Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 66: The Finals Begins, Here’S A Gift For You

The national finals will start today!

The entire Bai Feng team took a bus to the Tokyo Gymnasium.

Everyone first went to the locker room and changed their jerseys.

Then, under the leadership of Bai Feng, they prepared to go out from the player tunnel.

All the teammates were very nervous at this time. Many of them did not sleep well last night because of this game.

But not sleeping all night did not affect their current state at all.

After all, everyone was very excited.

Bai Feng: "Everyone calm down, it's time for us to go out!"

As Bai Feng finished speaking, he took the lead and ran out of the tunnel, and his teammates followed behind him.

Not long after, Bai Feng appeared from the entrance of the tunnel.

When Bai Feng appeared, the audience at the scene also discovered him at the first time.

Then, there was a deafening roar!

"Look, Bai Feng is on the stage!"

"Here it comes, Jianguang comes out first."

"Fuck, it feels like Bai Feng is different today than before."

"Yes, it's because of the teacher!"


To be honest, Bai Feng was also shocked by the enthusiasm of the audience as soon as he came out.

Although there were many people who came to watch them play in the past, the audience today was different from the past.

In the stands, three groups of spectators can be clearly distinguished.

Those wearing red clothes support Teikō Junior High, and those supporting Jianguang wear green clothes.

The other group is neutral fans wearing casual clothes.

This scene really surprised Bai Feng.

It's so grand today.

Bai Feng led many teammates and walked onto the court to warm up under the gaze of the audience.

As soon as he stepped onto the court.

The long-lost system sound rang in his mind.

[Ding! Mission released. ]

[After the game with Teikō enters the fourth quarter, if the score difference is within 10 points, the mission can be completed. ]

[Reward: draw a lottery. ]

The system prompt sound that suddenly came to Bai Feng's mind made him stop.

Originally, Bai Feng was wondering why the system had not released the mission on such an important day.

As a result, it came.

Bai Feng carefully analyzed the requirements of this mission.

Then, he frowned. To be honest, the requirements of this mission are very intense.

Compared with the task in the last match with Teikō, it was much more difficult.

After all, last time he just had to ensure his own score data, but this time Bai Feng had to keep an eye on the team's score.

Bai Feng became serious.

In fact, in the past few days, Bai Feng had thought more than once about how to deal with Teikō's game.

In the end, after thinking about it, he came to only one conclusion.

That is, he can only rely on himself in the early stage. On the offensive end, Bai Feng must ensure his teamwork.

He also has to pass the ball to his teammates from time to time. Of course, Bai Feng does not expect them to score.

But only in this way can they enter the same frequency state in the later stage.

It's just that in this case, Bai Feng has to work harder on the defensive end.

To ensure that he is not left behind by Teikō by too much.

After all, if the score difference is too outrageous, even if they enter the same frequency, it will not help.

In general, this game is a real test of Bai Feng's physical strength.

After Bai Feng considered all the interests in this game and the system task clearly, he was no longer distracted.

Then, he picked up the basketball and started warming up.

Not long after, there was another round of cheers.

You don't need to look to know that Teikō is on the field!

After the warm-up, the game started immediately.

At this time, the audience in the stands couldn't wait.

This game can be said to be the most anticipated match in recent years.

After all, Teikō has been invincible for too long.

In previous years, playing against other teams was not at all entertaining.

This year is different. After Bai Feng appeared, he successfully activated this stagnant pool of water.

It is also because of this that the reporters can also take advantage of the situation to build up the momentum of the game.

"Do you think Bai Feng can still perform well in this game?"

"I don't know. Although the media is exaggerating, Miracle Era is the real king of junior high school!"

"Yeah, I just hope Tyrant can hold on a little longer."

"Heh, what do you know? Bai Feng is not inferior to the opponent, but the team's depth is not good enough."


While the audience was discussing before the game, Satsuki and Kuroko on the bench of Teikō were also watching Bai Feng's figure. Kuroko was simply curious about Bai Feng's strength.

And Satsuki looked at Bai Feng, but there was a flash of light in her eyes, and no one knew what was in her little head.

But then, her face turned slightly red.

She didn't know why, Bai Feng's current temperament was very attractive to her, and she always unconsciously fantasized about some strange things.

Under the gaze of thousands of spectators in the audience, the game began.

Both sides were ready to fight for the ball!

Teikō sent out the center of course, Atsushi Murasakibara.

This is what everyone can think of.

However, when they saw the person sent by Jianguang, they were a little unresponsive.

Because the person coming was, Bai Feng!

That's right, Bai Feng must fight for every ball in this game.

In this case, he had to step forward to fight for the ball, and if he gave it to Shota, he would definitely give the ball to the opponent.

Since Bai Feng had already thought of the result, he would not let the original ending happen.

Moreover, Bai Feng's height of 201cm is only a few centimeters lower than Atsushi Murasakibara.

It can be completely ignored. What's more important is that Bai Feng has a long arm span.

His arm span of 216cm is obviously longer than Atsushi Murasakibara.

So overall, Bai Feng can definitely fight for the ball with Atsushi Murasakibara.

When Bai Feng walked to the opposite side of Murasakibara, Atsushi Murasakibara's half-closed eyes slightly widened.

Then he paused, and then said lazily: "Huh? You have grown so tall. "At the same time, he stretched out his hand to compare Bai Feng's height with his own.

Bai Feng ignored him and was completely focused at this time.

Before and after the referee walked up with the ball, Bai Feng did not hesitate and directly turned on [Beyond Vision] to deduce.

Then, the scene within 1.5 seconds appeared in Bai Feng's eyes.

Then, Bai Feng controlled the timing of the fight for the ball.

After the referee threw the ball up, Bai Feng jumped directly according to the deduced plan.

Murasakibara's reaction speed was also very fast, and the two of them jumped almost at the same time.

However, Bai Feng's body in the air was vaguely offset to the right of Murasakibara.

This caused the situation that was originally evenly matched to be instantly controlled by Bai Feng.


The ball was fought for by Bai Feng, and at the same time it was hit in the direction that Bai Feng had already determined.

It was a little far from Akashi, which was the direction Bai Feng deliberately chose.

Otherwise, Akashi would definitely steal the basketball in advance.

In this short moment, the audience was all surprised.

Because they really didn't expect that Bai Feng could actually win the fight for the ball, they had never seen it before. Murasakibara lost the ball.

However, the audience was not surprised for long.

When Bai Feng's teammate just hugged the basketball and was about to find a good time to pass the ball to Bai Feng. 2.3

A yellow figure appeared behind him, very fast.

Then, "Snap!" The basketball was intercepted.

The stealer was Kise Ryōta!

And the position where he stole the ball was just close to the attacking side's field.

At this time, Kise burst out with extremely fast speed, rushed into the inside in the blink of an eye, and was about to score.

Kise: "This ball, just treat it as a gift to you, Bai Feng!"

He was confident and calm, and at this time he wanted to let Bai Feng know that even if he won the ball.

It would be useless!

Kise had already entered the penalty area, then took off, and was about to dunk and score in the next second.

At the same time, he still had a sunny smile on his face.

But suddenly, he felt that his body lost balance.

Then, before he could react to the specific situation, the whole person was knocked out of the baseline.

There was only a bang in the air.


The crisp sound of the nail board blocked the ball resounded throughout the court!

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