Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 44: Aomine's Speed, Opportunity For Evolution

It can be seen that Aomine Daiki has been holding back his emotions for a long time.

It is not just as simple as letting Kise play first in the first quarter.

Since the two had a one-on-one duel, Aomine has been looking forward to their meeting again.

Aomine has also carefully reviewed the reasons for the last defeat.

He believes that it was because he had not trained for a long time, and it was only because of the decline in physical fitness that he lost to Bai Feng.

Since then, Aomine has started to resume training.

However, he did not go to the Teikō Arena, which had changed, to train, but on the baseball field he was familiar with.

Bai Feng also faced Aomine's momentum at this time, and could clearly feel that the opponent was different from two months ago.

Now Aomine is more sharp and dangerous.

It feels to Bai Feng like a beast that wants to devour people, extremely dangerous.

Bai Feng lowered his center of gravity and stared, "Come!"

He did not say much, and his whole mind was focused on Aomine, paying attention to his every move.

There is no way, Aomine is different from Kise.

If we compare the two people at this time to animals, Kise is a hyena, and Aomine is a tiger.

It can be said that facing Aomine, no matter how cautious you are, it is not too much.

This is Teikō's trump card!



After Bai Feng responded, Aomine directly pressed down his center of gravity and entered the offensive state.

The instantaneous switch of posture seemed to take no time to adjust.

From this alone, we can see Aomine's physical fitness.

Then, he started a unique dribbling style, the amplitude of which made the audience dumbfounded.

They had never seen such an unrestrained posture.

Under the exaggerated style of play, Aomine's foot speed was also very fast.

But this guy is not blindly accelerating now, but knows how to coordinate fast and slow rhythms.

What's more, thanks to the opponent's exaggerated burst speed, the switch between fast and slow almost does not require time to adjust.

The overall rhythm is getting faster and faster.

The scene became dangerous and anxious, and Bai Feng's current speed of 90 points is also very fast.

For a while, no one could do anything to the other party.

But this tense situation didn't last long. The next moment! Aomine suddenly stood up straight from the posture of leaning forward quickly, and dribbled the ball with his right hand calmly. Moreover, he showed a relaxed posture all over his body. However, Aomine's completely non-aggressive appearance at this time made Bai Feng's heart tremble. Not good! Bai Feng opened [Beyond Vision] without hesitation, and then. "Deduction!" [Beyond Vision] deduced for 0.5 seconds, and Bai Feng's perspective changed instantly. In the "future" he saw, Aomine actually changed from a standing loose posture to a breakthrough in an instant. The speed of the whole person was even faster. In reality, it was true. After Bai Feng saw through everything, Aomine came according to the result of the deduction. He directly burst out the fastest since the matchup, and Bai Feng also burst out 90 points of speed with all his strength. Just when Bai Feng thought he was completely defended, Aomine Daiki actually showed a wild and bloodthirsty aura all over his body. Bai Feng vaguely saw a black panther behind the opponent, and the black panther was staring at him.


Before Bai Feng could figure out why Aomine's wildness this time was different from the last duel.

With the blessing of wildness, the opponent's five senses were greatly improved.

In an instant, he sensed Bai Feng's defense in advance.

Therefore, he responded almost at the same time as Bai Feng's defense.

Aomine actually accelerated again, and the opponent could still accelerate and hadn't reached the limit?

Moreover, is this the range that a human can do?

Aomine was seen bursting out at a rapid speed, and his body almost touched the ground to bypass Bai Feng's position.

At this point, Aomine got rid of Bai Feng's defense.

Behind Bai Feng, jump shot.


The ball went in!

After the goal, cheers were heard at the scene.

"What do you think? Aomine is still better, right?"

"I've said it before. After watching football for three years, Aomine is unbeatable!"

"Shut up, this is just the beginning!"


After this goal, the scene not only cheered, but also heard fierce comparisons.

Some people think that Aomine is obviously stronger, while others think that Bai Feng has not yet shown his strength.

Both sides have their own opinions.

However, Bai Feng in the field now made Aomine fall into deep thought.

He didn't expect that after he had deduced the opponent's actions, he let him escape.

But in fact, if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

First of all, 0.5 seconds is very short, almost in an instant.

Then, deduction is just deduction, and the future is not fixed.

In reality, as long as the opponent is strong enough, he can make changes immediately through the current changes.

And Aomine is such a genius, his reaction ability can exceed the deduction speed of 0.5 seconds.

And Aomine's absolute speed is also exaggerated, so the opponent can break through his blockade.

Bai Feng figured out the key, mainly because he had never encountered such an exaggerated reaction speed as Aomine.

In the final analysis, it was because 0.5 seconds was too short and not enough.

After thinking it through, he was not depressed or worried.

Instead, he showed a surprised expression. Bai Feng was so happy now.

He finally saw the opportunity to evolve [Beyond Vision].

The reason why this skill has not changed for such a long time after it was obtained.

It is because there is no opponent who can break it.

"It's really good, if 0.5 seconds is not enough, then more!"


Bai Feng feels so happy now!



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