Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 74: I Win This Time, Blocked Shot

After Bai Feng finished speaking, he led his teammates to defend.

As for what the two people behind him thought, it had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Aomine Daiki heard Bai Feng's words.

Although he was unhappy, it was because of the goal he had just scored against Bai Feng, and it had nothing to do with what Bai Feng said.

However, Akashi was obviously not so friendly.

Akashi's eyes flashed coldly, and he murmured in a low voice: "Aomine, if you can't solve the opponent in the second quarter.

"I will directly harvest the game. "

The ball was transferred.

Under the gaze of the audience, Aomine Daiki hung the ball again.

However, this time he did not seem as impatient as in the first round.

Instead, he slowed down and walked towards Bai Feng.

However, although Aomine slowed down at this time.

In Bai Feng's perception, every time Aomine took a step, his aura became stronger.

Until Aomine crossed the midfield line.

His aura had accumulated to the peak!

At this time, Bai Feng could even clearly feel that there was a black panther staring at him behind Aomine.

Facing Aomine's aura, Bai Feng felt that his blood was boiling.

The sudden passion made Bai Feng feel that playing basketball was really fucking interesting!

Then, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and gradually the smile became more and more unbridled.

Then Bai Feng said directly: "Come on, Aomine, show your strongest offensive posture!"

After that, Bai Feng directly used the [Protagonist Sense], and in an instant Bai Feng's momentum was also completely released!

This explosive scene also made the audience fall into an expectant and nervous mood again.

The whole venue was in a quiet atmosphere.

After feeling Bai Feng's changes, Aomine Daiki responded with actions.

Aomine maintained her wildness while making various streetball-like movements with extremely exaggerated amplitudes to mobilize Bai Feng's footsteps.

However, although Aomine was extremely fast.

Bai Feng was not affected at this moment, because in this round, Bai Feng immediately used [Protagonist Sense] to amplify his senses.

At this time, Aomine's movements were much slower than the normal perceived speed in Bai Feng's eyes.

This allowed Bai Feng to keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

Not only that, Bai Feng could also interfere with him with his long arms while defending.

This was completely different from Bai Feng's previous defensive method, which made Aomine's eyes narrow slightly.

Last time, Bai (abbi) Feng took the approach of keeping a distance to prevent the opponent from using speed to break through directly.

This time, Bai With his five senses enhanced, Feng directly chose to defend at a closer distance.

Of course, Bai Feng did a very good job of controlling this distance.

He did not rashly entangle with Aomine, but left his arms with enough space to threaten the opponent.

Under this space control, Bai Feng could defend Aomine with his feet while threatening her with his hands.

For a while, the two of them were in a stalemate.

Neither of them could do anything to the other.

Just as Bai Feng was about to use his physical advantage to force Aomine's space for movement.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger.

Aomine took the lead and shortened the distance between the two.

The sudden burst of speed made Bai Feng feel extremely surprised even with his five senses enhanced!

The explosive power displayed by the opponent at this time was definitely the fastest speed he had seen from Aomine.

At this speed, Bai Feng was almost passed by him in one step.

However, the size difference between the two was too large.

Bai Feng used his 216cm arm span to cover Aomine in his defense range.

At the same time, Bai Feng's mouth curled up a faint smile.

The prey took the initiative to enter the trap.

After Aomine took the initiative to close the distance between the two, he did not completely break through Bai Feng.

He could only wait for Bai Feng's next move.

Sure enough, Bai Feng directly used [Core Confrontation] to improve his balance.

Then he did not hesitate to defend Aomine closely.

The moment the two bodies touched, Aomine's center of gravity became unstable.

But he was extremely talented.

He actually used his outrageous coordination to forcibly restore stability when his body was out of control.

But just as Aomine adjusted his body, Bai Feng's defense completely enveloped him, and Aomine's space for movement had been locked.

He had completely fallen into the spider web.

But in this situation, Aomine actually wanted to burst out his speed [to break the defense.

Bai Feng did not give him a chance, and his arm directly cut towards the basketball in Aomine's right hand fiercely.

"Not good!"

Aomine was shocked when she saw the attacking arm!

She no longer cared about breaking through Bai Feng and jumped up to shoot.

Seeing this, Bai Feng jumped up almost at the same time and covered him with his arm.

"Fuck, I'm just waiting for you to shoot!"

Bai Feng directly activated [Beyond Vision] and then performed a 1.5-second deduction.

Instantly, Aomine's unfixed shooting posture in the air all fell into his mind clearly.

Afterwards, Bai Feng directly blocked the direction of Aomine's shot.

Seeing this, Aomine's wildness instantly burst out, and then his speed in the air suddenly increased.

She actually bypassed Bai Feng's block like lightning.

She presented an extremely weird shooting posture.

Bai Feng knew that this was Aomine's Formless Shot.

But this time, Bai Feng used [Protagonist Sense] to enhance his five senses at the beginning, and there was also defensive pressure.

The initiative had already been grasped by Bai Feng.

You can't escape!

Bai Feng's arm instantly appeared on Aomine's unfixed shooting trajectory.

This sudden scene made Aomine's eyes widen!

He knew that if he couldn't change.

This ball will be lost!

"Faster, faster!" Aomine's eyes widened, and bloodshot appeared at this time.

He was unleashing his potential.

Under the extreme desire to win, Aomine's wildness actually increased by one point.

His speed was successfully improved.

As a result, the originally fixed unfixed pattern changed again.

This made Aomine's expression, which was too strong, show a hideous smile.

"Bai Feng, I won this time!"

But before he could completely release his happy emotions, the next second!


The basketball was slapped down by Bai Feng mercilessly.

Aomine also fell backwards under this block!

At this point, the audience also gave fierce shouts for Bai Feng's defense!

"Too strong!"

"It's incredible that he could block Aomine Daiki!"

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it!"

"It's so damn cool!"


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