Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 35: Winning Streak, Upcoming Encounter

Since the start of the national qualifiers, Bai Feng's teammates have been playing better and better.

Because their past results were so bad and they had no experience in major competitions.

So, almost every game was an improvement.

The players felt that they had gradually found their best form.

With this continuous improvement, time passed quickly.

At this time, three weeks had passed since the start of the qualifiers.

In these three weeks, Jianguang played a total of 9 games.

Of course, without any surprise, he won all of them.

However, what made Bai Feng unhappy was that there were no system tasks in the next few games.

This affected his improvement speed. Bai Feng originally thought.

If there was a task in every game, then when he met Teikō, he would have more cards to deal with.

But according to the current situation, if he met Teikō, it would be a tough battle.

Bai Feng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

There was no way. If those perverts of Teikō were taken out separately, Bai Feng would not be afraid.

But if all these people were added together, it would be a bit scary.

Bai Feng couldn't help but think about it.

It's better to prepare for a rainy day, but Bai Feng thought for a long time and couldn't come up with a solution.

"Forget it, we don't have to face each other now, it's not too late to talk about it when we meet."

Another week passed.

The game has now entered the second round, and Bai Feng and his team will play against each other later.

All of them are schools that have not lost, and the number is even smaller.

So now it is very likely to meet Teikō.

There is also an atmosphere of anticipation for the meeting between the two teams in the current media.

Everyone wants to watch the game between these two teams.

Of course, to put it more thoroughly, they want to watch the battle between Bai Feng and the "Miracle Era".

It has nothing to do with Bai Feng's teammates, they just play games to make up the numbers.

During this period, thanks to this group of media, Bai Feng has been reported vigorously.

All kinds of explosive news, exaggerated headlines, only you can't think of it, there is nothing that these media staff can't write.

It is also under this kind of strong report that Bai Feng's reputation in the junior high school basketball world is almost catching up with the "Miracle Era".

Bai Feng walked on the campus, and he was about to go to the basketball department.

It was the time for school to end.

There were many students in the school, and Bai Feng's appearance immediately made many girls unable to walk, and their eyes were staring at Bai Feng.

"Look, I see Bai Feng again."

"So handsome!"

"Why do I feel that Bai Feng has become more handsome after becoming famous!"


Bai Feng listened to the birds and flowers all the way and came to the basketball hall in a good mood.

Today, he was finally the first to arrive.

The court was empty, and Bai Feng did a simple warm-up.

He went to push a cart of basketballs and prepared to practice shooting.

During this period, Bai Feng put shooting training first.

This is all because of the skill [King's Domain]. When Bai Feng obtained this skill, his shooting talent was enhanced.

How could Bai Feng waste it?

After Bai Feng's training for several weeks, the effect was also very explosive.

The improvement speed is very fast.

"Open the panel."

[Name: Bai Feng]

Static talent:

[Height: 191cm→196cm]

[Wing span: 206cm→211cm]

Dynamic talent:

[Strength: 86→88]

[Speed: 90]

[Bounce: 86→87]

[Stamina: 90→92]

Basketball attributes:

【Three-pointer: 85→88】

【Mid-range shot: 86→90】

【Layup: 87→90】

【Dunk: 87→90】

【Pass: 90→92】

【Defense: 86→92】

【Rebound: 85→90】

Ability extraction:

【Beyond Vision, Confrontation Core, King Domain】

Bai Feng has made great progress during this period. With the blessing of shooting talent, Bai Feng has raised his mid-range shot to 90 points.

This is very scary, because after 90 points, it is a qualitative transformation.

In addition, Bai Feng's dynamic ability has also been greatly improved, but this improvement is closely related to his physical development.

With the help of [Development Potion], Bai Feng has grown 5cm in the same proportion compared to a month ago.

This change in external height also surprised his teammates and coaches.

But they can understand it, after all, junior high school students are in the best period of physical development.

Although it is rare to grow 5cm in a month, it is not uncommon.

Everyone was very happy when Bai Feng grew to 196cm, which meant that Bai Feng's strength had improved.

But there was a sad person in the team.

That was Dahe. His original height of 195cm was the second in the team, second only to Shota.

But now he was surpassed by Bai Feng, which made him a little unwilling.

But more importantly, Dahe had not grown for a long time.

He was a little jealous of Bai Feng's growth speed.

After learning about this kid's idea, Bai Feng also smiled and teased him: "The point guard will be handed over to you in the future, and I will play power forward."

But when it comes to point guard, Bai Feng is really a little abnormal now.

His height of 196cm, speed and coordination have not decreased.

This makes Bai Feng like an adult beating a child in the same position.

The opponent can't break through him, can't shoot in front of him, and even pass the ball depends on luck.

Because Bai Feng's defense area is too large, he can completely cover the opponent with one hand.

While Bai Feng was training and checking his own strength, his teammates also arrived.

Everyone started training under the leadership of Bai Feng. After a while, the coach came towards them with a serious look.

Coach: "Everyone, our first opponent in the second round is here."

After seeing the coach's serious look, the players had bad guesses in their hearts.

No way?

Before they could think about it, they heard the coach's heavy voice.

"Yes, it's Teikō Junior High!"

Although Bai Feng had thought about fighting with the opponent, he didn't expect to meet him so early.

This really caught him off guard, but since it has been confirmed.

Then Bai Feng is ready to fight.

However, although Bai Feng thought so, his teammates obviously didn't have such a strong mentality.

At this time, after the coach said that the opponent was Teikō, they all looked depressed and felt like a disaster was coming.

In fact, it's not their fault. After all, the games during this period have made them know more about Teikō.

The huge difference in points after each game of Teikō is even more outrageous than their Jianguang.

As Bai Feng's teammates, they are very clear about Bai Feng's strength.

When they thought that the other side had five players of Bai Feng's level, they were very flustered.

Many team members even whispered something.

Bai Feng frowned when he saw this.

But just when he was about to speak.

One of the many team members said: "Teikō is Teikō, what are you afraid of?"

As soon as this was said, the scene paused for a moment, and then someone else continued.

"Yes, we are also very strong."

"Yes, they have the Age of Miracles, and our senior Bai Feng is not bad either."

"What do you mean not bad, senior Bai Feng will definitely crush them!"


Seeing this, Bai Feng also smiled and shook his head. He was a little worried about the mentality of these people just now.

Unexpectedly, they adjusted so quickly.

Bai Feng felt that the winning streak during this period had made them make great progress.

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