Chapter 138 The ultimate weapon to destroy the universe

[Congratulations on completing the psionic mission, all human leaders will receive the blessing of eternal life][The cells of all leaders stop aging and maintain their appearance at the moment the task is completed]

Zhao Yu didn’t go to Mala, it was just a small problem. The child would finally see the essence of the dark forest.

This is not a question of war and peace, but the inferior nature of the instincts of all intelligent creatures.

No one can change, Mara will only keep hitting the wall, and finally go to despair.

Zhao Yu looks at the accomplishment of the mission of immortality, which means that human society has a million psychics.

Humans have taken the first step of psionic ascension.

Millions of psychics, the dream of cultivating immortals and superpowers that human beings desire has been achieved in the interstellar age.

Zhao Yu felt a little ironic about this. Those guys in the previous life who yelled to enter the mountain for practice must vomit blood with anger.

The construction of the sub-universe has officially started, and everything is developing in a good direction.

What we can do now is to wait for humans to develop slowly.

Zhao Yu looked at the system panel, after reading these completed tasks.

He clicked on the task that was activated not long ago.

[Completing the construction of the sub-universe requires a self-built sub-universe, and you will obtain meson technology][This technology can help you build parallel universe electron channels, gain unlimited energy, and have the opportunity to create the universe. 】

Zhao Yu carefully checked the description of the meson instrument.

Before talking about meson instruments, let me talk about mesons.

Let me explain first that a meson is a subatomic hadron composed of a quark and an antiquark.

Quark is the smallest solid particle known in the microscopic field, and its mass is much smaller than that of protons.

Scientists in the scientific research institute found that quarks can no longer be divided, because this has already exposed the concept of energy-mass conversion.

The essence of the universe is energy, and the Big Bang is the process of transforming energy into entities.

The quark is the critical point, and when it crosses over, it is energy, and when it retreats, it is the entity.

The energy-quality conversion formula is based on this principle.

The meson is composed of this quark, and the meson instrument is to study the microscopic field.

But this thing is not simply studying the microscopic field, but more importantly, opening up electronic channels to exchange matter with other universes.

The mass of the universe is constant. From the moment of the explosion of the universe, the mass has been fixed.

Whether it is converted into energy or into particles, it constitutes an entity.

The quality is there, and how much you can cut is your civilized ability.

Meson instruments can help humans connect with other universes and replace energy.

The universe is an eleven-dimensional sphere composed of a continuous large membrane.

This is also one of the principles of micro-jump.

Everywhere is the surface or end of the universe.

Just like the earth, as long as you keep rising, you can get away from the earth, but if you keep running, you just go around in circles on the spot.

Flying along any direction in the universe, no matter how fast the speed, will eventually return to the original place.

The universe is finite but infinite, and it has no real meaning.

Only by jumping out of the surface can we truly escape from the universe.

Before the formation of the dark forest, the speed of light in the ten-dimensional pastoral universe was infinite.

Because every time and space is connected with all time and space, light can walk through all time and space in an instant.

Generally speaking, between one and ten, in the three-dimensional world, there are eight numbers between the two numbers. It must be counted step by step, 1 and 2 are connected, and 2 and 3 are connected.

The same is true for the path of light. It must pass through all time and space before it can reach you.

The lower the dimensionality, the more time and space the light needs to pass through, and the slower it is in front of you.

Falling into a black hole or a low speed of light, the time and space it will fly is infinite, and it will never be able to escape the black hole.

But in an eleven-dimensional world, there is no intermediate number between one and ten.

The light at any point in the universe has no intermediate distance from you, and it can reach it in an instant.

After 1 is not 2, it is followed by all numbers.

This is why the ten-dimensional universe is called the idyllic world.

This is why so many scientists committed suicide when Tomoko was discovered.

Because everything has been changed, the universe that scientists recognize has been changed by the game.

The laws of mathematics and physics do not exist, and are the result of being tampered with by other civilizations.

This is a terrifying blow to scientists who devote their entire lives to science and mathematics.

Ye Wenjie’s daughter Yang Dong committed suicide, and was the first scientist to touch the water droplets. This is why Ding Yi chose to fall asleep.

According to the dark forest idea, there is also the three-body strategy for mankind.

Another formula can be derived. All high-level civilizations will curb the development and rise of low-level civilizations.

The three-body system thus blocked the basic physics of mankind, and blocked the way for mankind to advance.

The three bodies in the universe that are not as powerful as possible can lock down a civilization’s technology.

Sophons can interfere with human particle accelerators.

Then why higher-level civilizations can’t interfere with the laws of mathematics and physics, thereby eliminating the science of other civilizations from the source, so that they can only be limited to lower-level levels.

With these high levels of Zero Zero civilization, the level of technology they possess is definitely not what Guan Yifan and Cheng Xin can imagine from hiding in the small universe.

In the final return movement, why are they so sure that the number of civilizations that built the small universe is 1.57 million?

The most crucial point is that they can understand the universe where Guan Yifan and Cheng Xin are located, knowing that they are ancient civilizations from the Earth of the solar system.

The civilization of the solar system was completely destroyed without the invention of the light-speed spacecraft.

The only ones who escaped were the blue space and the Gravity. The values ​​of human beings in the starry sky are completely different from those of the solar system.

In the case of a complete change in values, the changes in words will be completely different in two to three hundred years.

Ten thousand years can change everything.

Ten thousand years is not even a splash in the ocean for the universe.

In this case, the zero-returner uses the ancient earth script to broadcast.

The only explanation is that the zeroer knows everything and even has the ability to observe outside the universe.

Know who lives in each small universe, which civilization, and where it comes from.

They were originally ten-dimensional civilizations and won the first dimensionality reduction war.

They are like high gods, paying attention to the growth and destruction of all civilizations, and preventing them when the other side builds a small universe.

As for their archaeological knowledge of 1.7 million civilizations, that is nonsense.

To transmit information to the small universe, it needs to consume mass similar to the Milky Way and convert all of it into pure energy to ensure that the small universe can receive the information.

The zero-returner conveys information to 1.7 million civilizations. Even if each civilization only conveys a few hundred words, it will convey hundreds of millions of symbols.

……For flowers………

Turning several galaxies into pure energy is only used to convey information. This kind of boldness, this kind of means, humans dare not write fantasy novels.

Such a civilization locks down the laws of mathematics and physics of low-level civilizations and ensures that they can only possess low-level technologies. It does not seem to be too difficult.

The truth is so cruel. The laws of physics and mathematics are nothing but the product of advanced civilized wars.

The entire universe is just a leftover banquet, everything is a deception from a higher civilization to a lower civilization.

This is the greatest sorrow of those theoretical scientists in the AD century, and one of the reasons that prompted them to commit suicide.

A shooter completed the record of penetrating ten targets in a row at the shooting range, and then the shooting range was abandoned.

After a long time, a race of microorganisms thrived on a target.

By observing the target hole, the universe of the target range is obtained. Every ten meters, there is a great truth of a hole.

This is sorrow. Everything they study is just the remains of the war or the deceit of the enemy.

The meson instrument is undoubtedly the savior of human science. This instrument can change the number of mesons of a proton. The number of mesons is the key to strong and weak magnetic force.


Having this kind of instrument means that humans have the ability to manipulate the laws of physics.

The more important point is that the meson meter can open the electron channel and exchange materials with other universes, so as to use the time flow rate and strong force of different universes to form a return difference.

The drop will form an energy flow, and humans can continuously empty the white wolf through the meson, just like the perpetual motion machine.

Of course, there is no real empty glove white wolf in this world, but the price is paid in another form, which is to transfer damage.

The high water level flows to the low water level, and eventually the two water levels will be flat.

The same is true for the meson instrument, the backflow difference will affect the strong force and time flow rate of the universe.

The change of strong force is fatal to a universe.

The strong force increases, so that a large number of protons will be squeezed each other.

The nuclear fusion reaction of stars will accelerate and their life span will be shortened.

With the backflow difference of the electron channel built by the meson instrument, the universe will stop expanding and shrink instead.

The matter of the entire universe will collapse together and squeeze infinitely as the strong force increases, turning the entire universe into a black hole.

With the weakening of the strong force, the protons cannot be restrained, and continue to go away. In the end, the entire universe will be infinitely diluted and become an eternally cold and dead world.

However, Zhao Yu has another plan. After the construction of the sub-universe is completed, the meson instrument will be built.

The unknown universe will form a backflow gap with the sub-universe. By then, the sub-universe will be docking with the big universe, and the risk will be transferred to the big universe and the unknown universe.

The final consequence is that the big universe will shrink indefinitely, forming a black hole and swallowing all the sub-universes associated with it.

Otherwise, the universe will expand forever, even if other small universes return matter.

When all civilizations are eliminated, human beings will use the meson instrument to reverse the electronic channel and change the strong force.

This is an absolute killer move.

You must have enough strength before using it, otherwise humans will definitely be attacked by groups.

The psionic experiment base of the Dawn 1 world.

Cheng Xin curled up in her room, making a painful voice. Several.

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