Chapter 124 The mysterious ecological network

The Ark is suspended in the low-Earth orbit of the planet Dawn.

In the Ark Operation Command Hall.

Zhao Yu, Vader and others are watching the battle.

A huge holographic real-time simulated war image is displayed in front of many commanders.

The faint green light reflected on these human guardians.

They watched every detail on the battlefield, sometimes dignified and sometimes relaxed.

This is a battle about the future of mankind. They must learn as much as possible how to fight alien races, tap human weaknesses, and improve them.

The genetic warrior who obtained the CMC power armor showed an extremely terrifying side.

Nothing is their opponent, relying on super fast nerve reaction speed and strong physical strength.

They are invincible, crushing the enemy all the way.

Those poor psionic skills are useless on their thick armor, they can only leave a few traces weakly on the surface, nothing else.

The indigenous tribes turned to ashes in front of the genetic warriors one by one.

At the time when everyone was refreshed.

Astarte walked into the combat command hall from the side door.

The face of this crazy biologist was a little solemn. Looking at the frowning brows in “Nine-Nine-Three”, it is estimated that things are not small.

She came to Zhao Yu’s side and looked at the person next to her who was still watching the situation on the battlefield intently, and then she was a little relieved.

“You should take a look at this.” Astart handed a data template to Zhao Yu. Her words were very light to avoid being heard by others. “This is information obtained from the mouths of those indigenous people.”

“Have you mastered the language of those guys?” Zhao Yu asked casually, looking at the battle situation of the gene squad on the holographic screen.

“Yes, we read their brains and used this method to quickly analyze their language and analyze their memories.

Those natives who were caught used psionic experiments to successfully read out their memories.

With the development of brain technology, the means of obtaining information have also improved.

Humans no longer need to use language or other means to pry out what they want from the enemy’s mouth.

You only need to dissect the other party’s brain, like a card reader, use the computer to read the other party’s memory, and quickly retrieve what you need from it.

This method is also slightly cruel.

Almost all organisms that use this method to obtain the target cause brain failure, and the process is very painful.

But in order to win the war, this method is also acceptable.

Zhao Yu took the data panel and looked at it, his face also became solemn.

“You mean they can connect to each other and use the planet’s ecological network to achieve rapid communication and control of animals and plants?”

Astar characteristically nodded, “Psionic energy has given them special abilities, allowing them to achieve the so-called interconnection of all things, driving those animals to fight for them. The hair-like things on their heads are not hair, but tentacles and nerve tentacles. . This kind of nerve tentacles can be connected with plants and even animals, using mind to control them, just like humans

The immersive control is like that. ”

“It means we need to fight the entire planet, or do we need orbital bombardment to destroy all living things?” Zhao Yu frowned, looked around and said.

He is not interested in understanding how the creatures of this planet are connected.

The most important thing now is to win this war.

Astarte shook his head, “Things are not so bad. The whole planet has formed a kind of network, but if we can destroy the network or grab control of the network with those natives, then this planet will also be in control. In our hands.”

When he said this, Astarte’s tone showed a hint of excitement.

Planet Dawning is definitely a subversive discovery. The entire ecology has become a network, and all life is connected to each other.

The indigenous people can communicate with flowers and plants, and even store their memories on those ancient trees.

Although the civilization of this planet is in the tribal stage.

But it is more terrifying than human beings in the industrial age, and even more powerful than the hyper-information age.

Hyper-information humans are only able to form rapid communication among their own races.

The natives of this world can connect with animals and plants to form a huge network to communicate with each other, and even drive animals to transform their bodies in order to satisfy their own production activities.

Perhaps the biological civilization that once destroyed mankind has also developed in this way.

When they can control the evolution of creatures into interstellar creature spacecraft, they have the power of the interstellar age.

There is no need to go from the industrial age to the information age, and finally to the interstellar age like human beings.

The development of one era after another.

The biological civilization of Dawn No. 1 world has no obvious time limit. Oh, whoever will come.

“How to snatch their network? Are there research results?” Zhao Yu handed the data board back to Astarte and asked.

“There are some very important nodes in their ecological network, and that is these giant trees.”

Astarte slid the content on the data board, and a holographic image of the Dawn One World appeared.

There are six red dots on the holographic image, which are constantly emitting red ripples, covering the whole world.

It’s like the global satellite signal coverage of human beings.

If you zoom in, you can see that the red dots are six towering giant trees with a height of 300 meters and a diameter of 60 meters.

The crown of the giant tree is extremely luxuriant, and the emerald green is like carved with emeralds.

A single leaf on the tree is enough to wrap an adult, and its branches are so thick that the indigenous people can build various houses on it as proud as a bird.

“If we can destroy these giant trees, these natives will lose control of the entire planet and become prey without the power to fight back.,

Hearing Astarte’s words, Zhao Yu took a closer look at the hologram, frowned and stretched out again.

“Then do it, this world means a lot to us.

The white clouds are now dark and gloomy, and the occasional cracks leaked red light like blood.

The whole world seemed depressed and distorted as if it had entered the doomsday.

A series of huge fork-shaped furious thunder and lightning fell from the sky, which seemed to represent that the anger of this world had reached the point where it could not be suppressed.

The world is angry with the invaders, who are trying to disrupt the balance of the planet.

Li Dachao didn’t care about the anger of this planet.

He vowed that he would become a sword of mankind and help mankind win the chance of survival in this galaxy

This is what he does now.

Flames and death appeared in the places they passed, and a whole 300 genetic warriors mixed with mechanical forces to form an unstoppable force.

Those natives tried to use all kinds of dark and terrifying witchcraft to stop them, but it was useless and only left more corpses.

The human force will pull out every indigenous tribe it finds and wipe it out completely.

Let this planet be one of the many colonies that mankind will soon have.

The aboriginals are not without the power to fight back. They have mysterious psychic powers and a mother of all things passed on by word of mouth.

As humans approached their holy land, some huge behemoths were driven onto the battlefield by the natives.

Those behemoths are more than ten meters in length, and they are wearing heavy armor. Every time they fall, they make the earth roar.

If only this is the case, it will not make human beings feel the slightest danger.

The real trouble is the weather.

With the deepening of the human forces, the weather is getting worse.

Raging storms and thunder and lightning became the main factors hindering human forces.

The azure dawn planet became dim and dim, and the atmosphere was dotted with many bright lightning storms.

The violent climate change set off a strong electromagnetic storm.

If it is electromagnetic communication, I am afraid that the Ark has already lost contact with the ground forces.

Even with the use of quantum instant messaging, it cannot communicate well with ground forces.

It seems that the weird psychic has interfered with human communication equipment.

However, this situation did not panic everyone on the Ark, on the contrary, it was even more looking forward to this mysterious world.

Maybe human beings will get tickets to space war here.

Use psychic energy to overtake those powerful civilizations in the universe, have the ability to protect themselves, or defeat those terrible enemies.

“It’s really a troublesome opponent.” Hobbs used his flight backpack to escape an attack by the giant beast, equipped an electromagnetic rifle with a howitzer, and targeted and hit the weak spot in the abdomen of the giant beast 1.6.

Seeing the other party wailing, then fell heavily to the ground, and the severe damage to his abdomen caused his life to pass quickly.

Hobbs, who was flying in the air, let out a sigh of relief and fired a few more shots into the eyes of the behemoth to make sure that the opponent’s head exploded into a paste.

There was a rumbling sound from a distance, and a huge mecha was knocked to the ground by a giant beast.

Several giant beasts tore it to pieces alive, and dazzling electric lights enter and exit the cables between the pieces.

Then there was a big explosion, and the out of control energy pile set off a terrible explosion, which lifted several huge behemoths to pieces.

A sharp sound came from high above.

Hobbs raised his head and looked up into the sky.

The vortex of clouds slowly turning in the air, the light of thunder brightened in the air from time to time.

Those indigenous people drive various flying animals at high altitudes, and from time to time they will launch a dive attack.

Those flying monsters slapped their wings quickly, and they uttered shrill noises. The black claws were shiny and looked like metal.

These sharp claws are indeed strong and sharp, cutting iron like mud.

The steel bodies of those Terminator fighters can be easily grasped by these sharp claws. .

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