Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 75: You Are Not The Only One Who Has Become Stronger, The Second Quarter Ends

When Bai Feng landed after blocking the ball, he grabbed the basketball.

Then he ignored Aomine who fell to the ground, in the enthusiastic eyes of the audience.

He was so fast!

He rushed to the opponent's basket at the fastest speed.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the opponent's inside line.

Then he lifted the ball high and took off in two steps.

He finished the fire!


The heavy dunk sounded again in the entire Tokyo Gymnasium~!

This made the audience who had not yet calmed down from the block the moment before.

Once again, a deafening sound!

Bai Feng calmly returned to his own half of the court amid the cheers and eyes of the audience.

Bai Feng did not expect his fast break to be so easy.

He originally thought that Akashi or others would come forward to defend him.

It turned out that he thought too much.

They should not participate in Aomine's duel in the second quarter.

The court was completely handed over to the two.

Of course, if Bai Feng took the initiative to dunk in front of Murasakibara.

That guy will definitely block the shot.

After Bai Feng returned to his own half, Aomine stood up from the ground with a gloomy face.

Aomine really didn't expect that he would be blocked by Bai Feng.

Especially when he was blocked by Bai Feng at the last moment and broke through the speed.

It felt like that he thought he was a bird that had escaped from the cage and was about to embrace freedom.

But he was caged again in the next second.

Under this huge contrast.

Aomine didn't get up from the ground to chase and defend immediately.

At the same time, he also knew that he was restricted by Bai Feng on both offense and defense again.

Although, this does not mean that Bai Feng can guarantee to block him in every round.

But it is enough to show that Bai Feng's ability at this time is stronger than his.

Aomine never thought of this scene before facing Bai Feng.

Because of the training during this period, he improved rapidly.

He believed that he would definitely beat Bai Feng.

Aomine's facial expression was a little gloomy at this time, and this scene fell into Bai Quan's eyes.

Bai Feng could see what Aomine was thinking.

This guy is still as arrogant as ever.

In other words, Bai Feng didn't give him a chance.

Otherwise, Aomine would have said that classic sentence to him.

Bai Feng looked at Aomine Daiki's gloomy face and couldn't help but chuckled: "Aomine, don't you really think that you can easily beat me after you resume training for a while?" "I admit that your strength recovers quickly. But when you improve, others will not stand still. "Maybe, my improvement speed is faster than yours?" After saying that, Bai Feng spread his hands to Aomine. Then he said seriously: "I hope you can hold on until the end of the second round!" Aomine gradually recovered from silence. He was not a petty person, but Bai Quan's defense just now was too annoying to him. It actually made him have self-doubt. At this time, he also reacted. Bai Feng, this guy, is not slower than him in growth. Let's not talk about the changes in his skills, just talk about Bai Feng's outrageous growth speed. He couldn't help but smack his lips. Aomine now completely understands that the reason why Bai Feng can defend so strongly is closely related to his height of more than 2 meters. Aomine thinks that if Bai If Feng still has the same physical fitness as the first time they met.

He will definitely not be blocked.

But at the same time, he also knew that he had to be more careful about Bai Quan's defensive area.

After sorting out all the information, Aomine suddenly frowned again.

Bai Feng asked him to finish the second round?

What does this mean? Look down on him, Aomine Daiki!

This made Aomine, who had originally returned to his calm state, a little excited again.

Then he said with a sullen face: "There is still enough time, let's do it again!"

As he said that, Aomine took the pass from his teammate.

He burst out with an exaggerated speed.

This time, his speed soared to the top!


In the next game, Bai Qing and Qing continued to perform fierce offense and defense.

The audience at the scene kept shouting.

There was no way, they had never seen such a game.

Especially in the junior high school basketball world, they could actually see such an exciting game scene.

In the hot atmosphere at the scene, time passed quickly.

The second quarter of the game also came to an end!

With Bai Feng on the court, he once again faced Aomine and made a steady jump shot.



The second quarter is over!

The score is 40 to 38.

The audience gradually calmed down as the whistle sounded at halftime.

But despite this, they still stared at Bai Qing and the other two on the field.

In the field, the two parties also recovered from the fierce attack and defense.

Bai Feng looked at each other and didn't say much, and Aomine did the same.

But they both knew.

This time Aomine was slightly behind again.

Because Bai Feng's attack was unstoppable to Aomine, but Bai Feng couldn't defend Aomine's attack every time.

But the probability of successful defense was not small.

In this case, the audience on the scene could actually see that Bai Feng was stronger than the other two.

However, Bai Feng knew.

This guy in front of him suddenly became different when the second quarter was about to end. This feeling was completely different from wildness.

Bai Feng didn't know if Aomine would enter the ZONE directly if he gave the other party some more time!

But unfortunately, the time was a little off.

Bai Feng did not feel lucky about this, but rather regretful.

Because he recalled the wonderful feeling that appeared when he first played against Aomine on the baseball field.

It was so magical that he could not forget it for such a long time.

Bai Feng believed that if Aomine could enter the zone, he could also truly enter that field under her pressure!

Just as Bai Feng was about to leave the court to rest.

Aomine suddenly spoke: "I lost again this time." When he spoke, he had already exited the state of immersion.

After hearing this, Bai Feng did not reply, but just shook his head.

Then he walked off the court.

Bai Feng knew that after the next round, his opponent would no longer be Aomine alone.

But the entire Miracle Era!

In this case, Bai Feng no longer had to continue to talk trash to Aomine.

When both sides returned to their respective camps.

On Teikō's side, after a brief silence.

Akashi suddenly spoke: "Next, we will completely finish the game."

In his calm tone, there was a chilling coldness. .

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