Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 60: Folding Spacers, Professional-Level Matching

When Kobayashi Ichiro was about to continue mumbling.

Bai Feng didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, so he lowered his center of gravity and broke through.

At the same time, he raised his left hand to protect the ball, completely isolating the opponent's attempt to steal the ball.

Then, he accelerated his steps, and while dribbling vigorously, he bumped into the opponent.

Just one move, the center of gravity of his strong body was unbalanced, and he staggered back, and at the same time, three weaknesses flashed on the opponent's body.

Although Bai Feng could feel that the opponent's experience was very good.

However, for him, it was still a little worse.

Not to mention, Bai Feng was activating the [Confrontation Core] skill at this time.

In just one encounter, Kobayashi Ichiro was already at a disadvantage in physical confrontation.

However, the opponent was indeed very resilient, and after losing his defensive position.

It took only a short time to adjust his body shape, and then he tried hard to catch up with Bai Feng who had already left him in front.

Bai Feng had already broken through into the three-point line with the ball.

In his eyes, the position under his feet in front of him had a hit rate of up to 100%.

If you shoot here, you will definitely score.

However, Bai Feng remembered that guy's face was full of expectation, as if he was looking forward to Bai Feng's strength.

In this case, how could Bai Feng be polite to him?

Thinking of this, he slowed down directly.

Sure enough, Kobayashi Ichiro caught up smoothly.

Just when he was happy to defend Bai Feng again, Bai Feng suddenly started to speed up again.

Kobayashi Ichiro hurriedly tried his best to defend.

The two came to the penalty area in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Bai Feng had the opponent's center in front of him, and there was a defender beside him.

This scene of double-sided attack made the audience hold their breath at this time.

Everyone felt that the ball was dead, and Bai Feng could only pass the ball awkwardly, resulting in a mistake.

Otherwise, he would force a layup and be sent to the hot pot!

But Bai Feng's next move shocked them.

Bai Feng was seen carrying Kobayashi Ichiro on his side, and his speed did not slow down at all.

Then Bai Feng held the ball with both hands in the restricted area, and then took two big steps.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the opponent's center.

Center Okubo was not a pushover either, he jumped high to block Bai Feng, and at the same time, Ichiro Kobayashi beside Bai Feng also jumped up.

This scene seemed to be about to eat Bai Feng alive.

Okubo: "Huh! Is this the tyrant? It's simply brainless!"

Ichiro Kobayashi: "Bring it!"

Bai Feng also jumped high under the defense of two people.

In just a moment, Bai Feng's entire height exceeded the two defenders.

In the increasingly unbelievable expression of the opponent.

Completed a double-handed dunk!


The huge dunk sound went straight through the loudspeaker and resounded throughout the stadium.

The audience who originally thought they were going to block the shot were stunned.

These people obviously don't understand Bai Quan.

And the fans who chased Bai Feng all the way to the game have already started cheering.

"Fuck, fuck!"

"It's still the familiar smell. Is it so violent right after entering the national competition?"

"This ball looks so scary. He dunked over two people."

"Yeah, I hope the two people who were dunked over by Bai are fine.


Indeed, Bai Feng's shot really showed the violent aesthetics to the extreme.

In this dunk, Bai Feng really exerted his strength to the fullest.

The opponent was under this level of dunk.

Both fell off the court.

At this time, Okubo and Kobayashi Ichiro were lying on the ground, looking up at the tall figure with both hands hanging on the frame with dull faces.

They still don't understand how Bai Feng dunked the ball through the two of them.

Why did he have such great strength that he didn't move at all when he hit it.

However, no one must have answered their doubts.

Moreover, now is not the time to force them.

The coach of Changteng Middle School was also incredible after seeing this ball off the court.

But many years of coaching experience have made him have a great psychological tolerance for any outrageous situation.

After calming down, he saw that the two main players in his team were not in good shape at this time.

Yamamoto Nakamura was furious and then shouted: "What are you doing, serve the ball!"

This action also fell into the eyes of coach Ham.

He immediately felt relieved.

He said disdainfully: "Heh, you want to see the strength of my players."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear to watch until the end!"

The two people lying on the ground also regained their consciousness amid the coach's roar.


The two quickly got up.

Then, Okubo directly passed the ball to Kobayashi Ichiro.

Bai Feng looked at the two people in front of him. After the coach's call, they adjusted their state so quickly.

It was really outstanding.

However, Bai Feng still couldn't help asking: "How was it, was the ball strong enough just now?"

After hearing Bai Feng's words, Kobayashi Ichiro couldn't help but recall the feeling of being crushed just now.

His face suddenly turned black, and he no longer looked naughty at the beginning.

But Kobayashi Ichiro was unwilling to admit defeat verbally, and said in a low voice: "The game has just started, you won't understand our Chang Teng's way of playing!"

"Don't worry, I will let you experience what basketball is very soon."

After saying this, Kobayashi Ichiro actually regained his confidence, and he didn't know what the other party suddenly thought of.

But then, Kobayashi Ichiro lifted the ball in his hand high into the air and passed it to his teammates.

And the teammates who received his pass only dribbled once and then started passing again.

That's not all, almost every Chang Teng player will not dribble the ball many times.

At most, they dribble twice, and then look for opportunities to pass to teammates.

For a while, Jianguang's players were actually played by the opponent's pass, and they couldn't find the north.

At the same time, Kobayashi Ichiro spoke again: "This is, you will never understand, professional teamwork."

When he finished this sentence, his confident state had reached the peak!

Coincidentally, the court was also constantly passing the ball to Chang Teng Middle School, and found a chance to score.

Seeing this, Kobayashi Ichiro said in a very appropriate and pretentious manner: "Basketball is played like this... played..."

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that Bai Feng in front of him burst out at a very fast speed and rushed to the inside line.

That was exactly the opponent's goal point deduced by Bai Feng through [Transcend the World].

The Changteng inside player was throwing the ball to the empty hand quite easily at this time.

Just when he happily thought that the ball would definitely go in.

The whole person felt a strong impact from behind.

Then, he was knocked to the ground.

Then, a crisp and loud sound was heard.


When he hurriedly looked back, the scene was a scene of being blocked by Bai Feng!


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