, Bai Feng came to the target point, and he jumped up and shot without hesitation.

The opponent's player also stepped forward to block, but it was impossible to block Bai Feng because his shooting point was too high.

However, the opponent's defense was not useless at all. While he was interfering with Bai Feng.

[King's Domain] The 97% displayed at his feet dropped to 95%.

However, such a change did not affect Bai Feng's goal at all.


The ball hit steadily and went into the net.

Bai Feng could no longer remember how many goals this was tonight. He had fallen in love with this feeling.

Before shooting, he knew whether he would score or not. This feeling was really amazing.

It actually gave Bai Feng a feeling of being in control, although he would have this mentality after the Transcendence Vision was opened.

However, [King's Domain] directly improves one's offensiveness, while [Beyond Vision] controls the rhythm of the entire court.

Both are very strong, but the feeling they bring to Bai Feng is still somewhat different.

Before Bai Feng got [King's Domain], he preferred to break through layups or dunks to complete his offense.

It's not because Bai Feng's shooting ability is poor. His three-pointer is 85 points, and his mid-range shot is 86 points.

Although it's not very good, it's definitely enough, and it's better than 90% of the players.

The reason why it's used less is because Bai Feng feels that dunking is more fun.

However, now there is a skill like [King's Domain] that can see the hit rate in advance.

This makes Bai Feng feel a sense of pleasure when shooting, even as good as the feeling dunking brings him.

Bai Feng was crazy in this game, with the sound of the basketball passing the net.

Bai Feng gradually got excited, and he rarely changed his playing style in this game.

He didn't pass the ball to his teammates, he just took the ball and shot it himself.

Seeing this, the teammates certainly had no objection. Anyway, their big brother played well, so what else could they say if they won without doing anything.

This is a good thing that many people wish for.

Look at the expressions of the opponents now. If they were given a Bai Feng, they would probably knock you on the spot.

"Beep!!" The game was finally over.

The opponents felt relieved after the end.

They finally didn't have to face Bai Feng, the ruthless scoring machine.

The full-time score was 190:40.

Exaggerated, the score was extremely exaggerated.

It even had some flavor of Teikō games.

The reporters in the stands had long forgotten how to describe their feelings.

They originally came to watch Bai Feng's game, and they had a comprehensive understanding of Bai Feng before coming.

They thought they knew Bai Feng well enough, and that Bai Feng was the kind of player who put team first, and was good at passing on teammates.

Although he was also very strong in attacking alone, he was more team-oriented in comparison.

But after just one game, their inherent impression of Bai Feng was completely changed.

"So, his shooting ability is so strong?"

"It's really too strong."

"Yes, there is something else about him that we don't know."

"He feels all-round, a player without any weaknesses, just like a hexagonal warrior."


On the other side of the stands, Satsuki also came to watch the game. She held a paper and a pen in her hand, but she didn't write anything on it at this time.

Because Satsuki really didn't know how to describe Bai Feng's situation, she could only add a new line on the paper.

That is, the five big words "no blind spots in the whole court".

Satsuki felt that these five words were enough to describe the information she got from Bai Feng today.

It was incredible that there was a player who could achieve "no blind spots in the whole court".

However, no matter how much Satsuki couldn't believe it, it really happened in front of her.

Too strong, no, it should be said that it was too mysterious.

Every time she saw Bai Feng again, the other party could bring her something new.

This made Satsuki a little obsessed. As a genius intelligence agent, she thought that no player could hide something under her continuous follow-up.

Even the perverts in the team could not do it, but Bai Feng was different.

She had never seen such a boy before, which made Satsuki a little obsessed.



After the game, Bai Feng was still savoring the feeling.

His data in this game was 88 points, 25 assists, 15 rebounds, 9 steals and 9 blocks.

Another shocking explosion data, Bai Feng could imagine.

The media's report on him the next day must be very strong.

And, if I remember correctly.

88 points is the highest score in this competition so far.

The original highest score was held by Aomine Daiki of Teikō, who scored 60+ points.

But more than 60 points is definitely not the limit of Aomine Daiki.

If Aomine is allowed to work hard, he can get more than 100 points in a game.

Thinking of Aomine's scoring explosiveness, Bai Feng couldn't help but imagine the scene of him and Aomine competing in scoring on the court.

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