After the game, Kise Ryōta changed his usual cheerfulness.

He couldn't remember how many times he was beaten on the court today.

He was full of confidence. Who would have thought that an unknown player would be so strong and actually beat him.

Kise looked at the score on the big screen and felt extremely dazzling.

It had been a while since the whistle blew, but he still couldn't adjust his state.

Kise murmured in a low voice: "Is this the feeling of losing?"

"I actually lost..."

Kise raised his hands with dull eyes and looked at his hands with empty eyes.

He seemed a little unbelievable, as if this defeat happened through his hands.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard my teammates calling him.

"Senior, we should go to bow to both sides."

"Ah? Oh, I see."

After being woken up by his teammates, Kise knew that he couldn't be so negative.

After all, he was one of Teikō's cards. Even if he was unwilling in his heart, he had to pay attention to the impact at this time.

We can’t let outsiders see such a negative side, otherwise it will affect the reputation of their ‘Miracle Era’ and Teikō Junior High.

The players of the two schools stood in two rows facing each other and bowed to each other.

Bai Feng actually sneered at such etiquette. It would be fine if everyone just shook hands, but they had to bow.

The two sides who regarded each other as enemies just now could offer such high-standard etiquette the next moment.

This face-saving effort really fits his impression of Japan.

When Bai Feng was about to follow his teammates who were walking to the rest area, he suddenly heard a voice behind him: "I will win the next game."

Bai Feng turned around and saw that the person who spoke was Kise.

The other party was now with a stern face, his eyes were serious, and the whole person felt very serious.

This attitude made Bai Feng want to laugh.

Thinking of the other party’s confidence when he first came on the court, his silence in the middle, and now his serious appearance to challenge.

By the way, maybe he experienced a more severe ideological struggle after the game.

Before coming to Teikō, Bai Feng would never have thought that he would see so many faces of Kise in such a short time.

What a versatile little prince.

Seeing Kise like this, Bai Feng couldn't help but want to tease him: "Next time? Don't worry, you will lose again next time."

"Oh... but not necessarily, next time you will have someone to cling to."

Kise wanted to refute Bai Feng, but thought about it carefully.

It is indeed true, the lineup of the opposing team is incomparable to Teikō.

And what Kise wants is to defeat Bai Feng fairly, if the rest of the team is included.

He is confident that he will win, but in such a game, Kise does not think that he has really defeated Bai Feng.

Bai Feng does not know what the other party thinks, if he knows, he may sneer.

This is just his teasing of Kise. The lineup of the opposing team is good, which is fair and square.

There is no such thing as clinging to someone or not, who made his team configuration not good.

Bai Feng said, "Okay, the next time we meet is the national competition."

"Besides, even if you have a full lineup, I may not lose."

After saying that, Bai Feng turned around and walked towards the rest area without paying attention to the other party.

After watching Bai Feng walk away, Kise took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and left.

He found that he really didn't get along with this player. The other party could always make him emotionally disordered with just a few words.



When Satsuki Momoi rushed to the stadium, the game just ended.

She looked at the score display and showed a confident smile on her face.

"Have you won? It's a bit late."

She felt that the ending was as she expected. As an intelligence gathering expert, she had already predicted the outcome of the game before the game.

Jianguang Middle School is just an ordinary school, and its strength is not that strong.

Not to mention that there is Kise to help, it is even more impossible to lose.

Moreover, she did not think that Kise would play. Momoi's predictions from beginning to end were based on the judgment that Kise would not play.

"It's just that the score difference is a little different from what I thought. Are the players in the second team not feeling good?"

98:80, the difference of 18 points, in Momoi's eyes, the difference is not big.

But it's normal. If there is no variable like Bai Feng, Jianguang Middle School will definitely be beaten by the opponent.

Even if the score difference is several tens of points, it is not strange.

"The opponent's No. 3 player is so handsome!"

"Yes, and he plays well, even better than Kise."

"This is the first time I see our school lose."


When Satsuki was about to find Kise, a group of students who had just finished watching the game came towards her.

After she vaguely heard the discussion of her classmates, her face suddenly looked a little strange.

"I didn't hear it wrong!"

Satsuki Momoi was a little bit unbelievable, and quickened her pace to walk towards the team.

"How could we lose? We must have made a mistake."


At this time, Kise was sitting in the locker room. He was the only one in the locker room.

There was a towel covering his head, covering his whole body tightly.

"Bang bang!" There was a knock on the door!

"Come in."

The door was pushed open by Momoi, and she looked at Kise, who was covered with a towel at this time, and the whole person exuded a gloomy temperament.

Satsuki was finally sure in her heart that they lost!

Otherwise, Kise would not be like this. She had never seen Kise so decadent.

This attitude should not appear on the players of the "Miracle Era".

She became more and more curious and couldn't help asking: "Is the opponent strong?"

After hearing Satsuki's voice, Kise also took off the towel and greeted him first.

"Yes, very strong!"

"This is the first time I've experienced how it feels to lose a game."

Satsuki frowned: "According to the information, the opponent should not have very strong players."

"No, the opponent is very strong."

"To be precise, there is one very strong player on the opponent, but the rest are okay."

Hearing Kise say this, Satsuki now realized that his information was not comprehensive.

However, that wouldn't mean they would lose the game, right? Kise couldn't beat the opponent, but he could still ask for help.

"Didn't you call Akashi and the others in the end?"


Looking at Kise's hesitant look, Satsuki also understood that this group of geniuses were more arrogant than each other, and they would definitely not call for help when they met an opponent they couldn't beat, because that would be too embarrassing.

"Hey, you should think about how to deal with Akashi." Satsuki sighed, his voice somewhat helpless.

Kise has calmed down now, and when he heard Satsuki talking about Akashi, he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Thinking of Akashi's morbid obsession with victory, Kise was a little scared.

"Then...what should I do, little Satsuki, you must help me." Huang Lai looked at him with a pleading look, but Satsuki could do nothing about it. "Well, I can only wish you good luck, and take care of yourself." After saying that, Satsuki shook her head and turned away, leaving Kise's pleading eyes. Suddenly she turned around and said, "By the way, what's the name of the player?" "His name is Bai Feng, wearing the No. 3 jersey." "Bai Feng...I haven't heard of the name." Satsuki whispered to herself. She was going to meet Bai Feng, who should not have left Teikō yet.

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