Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 76: Change Positions, You Have Been Wanting To Crush Me For A Long Time

On Jianguang's side, when Bai Feng sat down, his teammates did not disturb him, because they could feel Bai Feng's physical exhaustion from the sound of his heavy breathing. Bai Feng ignored everyone, he first replenished his water, then grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat. Then he covered his head directly with it. Bai Feng's entire face was covered by the towel at this moment. At this time, Bai Feng could not help but calm down, review the second quarter's game, and analyze the progress of the next game. In the second quarter, everything was perfect. Although, he did not let his team's score exceed Teikō. 40:38, currently 2 points behind. However, this actually exceeded Bai Feng's expectations. He originally thought that as long as he could reduce the score to about 7 or 8 points, he did not expect to complete it beyond the norm. Of course, Bai Feng did not have no chance to overtake the score by "873". As long as he kept playing singles, Bai Feng was fully confident that he would surpass Teikō. But he could not do that. When he gained an advantage, he had to pass the ball to his teammates. This led to the current score situation. However, although Bai Feng was quite satisfied with the situation in the second quarter, he also knew that the next one would be really dangerous. The opponent would not play such a game with them again. Akashi had already wanted to widen the score. Thinking of this, Bai Feng could not help but fall into deep thought. He was thinking about how to deal with it. Gradually, Bai Feng's originally rapid breathing gradually returned to calm. This made his teammates around him also slow down a little. However, before everyone could say anything. Suddenly, Bai Feng pulled off the towel on his head. Then, he turned his head and looked at Shota and said, "Shota, do you want to challenge me?" After hearing Bai Feng's words, everyone was a little confused for a while. They didn't know what the captain was going to do. Shota's face was full of question marks: "Ah? What do you want me to do, Feng?" Bai Feng: "After the third quarter starts, you go to defend Akashi." As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell into a dead silence. But before long, everyone realized that Bai Feng was not joking. He looked at Shota with an extremely serious expression.

Shota also reacted and pointed at himself nervously: "A Feng, are you sure you want me to defend?"

"I'm not kidding you!" Bai Feng said seriously.

Then, he directly took the tactical board from the coach's hand.

Then he called the main players to gather around him.

Seeing this, everyone really put away their casual attitude.

Then, everyone looked at Bai Feng's drawing on the tactical board, and he began to explain.

Bai Feng: "Shota, when you defend Akashi, you just need to use your physical advantage."

"Raise your arms, just like I did just now. Try not to let him shoot comfortably.

Hearing this, Shota said with a lack of confidence: "My pace can't keep up, if the opponent breaks through."

Bai Feng: "You don't need to defend his breakthrough, I will make up for it after he breaks in."

"You just need to try to interfere with his sight of shooting three-pointers. ”

In Bai Feng’s tactics, Shota acts as an obstacle.

It is impossible to use this obstacle to affect Akashi’s shooting.

The most ideal situation is that Shota can more or less interfere with the opponent’s shooting vision.

However, Bai Feng did not have much hope for this.

His real goal is to match up with Murasakibara.

In this way, he can pass the ball to his teammates and fight for rebounds at the same time.

As long as Bai Feng can ensure that he can grab more rebounds than Murasakibara, then Bai Feng can make one more pass.

In this case, although the score will be quickly pulled apart.

However, the time for Bai Feng and his team to enter the [Same Frequency] will also be greatly accelerated.

Then, Bai Feng looked at all the main players and said: "You can all let the other side break through."

"As long as they break through, leave it to me."

Bai Feng is not afraid of the other side attacking, but he is afraid that they will all shoot from outside.

If this is the case, then there is nothing we can do.

At this point, everyone has figured it out.

Bai Feng's goal is not to defend Akashi, but to liberate himself.

When Bai Feng stands in the interior, he can not only expand his defensive threat, but also take care of rebounds.

Bai Feng has never thought about whether he can compete with Murasakibara, and his teammates have never thought about this issue.

They have always had a mysterious confidence in Bai Feng's strength.

However, although Bai Feng is confident in himself, he is still a little worried about the words of this group of teammates.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng specifically reminded: "If you receive the pass, throw it out as soon as possible, don't worry about whether it goes in or not.

"Of course, at least you have to hit the backboard, don't throw it out of bounds. 0.

[Same frequency] This ability only needs to affect teammates in passing, and it is not necessary to score.

So Bai Feng's requirement for them is just not to be blocked or intercepted.

After ensuring these two points, just throw it casually.

The teammates also understood the key points and nodded seriously.

But then, they all felt a little absurd.

Since the first day of playing basketball, everyone has never thought that there will be such an outrageous situation.

To avoid defense, they actually throw the basketball casually.

But then, they all laughed helplessly.

Because their own family knows their own business, and the gap with the opponent is indeed too big.

They can only take such an outrageous way.

At this time, the third quarter is about to begin.

Bai Feng put away the tactical board and stood up, then calmly said to everyone: "Get ready, everyone calm down. "

Under Bai Feng's leadership, his teammates also cheered up again.

Prepare for the next tough battle.


The third quarter begins.

In the excited atmosphere of the audience, players from both sides come on the court.

The first ball is Teikō's.

The Jianguang team stood in their own half early, waiting for the opponent to attack.

After seeing Akashi receive the serve, Bai Feng also completely determined the opponent's play style.

Then, under the gaze of many people.

He raised his eyebrows and retreated behind his teammates!

Then Shota walked out from the basket and exchanged positions with Bai Feng.

This sudden change of formation surprised everyone, and Teikō's players were also puzzled.

Soon, Murasakibara also came to the basket and stood beside Bai Feng.

That calm expression, staring at Bai Feng, could not tell what he was thinking.

Then, I don't know what he thought of, but he actually revealed a sense of danger and said: "You guy...

Bai Feng was also observing the opponent, and at the same time, he couldn't help but think of the first time he played against Teikō, when he and Murasakibara.

At that time, Murasakibara was stimulated by his humiliating dunk and wanted to go to the outside to target Bai Feng.

At that time, Bai Feng was still looking forward to it, but in the end, because of Akashi.

The result was nothing.

After thinking about this, Bai Feng looked at Murasakibara and smiled: "You always want to crush me, don't you need to go to the outside, I took the initiative to come here!"

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