Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 72: Aomine, A Brief Confrontation

In the warm atmosphere of the whole stadium.

Bai Feng returned to his own camp, and then his teammates on the bench made room for him very considerately.

After Bai Feng sat down, he picked up the water and drank it in big gulps.

Seeing this, the teammates around him did not disturb him.

Everyone knows that Bai Feng's physical energy consumption is very high.

Combined with their last match with Teikō, everyone is deeply aware of this.

For Bai Feng, this game cannot be stopped for a moment.

Bai Feng is indeed as his teammates think, his current physical energy consumption is much greater than in previous games.

But the situation is much better than the last match with Teikō.

After all, his physical strength has been improved during this period.

It is still very large.

In Teikō's camp.

After everyone sat down, they didn't speak for a while, and the atmosphere was a little quiet.

For those who don't know, they will doubt whether they have an internal conflict.

But only they themselves know that since they have [bloomed], this is the way everyone gets along.

Murasakibara sat on the bench, eating the snacks in his hand leisurely, as if he didn't care about the game at all.

01Among the others, only Akashi was drinking water at this time.

After all, the first quarter of the game really consumed a lot of Akashi's physical energy.

However, the silence on Teikō's side did not last long.

Aomine Daiki, who had closed his eyes and sat lazily in his seat, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, he said directly: "Akashi, let me do the second quarter!"

The sudden voice of Aomine Daiki made the expressions of everyone in the Miracle Era freeze for a moment, but no one spoke.

After all, they have been in the same team for three years.

They all have a certain understanding of Aomine's nature.

Midorima Shintarō couldn't help thinking in his heart at this time.

Is this guy finally unable to hold it back!

Kuroko Tetsuya also looked at Aomine at this time.

They actually noticed that Aomine had been suppressing his fighting spirit.

But they didn't expect that he could hold it in until now before finally speaking.

It was really a blessing for this ball fanatic!

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

But not long after, Akashi suddenly spoke.

His voice was still so cold, like an emotionless machine: "Aomine, I said, Teikō wants absolutely..."

However, before he could finish.

He was interrupted by Aomine's straightforward voice: "What does it matter."

"Do you think I will lose?" Aomine tilted his head and looked at Akashi.

Akashi was interrupted by Aomine, and he obviously didn't expect it. He was stunned for a moment.

Then the whole person instantly revealed a terrifying momentum.

Then, he turned his head to look at Aomine, and the two looked at each other!

In the middle, there were a group of teammates.

Akashi said expressionlessly: "Are you refuting me?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere froze instantly.

Aomine Daiki, who heard the words, didn't expect Akashi to speak to him in such a tone.

Afterwards, Aomine was silent at first and lowered his head.

But the next second, he burst out with a beast-like momentum, colliding with Akashi's might.

Aomine Daiki was grinning at this time. He stood up and looked at Akashi and said: "Akashi, maybe I neglected training during this period, so you forgot who is Teikō's trump card!"

Bai Feng certainly didn't know that he had become a hot commodity.

Teikō's two trump cards actually broke out in an internal conflict for him.

If Bai Feng knew, he would definitely laugh out loud!

Stop fighting, stop fighting!

Not long after, the second quarter began.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone in the stadium, the players of both sides returned to the court!

And the players of both sides did not change.

The first ball was Teikō's.

After Murasakibara served, Bai Feng was delighted.

Because he saw that the person who received the ball at this time was Aomine Daiki.

Before Bai Feng thought too much.

He saw that Aomine had already burst out with his own momentum.

The strong sense of oppression, Bai Feng could clearly feel it across most of the court.

This was a completely different feeling from Akashi just now.

If you have to describe it, Aomine is like a bloodthirsty killer!

The moment Aomine held the ball, the audience focused all their attention on him.

Then, everyone saw a green figure rushing quickly on the court.

The speed was so fast that it was like a cheetah.

In the blink of an eye, Aomine had already rushed in front of Bai Feng.

Afterwards, he did not deliberately stop the speed.

But he used that extremely exaggerated style of play to change the rhythm.

His exaggerated movements even made people wonder if he would fall down in the next second.

But Bai Feng knew the danger of this guy in front of him.

Bai Feng was concentrating, and the defensive strategy he used at this time was the same as when he dealt with Akashi just now.

Although Aomine was almost 1.9 meters tall, Bai Feng still had an advantage against him.

Compared with the first duel, Bai Feng's defensive area was larger this time.

In this case, Bai Feng always kept a distance of more than one step from Aomine.

This way, he could guard against Aomine's terrifying burst speed to a certain extent.

However, after seeing the space between Bai Feng and himself.

He suddenly laughed, and then stopped his exaggerated movements.

In just a moment, his body state changed from extremely active to extremely quiet.

Then, he actually jumped directly in front of Bai Feng!

Seeing this, Bai Feng also jumped up to interfere with the block.

Moreover, he also turned on the [Beyond Vision] deduction.

In an instant, Aomine's next movements in the air were analyzed, but Bai Feng did not relax.

Because he saw in the last 1.5 seconds of the simulation that Aomine could actually dodge his block with his 137 speed.

There was no time for Bai Feng to think too much.

The two of them engaged in fierce attack and defense in the air.

Just when Bai Feng was about to block the ball according to the scene he had predicted in advance.

Aomine suddenly burst out with momentum, which made Bai Feng vaguely see a black panther behind Aomine!

Bai Feng knew that this was life!

With the blessing of wildness, Aomine's speed instantly increased again!

He actually broke through his block directly.

At a twisted angle, he shot quickly.

At this time, Bai Feng also used the [protagonist sense] directly.

In an instant, his abilities in all aspects were also raised accordingly.

Afterwards, he directly blocked the ball along the angle of Aomine's irregular shooting.

Bai Feng already felt the familiar rubber feeling of the basketball touching his fingers.

But the next second, the basketball was still thrown out by Aomine.

Then, the ball did not go directly into the basket, but bounced up and down on the basket.

Finally, he finally fell to the Prince of Tennis.


Aomine looked at Bai Feng at this time and laughed wantonly: "Bai Feng, you can't beat me this time!"

When Bai Feng was surprised by Aomine's goal, he heard the familiar pretentious voice of the opponent.

This made him a little funny, and he didn't know who was fighting again and again in front of him.

But then, Bai Feng also felt a surge of fighting spirit.

Bai Feng: "Hehe, no matter how many times it's the same!"

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