Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 65: I Am Responsible For Everything, Absolute Victory!

In Tokyo Gymnasium.

The atmosphere was extremely warm, and the shouts of the audience almost overturned the ceiling of the stadium.

The reason for such enthusiasm was because of the team playing on the scene.

It was the hottest team after Teikō Junior High School during this period.

Jianguang Middle School.

Moreover, the game played by Jianguang Middle School today was also very important.

Because this game was the 4-to-2 of the national competition.

That is, the semi-finals.

At this time, Bai Feng was leading his teammates to counterattack fast break.

Just before the fast break, Bai Feng performed another amazing block.

Under Bai Feng's defensive block, the audience was excited.

Although many of them had watched Bai Feng's games all the way here.

They had seen Bai Feng's exaggerated defense many times, but every time Bai Feng performed it again.

They still couldn't control their excitement.

There was no way!

After all, Bai Feng's exaggerated physical talent, a height of 201cm, but his speed was not slower than Qiwei at all.

Bai Feng often wanders around the outside line, but he can often rush into the inside line to block the shot in the next second.

It is this kind of large-scale defense that shocked them.

Jianguang, led by Bai Feng, also solved the game without bloodshed.


The game ended, and Jianguang won the ticket to the decisive battle.

They will meet Teikō Junior High again!

When the game ended, the audience burst into excited voices.

"Well done, come on Jianguang."

"You are so cool, Bai Feng, I knew you could make it this far. ”

“Awesome, really cool!”

“So cool, husband!”

Amid the enthusiastic response from the audience, Bai Feng’s teammates have already huddled together.

No one really thought that this day would really come.

When they first won the second team of Teikō, they all thought that they could achieve great results this season.

But no one expected that they would actually make it to the finals.

This is really a dream come true!

Everyone couldn’t help but look at Bai Feng, and at this moment they only felt that he was so dazzling.

The whole person exudes an inexplicable and convincing temperament.

Afterwards, all the players of Jianguang felt fortunate that Bai Quan was their captain.

Otherwise, with their strength, how could they have made it this far.

I’m afraid they can’t even enter the national competition.

At this time, apart from the victorious Jianguang people, who is the most excited?

It must be the media workers who have been paying attention to and reporting on the event.

After all, they have long been building momentum for the encounter between Bai Quan and the Era of Miracles.

At this time, when Bai After Feng won the semi-finals.

This matter was finally confirmed.

This is the real focus battle.

The outside world does not know how many people who pay attention to junior high school basketball are looking forward to the arrival of this game.

Although, the two teams have competed once before.

Moreover, Jianguang Middle School also lost by a large margin.

However, the excitement of that game cannot be judged by the score alone.

Only those who really witnessed the entire game process know.

How exciting that game was!

And now, after so long, Bai Feng's family can obviously see his progress.

Now they are very much looking forward to what different sparks will be created when Bai Feng meets Teikō again.

Of course, they have never thought about the idea that Bai Feng will win.

After all, Teikō's strength is something that no one in the Japanese junior high school world can question.

The outside world is building momentum for the upcoming finals.

The atmosphere in the entire junior high school world seemed very warm.

In such an impetuous environment, Bai Feng's heart was not affected, but very calm.

He was in Jianguang Basketball Hall, doing various training as usual.

This was his daily plan.

If there was no particularly important matter, he would not interrupt his rhythm.

At this time, the normal training time of the basketball team had already ended, and the players had almost left.

But Taiga and Shota did not leave.

They were still training, although they were usually very hardworking.

But Bai Feng could clearly feel that the mentality of the two was different from usual.

Bai Feng knew in his heart that the finals were coming, and he and his two were worried again.

But this kind of mental fluctuation can only be relied on by themselves.

Bai Feng has not failed to enlighten the players in the past few days, but it is useless. They are still nervous.

Bai Feng shook his head and ignored the two people, and continued his unfinished training.

Half an hour later, Bai Feng finished training.

He began to pack up and prepare to evacuate.

When he passed by the two people, he saw that the two guys had no intention of leaving.

Bai Feng couldn't help but say: "I've never seen you guys so hardworking before. Come back quickly and don't exhaust your body these days." After hearing Bai Feng's words. Shota scratched his head awkwardly, and then said: "It's almost the finals, so I'll try to improve my shortcomings. "Try to do better than last time......" 0·Please give flowers: 0 At the end of his speech, his voice gradually became lower and his head shrank. Bai Feng saw the reason for Shota's embarrassment. He must have recalled being dominated by Murasakibara again. But this is normal, after all, Shota wanted to give up basketball last time. Oh, he is really sensitive, but Murasakibara's absolute strength is there. It's not that you can use it with temporary efforts. But Bai Feng certainly can't say that, which will only hit his teammates more. Bai Feng paused, and then said calmly: "Don't think too much, Shota, we have seen your efforts during this period." "Your strength has improved a lot, there is no need to worry too much. Shota also knew that Bai Feng's words were to comfort him. He felt embarrassed after hearing the end, after all, he was still clear about his own strength.

Shota smiled awkwardly: "A Feng, don't comfort me, don't worry."

Bai Feng saw that he said so, and shook his head and didn't continue to force comfort.

But before leaving, Bai Feng said to the two sincerely: "Some things have become facts, so don't let extra thoughts burden you."

"That will only consume your energy in vain, and nothing else can be changed."

"It's better to relax, at least in this way, you won't be hindered by extra thoughts in your actions!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything!"

Teikō Junior High Basketball Team.

At this time, the times have gathered.

Even Aomine Daiki, who rarely appears, came to the gym.

It's just that the scene was a little silent for a while, and no one on the scene spoke.

After a long silence.

Finally, the scene was destroyed by Murasakibara's listless voice.

"It's just an ordinary game, why let everyone gather, it's better to sleep.

No one spoke after hearing this.

Only a moment later, Akashi's cold voice sounded.

"Everyone, Teikō has only one idea, that is absolute victory!"

Everyone present heard the aggression in Akashi's tone.

As for why this happened, they couldn't help but recall the scene of the award ceremony in the knockout round.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the stadium became more depressing.

However, Aomine Daiki's eyes revealed expectations at this time.

He couldn't wait for the game to start. The training during this period of time has greatly improved his strength, and at the same time made his skin as dark as an African.



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