Chapter 123 Always faster than her

The light of stars passes through the shallow artificial atmosphere and is scattered by the molecules and dust in the air, showing a kind of pale golden light.

The light cast on the gray-brown stone buildings on the Dawn Star colony, creating a desolate and lonely scene.

Standing on a high place, one glance at the past, it’s like coming from the interstellar era to the prehistoric era.

It took humans seven years to come from the solar system 20,000 light-years away from the dawn star to this barren world to build a new home, a new home built of stones.

When Ado was standing on one of the highest places of the school, looking out through the reinforced transparent glass.

Such weird thoughts always surfaced in his heart.

He was selected because of his outstanding craftsmanship and became a fifteen-year-old survivor.

He was the only one selected in a parenting class.

He vaguely remembered his classmates’ angry and jealous expression when he was taken away by the soldiers.

It’s as if they had robbed them of their chance of survival.

Human beings in the solar system have given up the life-style of family as a bond since a long time ago.

Social welfare allows them to get rid of the distress of raising children, and only need to send the children to special institutions.

It is indeed a very free and beautiful life.

You don’t have to pay for your actions, you just need to enjoy happiness.

They almost no longer assume any obligations.

The consequences of such a good life are obvious, and mankind is almost destroyed.

Of the tens of billions of human beings, only seven million survived, thanks to a demon who was scolded by everyone at the time.

Those guys were still scolding before they died, resenting Zhao Yu for not willing to save them.

In Addo’s biological computer mail mailbox, there are still various messages sent by those guys.

It’s very interesting.

From pleading to angry to pleading and finally angry, those so-called adults change their faces as quickly as children.

The entire human society is like a baby who hasn’t grown up, unaware that he should pay for what he has done.

“Perhaps they thought it should be that way.” Addo thought, looking at the golden sun about to set on the horizon.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Addo turned over and sat up and took out a small robot from his arms.

He does have a talent for craftsmanship, ingenuity, and a strong understanding of machinery.

He brought this poor robot from the solar system and used some discarded parts.

The children of the Federation have no parents, and the bond of family affection is so weak that there is almost no existence. When he was a child, Ado made such a thing to accompany himself.

This robot is very simple, only knows how to walk two steps Kabakaba, and then sounded a beeping alarm.

It may be related to its poor brain container chip.

Ado has kept this robot, which can be regarded as his only family.

“I knew you were here.” A girl’s voice sounded.

Ado looked back and saw a head of golden hair floating softly in the breeze, and a girl with fair skin and good looks was standing behind him.

“I will only be here, Midoni. I can’t go anywhere except here. Those adults won’t let us see the outside world.” Addo turned his head and said to the golden sun in the distance.

All underage children are required to stay in stone buildings and complete their studies and skills training.

Ado can only get a glimpse of the new world through transparent glass.

“You can go and play with Rapoo and Aktu. They recently played a game called allegiance. They are imitating the allegiance rituals of those powerful genetic warriors to the savior. To be honest, I think it’s really cool. NS.”

“Those powerful fighters will win more new worlds for us. Many adults have said that they will fight back at that time to show those who drive us away.

Midoni sat next to Addo, and then sat on the steps, looking at the world outside the transparent tempered glass.

Barrenness, only sand and thunderstorms, compared with the once beautiful solar system, it is simply the contrast between heaven and hell.

Mankind has suffered an unprecedented failure. It ran out of its homeland like a wild dog, hiding in this desolate world and licking its wounds.

“It is estimated that it will take a long time, we may not be able to live until that time.” Ado said.

“No matter how long, we will definitely have that day. We have a super powerful leader,” Midoni said.

Most people who came out of the grief of destruction regarded Zhao Yu as a spiritual leader.

Whether they support the monarchy or the federal system, they all hope to continue to be led by Zhao Yu.

No one knows how they should go without Zhao Yu.

Perhaps they will continue to quarrel because of various colonial problems, and even they will have to fight within themselves.

“Maybe we can replace our bodies with machinery at that time, so that we can wait until that day.” Addo looked at his little robot and said.

“All of this has to wait until we grow up.” Midoni said, “Now we have to go back to them, otherwise Teacher Domiry will definitely get angry again.

In the dilithium mine area, the magnetic field restraint was established.

With the help of Skynet AI, this matter is not difficult.

Dilithium crystals are very important to mankind, and it is the key for mankind to take off.

Petroleum is the blood of the industrial age, and dilithium crystal is the bone of the interstellar age, and is an important ladder for mankind to glory.

The only problem is that they don’t have any heavy equipment. All the heavy equipment is taken away by the Ark, and it will take six months to come back at the latest.

This is a very hot thing, but no matter what, they have to mine some crystals first.

Zhou Lu controlled the spider mech, pacing back and forth next to the transport plane, and occasionally raised his electromagnetic weapon.

He knew there could be no enemies in this place, he just wanted to do something to ease his excitement.

This is a major moment in human history, as long as you have these crystals, you have the future.

His team members watched as the mechanical terminator with red light in his eyes took out some small equipment from the transport plane.

These equipments were all transported from Liming Star’s low-Earth orbit station, where there is a set of factory equipment for the production of basic living goods.

Mining ships need to collect metallic minerals and water resources from small meteorites more than 2 billion kilometers away and send them to the low-Earth orbit factory.

After processing, the water resources are sent to the colony base.

After discussion, Antonov and several base executives decided to build a refining plant in the small meteorite belt to simply process the minerals before sending them back to Dawn Star.

Mining minerals and constructing refineries are both done at the same time, resulting in a lot of Skynet’s resources being taken up.

These resources were originally intended to improve the quality of life of the people, but now they have to sacrifice the quality of life in exchange for the development of the base.

……For flowers………

Some people complain about this kind of thing endlessly.

No matter what the environment, these people can always find dissatisfaction.

But they can’t form a climate.

The vast majority of the people did not accept the ideological seal, but the high-level officials and soldiers of the base would accept the ideological seal.

The greatest use of the ideological seal is not to be loyal to Zhao Yu, but to ensure that these people can be cruel and able to abandon the car to protect the handsome at the critical moment.

The geologist was standing more than ten meters away from the spider mech. He didn’t dare to stand too close to the mech.

An ordinary flesh-and-blood body, only need a spider mech to easily scrape, can hurt for several days.

Geologists don’t want to use their small body to test the power of this big guy.

The machinery was lifted down, and some workers deployed from the base began to use this crude equipment to smash the rocks.

Peel off the skin like a banana to reveal the flesh inside.

This kind of work should have been done with explosives.

Geologists rejected this rough method because it violently shakes the fragile molecular structure of the lithium crystal.

So I can only send people to smash the stones on the surface of the veins little by little.

When the mining work started, Zhou Lu no longer controlled the mecha to move around.

The light of the holographic image shone on his face, and the person communicating with him was Antonov, the top director of the base.

This former lieutenant admiral was also very concerned about the mining of mineral veins. After all, it was his own mistake that caused the Ark to leave, and he could not leave any heavy equipment.

Otherwise, the mineral veins have already begun to be exploited.

Where can Skynet recreate this kind of small equipment to smash stones.

Skynet can efficiently mobilize resources, conduct reasonable adjustments, and maximize efficiency.

It’s a pity that Dawn Star is too barren, and all the minerals have to be mined by oneself, while also taking care of the survival of the colony.

Skynet is also difficult for clever women to cook without rice, and the refinery will take several months to complete.

With current efficiency, a heavy-duty mining equipment can take at least two months to build.

Nitli sits on a six-legged heavy-armored horse. This kind of mount has been domesticated by the tribe for nearly a thousand years.

With a gentle personality, he can run hundreds of kilometers an hour, which is considered the most common means of transportation.

The heavy armor horse is wrapped by a thick exoskeleton, from the main body to the back of the head.

Nitli hugged the long neck of the hexagonal horse to avoid falling down on her own.

The affairs of the steppe tribes have caused her fear of those terrifying steel monsters.

That is the demon that represents destruction and doom in mythology.

Two strong clansmen protected her and rushed to the holy tree tribe.

The two tribes are separated by thousands of kilometers, and there are several super tribes in between.

Nitli wanted to warn the tribes along the way, but when she ran to a tribe, she could only see flames rising to the sky, reflecting the blue night as red as blood.

The enemy’s pace was faster than her. All the tribes along the way were burned. Some tribes and leaders were even hung up as a tool for demonstrations.

Nitli gathered some survivors and drove them to the Sacred Tree Tribe.

But she was a little frightened, for fear that when she reached the giant tree, all she saw were corpses and burning flames everywhere.

Those terrible demons must be faster than her. enter,

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