Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 59: The Game Starts, To Satisfy You!

The next day.

The national competition, 32 to 16, begins!

Bai Feng and his team gathered at the school gate early, and then went to the Tokyo Gymnasium together.

When they got off the bus, they felt the atmosphere of the game just on the outside field.

Bai Feng and his team hurried into the stadium through the player tunnel.

Otherwise, they would be discovered by reporters and would have to deal with them for a while.

After changing clothes in the locker room, everyone prepared to go to the field to warm up.

However, just as everyone was preparing to leave, Dahe, who had always been carefree, was quite nervous at this time.

The other party's restrained and uneasy look made Bai Feng shake his head.

Bai Feng couldn't help laughing and said: "Dahe, I didn't expect you to have such a little girl's attitude."1

"Hey, I don't want to be like this either. I really can't control myself. This is a national competition.

"Okay, don't think too much. "

"Let's go!"

When Bai Feng and his team came out of the player tunnel, there was a fierce roar.

The atmosphere of the whole stadium was much more enthusiastic than the previous knockout match.

This is also normal, after all, it was originally just local fans and reporters.

Now, it has gathered 443 fans from all over Japan, as well as media workers.

Under this situation, how can the atmosphere not be enthusiastic!

Even though Bai Feng had a heart of stone near the battlefield, he couldn't help but get excited at this time.

Afterwards, Bai Feng led this group of teammates who were entering the national competition for the first time to their own half and started warm-up training.

Not long after, the opponent Chang Teng Middle School also came out.

The other side also started warming up. There was no communication between the two sides before the start of the game, after all, no one knew each other.

However, Bai Feng's excellent vision observed that one of the opponents was staring at him all the time.

That look seemed to regard him as prey.

Hey, interesting!

The game is about to begin!

The coaches of both sides shook hands.

The coach of Chang Teng Middle School is named Yamamoto Nakamura, the other party looked like a middle-aged man in his 50s.

The whole person exuded a serious and old-fashioned temperament.

Coach Ham knew the other party. Yamamoto Nakamura used to be an assistant coach of a professional team.

In the end, due to some things, he went to coach a junior high school team.

Unexpectedly, now he would actually compete with the other party on the same field.

In the past, Ham would not even dare to think about it.

Just as he was thinking about how to talk to his senior, the other party suddenly spoke.

Said: "It's you, the young are formidable, I never thought that one day I would compete with you on the same stage."

After hearing this, Ham immediately lowered his head: "Senior, long time no see."

"I hope both of us can contribute to a wonderful game today."

However, his words fell into the ears of Yamamoto Nakamura, and the other party raised his eyebrows directly.

His tone became cold and said: "Okay, it's a good opportunity to see how good your current player level is."

After that, the other party let go of his hand and returned to the bench of Changdong.

The change in the opponent's tone and the back of his departure made Hamm stunned for a moment.

Then, he reacted.

He whispered angrily: "Hmph, old man. You really think you are still a member of the professional team."

"I respect you, I call you a senior, otherwise I call you Old Biden, what do you think."

After that, Ham looked at the figure of Bai Feng in the court, and he felt relieved immediately.

At this time, the two sides in the court were preparing to jump the ball.

The referee threw the ball high into the air, and then.


Changdong Middle School took the ball.

And the one competing with Shota was the opponent's No. 12 Okubo, who was also the center of Changdong.

Although the opponent was slightly shorter than Shota, his explosive power and bounce were better.

At this time, the basketball was hit directly by Okubo to Jianguang's side of the court.

When everyone was surprised at why the opponent (abeh) was so strong.

The basketball quickly drew an orange line in the air.

Then it came to Kobayashi Ichiro who had been waiting in Jianguang's penalty area.

After Kobayashi Ichiro received the pass, his dull face suddenly turned into ten smiling faces.

After that, the opponent jumped up directly one step into the restricted area.

Then he dunked the basketball.

From this ball, we can see that Kobayashi Ichiro has very strong physical fitness.

Moreover, according to Bai Feng's visual estimation, the opponent is more than 196 cm tall and full of muscles.

A typical physical fitness man.

The audience also responded after the opponent's dunk.

"Oh my God, that player jumped too high."

"It feels so great!"

Chang Teng's coach also applauded on the sidelines.

"Okay, let's play like this."

Bai Feng also understood that the opponent must have rehearsed this in advance.

Otherwise, how could the player who dunked stand directly in the restricted area waiting for the pass when fighting for the ball.

It's just that the opponent's tactics can only be based on absolute confidence in fighting for the ball.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked at Shota helplessly.

Shota really wasted his height.

The ball is changing!

After Bai Feng received the ball at the baseline, he hadn't even finished half court.

The opponent came up to defend him, and the one defending him was Kobayashi Ichiro who had just dunked.

Kobayashi Ichiro moved very fast, and he was confronting Bai Feng from time to time.

At the same time, he kept muttering: "I heard that your nickname is Tyrant? Wow, it's so impressive.

"Our captain was so scared that he asked me to defend you."

"You know, when I heard about you from those reporters, I really wanted to play against you.

"I just want to see if you can break through my defense, Tyrant!" At the end, the other party showed a happy expression.

After hearing the other party's series of words, Bai Feng was not angry, but also a little interested.

Bai Feng: "Want to see? Okay, then satisfy you."

He really hasn't met such an opponent for a long time, especially when the media gave him the title of "Tyrant".

No one dared to provoke him.

This made Bai Feng's heart, which had been immersed for a long time, rise with a touch of evil taste.

Then, Bai Feng lowered his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and glanced at Kobayashi Ichiro beside him.

Then he directly activated [Core Confrontation]!

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