In the depressing atmosphere of the whole stadium.

Both teams went off the court to rest, which was different from the dull atmosphere of Teikō Junior High School.

On the Jianguang Middle School side, the teammates happily surrounded Bai Feng and walked back to the rest area.

As soon as Bai Feng sat down, a team member handed him a towel and water.

The coach is now very excited: "Well played, Feng, be careful in the last quarter and don't be careless."

"Oh, coach, what are you talking about, the seniors played casually on the court."

"You are too careful."


Although everyone is not very good at playing basketball, they can also see that the coach's level is not high, so they are not too restrained when treating the coach.

And the coach is usually easy-going and often jokes with them.

Everyone can also see that the coach is very happy at this time, so he made a few jokes.

Seeing the players teasing him, the coach was embarrassed and a little annoyed and said: "What are you doing, sit down and arrange tactics quickly."

Bai Feng also cooperated with the coach at this time and said: "Okay, listen to the coach's arrangements, there is still one quarter of the game."

After all, he is a coach. Although he is not capable, he should still be given due respect.

Unlike Jianguang's happy atmosphere, Teikō was more depressed.

After the game, no one spoke. After all, Kise lowered his head, as if he had been beaten.

He didn't say a word, so how could others dare to speak? They could only listen to the coach comforting everyone and trying to arrange some targeted tactics.

Everyone felt that time passed very slowly, and they didn't know how long it had passed.

Finally, a player couldn't help but whispered: "How about... let's go call Aomine?"

Although the voice was very small, it was still very loud in this environment.

The voice clearly penetrated into everyone's ears, making them all tremble.

It's no wonder that they have such a reaction. After all, Aomine's strength is deeply rooted in people's hearts. That's the trump card in the miracle era.

Their mentality had long been broken by Bai Feng. Now when they opened their mouths, the first thing they said was Aomine Daiki.

It's not that the other "miracles" are not powerful, but for ordinary players like them, the "trump cards" seem more powerful.

"Yes, if Aomine-kun comes, we will definitely win."

"There's still time!"

"Not only Aomine-senpai, but other seniors can do it too."

One person started it, and everyone gradually joined in. It can be seen that everyone now has the same opinion, that is, to call for help.

The players who spoke all looked at Kise who didn't say a word, even the coach did the same.

He also agreed to do this as early as the end of the second quarter.

He wanted to call the rest of the main players over, even if only one person came, it would be enough in his opinion.

But when he told Kise at that time, Kise firmly refused.

Out of respect for the 'miracle', the coach also agreed.

But after three quarters of the game, the coach also found that he couldn't underestimate the world's players.

After all, there are people outside of people, and the 'Miracle Era' may not be the strongest.

At least there are people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them!

The coach made up his mind and looked at Huang Lai and said: "Kise, you can't be willful anymore, go and call..."

Just as he said to call the rest of the main players, Kise, who was originally lifeless, suddenly looked up.

His eyes were full of determination.

"Coach, please don't call them, let me lead everyone to try."

"I will do my best to win the game, and this is an opportunity for me, I have a feeling that I will grow."

"I hope you agree with my willfulness this time, please!"

Kise stood up and bowed to the second-team coach with a very sincere attitude.

This made the surrounding players stunned.

Kise, a child of destiny, was usually like someone from another world in their eyes.

How could they not be surprised that he could make such a gesture at this time.

Coach Teikō was shocked by Kise's sudden action, and at the same time he also felt the other party's determination.

Originally, he thought that he would call the first army to maintain Teikō's undefeated status.

Now seeing Kise like this, especially being watched by the other party's bright eyes, he changed his mind.

"Hey... In this case, let's do it."

"However, you still have to do your best to win the game, and after the game, Akashi..."

"Thank you, coach, don't worry, Akashi will be left to me."

"Okay, get ready to play."

After seeing the coach agree to his request, Kise said a few encouraging words to his teammates.

The last quarter of the game began!



The fourth quarter was very intense.

Kise still faced Bai Feng, and the two had wins and losses.

Although he still had a gap with Bai Feng, Kise did not show any fear in the fourth quarter.

And Kise is indeed a genius. Bai Feng could clearly feel that the opponent had made progress in the last quarter.

During the period, Kise scored several goals, and there were even some traces of Aomine Daiki.

Of course, a genius who has not grown up is just a genius, and Bai Feng, who is currently facing him, is already a strong man.

The ending is not unexpected.

"Whistle!" The fourth quarter ended.

98:80, a big lead and victory!

At the moment of the end, Bai Feng's teammates were excited and jumped and shouted.

Dahe rushed to Bai Feng first, and then the rest of the teammates came forward.

Lift him high!


"We won"

"We actually beat Teikō, so awesome!"

Bai Feng was also very happy. He was happy that there was no accident and the system task was about to be obtained.

He wanted to check the reward now, but the situation at the moment did not allow it, so he could only wait for a while.

The Teikō fans who watched them revel were not as mean as before.

Many people gave their applause, and the girls screamed to attract Bai Feng's attention.

It was not surprising to see such a reaction on the scene. After all, they had seen it clearly throughout the game.

The No. 3 player on the opposite side named Bai Feng was indeed strong, even their own "Miracle Era" Kise was not his opponent at the moment.

It can only be said that they did not complain about the loss, and the game was very exciting.

They were convinced, they were really convinced!

But in addition to being convinced, they were also curious, where were the other main players?



In the Teikō campus, a pink-haired girl was walking towards the gym.

At the same time, she was still muttering: "Damn A Da, where did you escape to again."

"Don't let me catch you!"


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