Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 71: Aomine, How Long Will You Wait?

Not only the audience in the stands were excited.

Even Satsuki and Kuroko on the Teikō bench opened their mouths wide.

Although Kuroko had known Bai Feng's strength for a long time,

but now he saw with his own eyes that he played against Akashi and played such a situation.

He was so shocked that he didn't know how to express it, and he was in disbelief.

As for Satsuki, as a professional intelligence collector, she had actually analyzed many situations of Bai Feng and Akashi before the game.

But she didn't expect such a scene.

It can only be said that the basketball IQ shown by Bai Feng once again refreshed Satsuki's cognition.

Satsuki didn't know whether it was excitement or something else, but her cheeks turned red and she clamped her legs together.

On the court, when Bai Feng stole the ball.

He turned around and prepared to attack.

But before Bai Feng could burst out, he found that - Seven" Dahe had already run to the opponent's three-point line.

And there was no one guarding Dahe.

That's right. Originally, Bai Feng's teammates were just trash in the eyes of Teikō.

They didn't take Da He seriously at all, and the Miracle Era were all paying attention to the match between Bai Feng and Akashi.

For a moment, they ignored Da He's running back.

He just ran out of the opportunity.

Bai Feng laughed a little, and at the same time, he sighed in his heart that Da He still knew him.

This is to fully believe that Bai Feng can limit Akashi, and the team will run back directly.

In this case, Bai Feng will not live up to the trust of his teammates.

Moreover, Da He has already run such a long distance, even if Aomine is fast.

It is impossible to chase and defend successfully!

Then, Bai Feng grabbed the ball with his right hand, and then made a motion like throwing a football.

Then he swung his arm vigorously, and the ball drew a yellow line in the air.

In the eyes of the whole audience.


Da He caught the ball steadily.

Then he recorded a simple layup.

Da He scored two points under the gaze of thousands of eyes in the gymnasium.

This made him very excited.

During the quick return, he found Bai Feng and bumped chests with him!

"Thank you, Feng. The feeling of scoring in the finals is different!"

Seeing his excitement, Bai Feng smiled and said in recognition: "You're welcome. You ran out of opportunities."

"Hey, we know you too well. After seeing your state change in the last round, we knew that Akashi Seijuro is definitely not your opponent!!

Bai Feng was very happy to hear that his teammates trusted him so much.

"Haha, you figured it out. Don't worry, Akashi has been played by me!"

"Okay, run more next time, I will pass the ball to you. "

Bai Feng did not deny Da He's opinion of him and Akashi, and directly admitted it.

Of course, if it were normal, he would not have gone so far as to verbally argue with him.

But the situation is different now. Bai Feng has to use all means possible to change the course of the game.

This includes verbal interference.

When Bai Feng was talking to Da He, he found that Akashi was standing beside him and paying attention to him all the time.

In this case, Akashi must have heard the whole conversation between the two.

When Bai Feng looked back, as he expected, he was still affected.

Although the other party hid it well on the surface, Bai Feng keenly discovered that Akashi's facial expression changed for a moment.

Of course, it was only for a moment, and Bai Feng felt that he had seen it wrong.

But the opponent's next move made Bai Feng extremely sure that Akashi's mood fluctuated.

Akashi looked at Aomine Daiki with his cold eyes, and he just looked at her without saying anything.

But anyone could see that he was dissatisfied with Aomine Daiki's carelessness just now.

That's right, it was Aomine who was facing Taiga, and both of them were power forwards.

The reason why Aomine missed someone just now was because he was not focused.

Aomine didn't say anything about this, but just spread his hands to Akashi.

However, the little episode between the two made Bai Feng unable to control his laughter.

This guy is really broken.

He actually treated Aomine like this. Although Aomine was indeed careless, it was because you, Akashi, were restricted by me.

That's why a series of problems followed.

Bai Feng suddenly had some thoughts about the situation on the scene.

Then he smiled, but said in a teasing tone: "Come on, Akashi, if you hadn't given me a chance, how could Aomine make a mistake?"

"In the final analysis, it was because your performance was so good that Aomine couldn't help but look at it twice more."

After teasing Akashi, Bai Feng turned to Aomine and said: "I thought I could compete with you this time!"

After saying that, Bai Feng didn't wait for the other party to reply, pretending to be disappointed and walked away.

He then invested in the next defense.

However, after Bai Feng finished this sentence0.014106201飞洛151572360]

Aomine Daiki, who was originally calm, suddenly lowered his eyes, and the whole person revealed a dangerous aura.

Even Bai Feng, who turned around, noticed it, as if he was stared at by a beast.

This also made Bai Feng's mouth corners rise, he could feel that Aomine Daiki must have evolved during this period of time.

So accordingly, Aomine would definitely not be able to help but challenge himself.

As for Akashi's current mental state, Bai Feng just hopes it's as bad as possible!

Because he knew when Akashi chose to pass the ball to Midorima just now that this guy didn't intend to fight him to the death.

When there is no chance, Akashi will choose to pass the ball to his teammates.

Because the opponent has been running through the concept of "absolute victory" from beginning to end!

Bai Feng also saw this clearly.

Knowing that it is unrealistic to want to exhaust Akashi's physical strength.

A single Akashi and Akashi who passes the ball are two completely different existences.

In the former, Bai Feng can find opportunities to pass the ball to his teammates to cultivate [same frequency] when facing him, and he doesn't have to worry too much about the total score.

In the latter, Bai Feng has to be extremely careful at all times, because if he is not careful, the score difference will be widened.

This is indeed the case. Akashi then thoroughly implemented the "absolute victory" style of play!


The first quarter is over.

The score shows 32:20.

Teikō is leading.

On Jianguang's side, Bai Feng scored 18 points out of the team's 20 points, and he didn't miss a shot.

So far, Bai Feng's hit rate is 3.6%.

As for the points lost to the opponent, it was because Bai Feng passed the ball to his teammates.

Among all the passes, only Dahe scored a goal, and the rest were all defended.

But there was no way, this was the pain that must be experienced before entering [Same Frequency].

Amid the applause of the audience, the players of both sides left the court.

However, just when Bai Feng deliberately passed by Aomine Daiki, he stopped.

He looked at her seriously, and then said: "Aomine, how long are you going to wait!"

After that, Bai Feng left directly.

His meaning has been conveyed, no need to say more.

And Bai Feng can see that Aomine Daiki's fighting spirit has long been suppressed!

Sure enough, not long after Bai Feng left, he felt the opponent's devouring breath again.

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