Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 43: Leading, The Annoying Guy Is Gone

Kise did not react to Bai Feng's verbal provocation and the roar of the whole audience.

He still looked dazed.

Bai Feng saw Kise like this and shook his head.

Was the other party hit?

Bai Feng felt a little bored when he saw his expression.

If Kise really lost his will to resist, then what's the point of playing against him? It's too boring.

Sure enough, the more powerful the genius, the more fragile his essence is.

I always feel that if I work hard, I will be able to do anything naturally.

The higher the expectations, the more I can't accept the facts.

Bai Feng stopped looking at him and turned to look at Aomine Daiki.

The meaning is self-evident.

What are you waiting for? The yellow-haired man has been killed, it's your turn.

Come up and die, black-skinned man!

But what Bai Feng didn't expect was that Teikō didn't replace Kise and let him continue to play against him.

Is it because you can't bear to replace your teammates at this time?

But have you ever thought that Kise is no longer suitable to compete with Bai Feng.

The winner of this match between the two has long been decided.

Rather than letting him struggle, it is better to give him a quick death.

Do you have to let Kise have a shadow?



"Beep!" The first quarter ended.

The score showed 28:20.

Jianguang led. Yes, Bai Feng scored all 28 points in the whole match with Kise.

The opponent scored 20 points, but none of these 20 points were scored by Kise.

All of them were rushed shots because Bai Feng had no choice but to defend, and then Murasakibara made a tip-in.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, although Kise is not as good as Bai Feng now, he is indeed a player at the level of the "Miracle Era". Bai Feng cannot steal every ball from him.

In this case, as long as Kise can throw the ball out, no matter how outrageous it is.

Atsushi Murasakibara under the basket can turn decay into magic.

Damn, why don't they stick together? Basketball is still a sport for five people after all.

At this time, Bai Feng felt for the first time that teammates were so important.

However, if Bai Feng was given a chance to replace anyone in his team.

He wouldn't do it either. Compared with a strong alliance, Bai Feng still prefers the feeling of a lone hero.

Competitive sports are about facing challenges head-on!

At this time, both sides were about to leave the court for a rest.

Akashi Seijuro looked at Bai Feng, his scarlet eyes were cold as if there was no emotion.

After his eyes fell on Bai Feng, Bai Feng noticed it instantly, and then he looked back.

The two did not speak for a while, just when the atmosphere became more stagnant.

Akashi spoke, he said calmly: "The next quarter will start, and the game will end!"

Akashi is a little over 1.7 meters tall, but at this time he actually spoke with the momentum of 2.2 meters, as if he was looking down at Bai Feng.

Seeing this, Bai Feng not only did not feel looked down upon, but instead seemed to have found something fun.

Hey, don't say it, Bai Feng just likes this. If the other party is like Kise's last wimp, what's the point.

This is the attitude we want!

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked at Teikō and the others calmly.

Then his expression became arrogant, with the corners of his mouth raised, and he said: "Kill one first, and you have to think about who will come next."

"Otherwise, it will be like the first quarter, I promise!" After saying that, Bai Feng looked around at them, and then locked his eyes back on Akashi.

"Why don't you come? Let me see the strength of Captain Teikō."

After Bai Feng finished speaking, he pinched Akashi with his index finger and thumb, and the meaning was self-evident.

Bai Feng's arrogant attitude was not concealed at all, just telling the other side.

Whoever comes, it's the same.

I'll smash you one by one without distinction!

All this last night did not give Akashi a chance to respond, Bai Feng led his teammates off the court directly.

Hehe, it's so cool to run after pretending to be awesome.

Bai Feng was actually afraid that Akashi would suddenly take out the scissors, which would be bad.

He, Bai Feng, came to play basketball, not to teach children.



The audience at the scene did not expect that Bai Feng would not be at a disadvantage in the first quarter.

Instead, he carried the entire team forward alone, and this attitude impressed everyone.

Under countless pairs of burning eyes, Bai Feng returned to the rest area.

As soon as he sat down, his teammates brought him towels and water.

Bai Feng opened the water without saying a word and drank it with his head tilted back.

He consumed a lot, much more tired than Bai Feng imagined.

The opponent is worthy of being the miracle era. Even if he was suppressed by himself, he did it with great effort.

Therefore, Bai Feng consumed more physical strength at this time than in the past when he played the whole game.

The coach had never seen Bai Feng sweat so much in the first quarter.

'Ham' said with some concern: "A Feng, do you want to rest..."

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Coach, we are just warming up."

Really, no matter how tired we are, it's only the first quarter.

Teikō, everyone just left the court.

Aomine Daiki was the first to speak: "Okay, leave the second quarter to me."

Everyone didn't say anything after hearing this. Kise raised his head and looked at Aomine, then lowered it again.

Akashi narrowed his eyes, thinking of what Bai Feng said just now.

But after thinking about it, he didn't object to Aomine.



The second quarter began.

The whole court was boiling again, and both sides came on the court.

It was Teikō's turn to attack, and under Bai Feng's gaze, it was finally not Kise who controlled the ball.

This time it was Aomine Daiki's turn. After receiving the ball, Aomine's face was completely excited.

Aomine dribbled quickly across half court and came in front of Bai Feng.

He looked at Bai Feng, and his expression was finally out of control at this time, and the corners of his mouth were almost below his ears.

Aomine said excitedly: "Finally, the annoying guy is gone."

"Soon, I'll let you experience defeat!"


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