Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 77: I’Ll Deal With You Later, Dunk!

At this time, Bai Feng and Atsushi Murasakibara were seen standing together.

Everyone understood that Bai Feng was going to play the center position.

This made those who were familiar with Bai Feng at the scene unable to react for a while.

They had never seen Bai Feng play the center position.

Especially some media reporters in the stands, they were quite surprised now.

Since they knew Bai Feng, Bai Quan has been playing point guard outside with his height in the inside.

They had also thought about what it would be like for Bai Feng to play in the inside with such talent, after all, he was more than two meters tall and had excellent dynamic talent.

This would definitely be able to get whatever he wanted in the restricted area.

However, in this situation, they had only thought about it.

But at this time, they were actually about to see Bai Feng enter the inside.

Although the audience was looking forward to it, they had to move their eyes away from Bai Feng.

Because the basketball was now controlled by Akashi.

At this time, Akashi was standing in front of Shota.

After Shota faced Akashi directly, he seemed to feel bad.

He really didn't expect that just standing in front of Akashi would put him under such great pressure.

Shota suddenly felt that this was much more stressful than when facing Murasakibara.

After all, although Murasakibara was strong, he was absent-minded the whole time.

But now, he was stared at by 01 Akashi's eyes, and Shota felt that he was being stared at by something terrifying.

Although Akashi was very short, Shota felt that he was looking up at him.

Shota felt that time was passing very slowly at this moment.

Suddenly, Akashi said, "Who gave you the courage to stand in front of me?" He did not wait for Shota to respond. Then Akashi narrowed his eyes and said sternly, "Kneel down!" Shota was suddenly excited by him, and his whole body tensed up instantly. He felt that something bad was about to happen. Akashi's orange pupils shrank violently, and he dribbled quickly at the same time. Bang! Bang! Akashi only made two clean dribbles and stopped his body movements. Because Shota in front of him had already knelt down with disbelief on his face. Then, Akashi shot over his head! "Swish!" A three-pointer hit. Only Shota knew how he felt now. Of course, he quickly came to his senses after being stunned. At the same time, he knew that he did not strictly follow Bai Quan's orders. Bai Feng also covered his face speechlessly after seeing what happened to Shota. Although I didn't think that Shota could limit Akashi, you have to strictly follow my arrangements. At least if you do it, you won't give it directly. Akashi knelt down.

Bai Feng walked forward and pulled Shota up.

Then he reminded him in a calm tone: "Don't be nervous, just raise your hands to interfere, don't move with his rhythm.

"Even if he moves sideways to shoot, you can try to interfere after he jumps."

Shota scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "I know, I was too nervous just now."

Bai Feng: "Okay, serve the ball."

Shota served the ball to Bai Feng at the baseline.

Bai Feng did not advance quickly, but waited for his teammates to join him.

After passing the midfield, Akashi walked directly in front of him.

When Bai Feng saw him at this time, he couldn't help but think of Akashi's arrogant look just now.

Then Bai Feng frowned slightly and said calmly: "I don't have time to play with you this round."

Akashi heard this, his eyes became colder: "End the game immediately, you have no chance."

Bai Feng: "Really... who gave you the confidence. "1

He really didn't like this guy's pretentious attitude and tone.

At this moment, Bai Feng suddenly felt that he could lose the game, but he had to beat Akashi!

Bai Feng said calmly to Akashi in front of him: "Shorty, I'll deal with you later!"

Bai Feng did not let his current emotions affect his next plan.

After speaking to Akashi, he waved to Shota and asked him to come over to screen for him.

After receiving Bai Feng's instructions, Shota quickly ran to Akashi's right side.

In an instant, Shota's height of more than two meters blocked Akashi tightly like a door.

At the same time, Shota's forward screen also successfully pulled Atsushi Murasakibara in front of Bai Feng.

At this moment, Bai Feng's defender was replaced by Atsushi Murasakibara.

When the two faced each other, Tsukihara instantly broke away from his lazy state.

At this moment, he had an inexplicable desire to win, and wanted to completely lock Bai Feng.

Bai Feng also became serious when facing Murasakibara.

He clearly felt the pressure from Murasakibara's defense, after all, Murasakibara's physical talent was very strong.

This gave him the ability to defend over a wide range on the defensive end.

Bai Feng had never experienced this feeling before.

It also made Bai Feng feel a little bit of anticipation, and then he said directly: "Murasakibara, let me feel your defensive ability."

Then, Bai Feng started to break through directly.

He rushed to the inside line, and his speed was very fast.

But Murasakibara could always follow him.

Bai Feng could feel that this guy was not only fast on his feet, but the most terrifying thing was his reflexes.

Murasakibara could react almost the moment Bai Feng made a move.

However, Bai Feng was not affected by this.

After all, he was the ball holder, and no matter how fast the opponent reacted, he had to follow Bai Feng's rhythm.

In this case, as long as Bai Feng did not give the opponent a chance.

Murasakibara had to follow Bai Feng's actions first.

Murasakibara gradually became serious during the brief confrontation.

At the same time, he also knew that he could not rush to steal the ball.

If he failed to steal the ball, he would be completely thrown away by Bai Feng.

He had to wait for Bai Feng to finish his shot before making the final defense.

The two were already in the penalty area at this time.

Bai Feng leaned against Murasakibara and showed his back-to-back technical moves.

In Murasakibara's defensive posture with his arms open, Bai Feng shook his shoulders left and right.

Then, he turned and faced the basket, making a shooting gesture.

Seeing this, Murasakibara instantly raised his long arms, approached quickly with his feet, and was about to jump up to block the ball in the next second.

This scene made the audience who had been waiting for a long time more focused.

Everyone knew that the final collision between the two was coming.

But, Bai Feng, in the eyes of everyone's expectation.

He directly threw the ball to his teammate who was running around him.

This scene really surprised everyone, although they knew that Bai Feng loved to pass the ball.

But isn't it a bad idea to pass the ball at this time?

Many people even had doubts in their hearts.

They thought that Bai Feng couldn't stand the defensive strength of Murasakibara and deliberately passed the blame to others.

Murasakibara also frowned at this time. He was indeed fooled by Bai Feng's fake shot just now.

But, he didn't expect Bai Feng to choose to pass the ball.


Everyone hasn't recovered from the pass yet.

Then, the whole audience fell silent again.

Because they saw that the player who received the pass didn't even adjust it, and threw the ball directly towards the backboard.

It seemed that the basketball was very hot.

This random action reminded them of Aomine Daiki.

It's even more exaggerated than the unfixed form!

Such a shot action, without any accidents, directly hit the backboard and bounced.


Bai Feng smiled when he saw this.

Then he directly turned on [Beyond Vision] to deduce, and in an instant his eyes were full of spider webs.

The trajectory of the basketball in the air was also clear at the same time.

Then, he jumped high towards the point where the basketball landed.

Murasakibara also reacted at this time, and then he gritted his teeth and jumped.

However, no matter how fast he was, he could not be faster than Bai Feng who had deduced in advance.

More importantly, the direction of the rebound this time was just towards Bai Feng.

Instantly, Bai Feng grabbed the ball firmly in the air.

Although Murasakibara did not grab the ball, he was also in the air at this time, and interfered with Bai Feng.

He wanted to knock the ball off Bai Feng's hand.

However, Bai Feng grabbed the ball with both hands and actually bypassed his arm.

Then, in front of the surprised eyes of the audience.

He dunked the ball heavily into the basket!

"Bang!!" Dunk!

At the same time, this powerful dunk also made Murasakibara fall to the ground.

After Bai Feng landed, he looked at the dazed expression on the other side on the ground.

"Focus a little, Kaiyuan."

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