Chapter 139 Death is the most merciful punishment

The weird voice echoed in her ears, and the whispering whispered Cheng Xin’s breathing almost halted.

She has been forgotten by everyone, and the memory of her is only a few hundred words in writing.

Everyone only remembers the human sinner, Cheng Xin.

The consequences of psionic experiments on her body are getting more and more serious.

The variation in appearance and mental pain made her feel desperate.

Normal use of psychic energy does not cause any serious consequences, just like genetic modification, and it does no harm.

However, the Consortium has conducted more in-depth research in order to understand the nature of psionic energy.

Cheng Xin suffered a lot of terrible torture for this, and the soul bodies gathered because of her were still wandering.

The experimenters captured a lot of soul bodies surrounding her, but there are still many.

Astarte is no longer responsible for the current psionic experiment.

As one of the human leaders, she almost no longer participates in various specific experiments.

But Cheng Xin’s torture did not end.

Every time the supervisor who heard Cheng Xin’s name took over the laboratory, he hated her existence.

Ye Wenjie is dead, and the other party is actually a human being who chose to betray for his own painful experience.

Even if human beings resent her, they can only grit their teeth.

“Zero Zero Three” is different from Cheng Xin. This guy pushed mankind into the abyss of immortality in the name of love, and almost killed everyone.

The more important point is that she did not die.

In this situation, dying may be the greatest kindness to her.

Those souls that never dissipated tortured her, it was more terrifying than death.

Living as an inhuman monster, no one will ever grant her the kindness of death.

This is the best confession to all the guys who betrayed humanity.

Death represents the end of everything, and there is no need to bear the subsequent pain.

For these traitors, this is really a good ending.

Those betrayers will not even have the qualifications to pursue death, and will only be tortured forever, shouting painful and desperate shouts at the dark prison.

Those weird souls echoed in Cheng Xin’s ears all the time.

Cheng Xin felt that she was numb to the pain, she didn’t know why she insisted on insisting.

Ai AA no longer said a word to her. Obviously, this girl who was born in the Deterrence Era also hated her.

If it were not for Cheng Xin’s stupid arrogance, Ai AA felt that at least he would die in his hometown with the destruction of the solar system.

But now everything is an extravagant hope.

Trapped in this cage, he was dragged to do experiments again and again, and tortured again and again.

What’s the point of living like this?

With the destruction of the solar system, at least one can get peace of mind.

Don’t have to suffer these terrible tortures.

But now everything is an extravagant hope and can only live in pain.

Several scientific researchers in white coats walked over, and they selected several prisoners in the rooms.

There is no death penalty in the consortium, and all prisoners on death row will be sent to the human body laboratory.

Seeing the scientific researchers approaching, Cheng Xin let out a panic voice.

The other person stood on the window of the room and looked at her.

“Perhaps this person’s psionic characteristics can help us.” said a tall male scientific researcher. “This woman can be said to occupies half of human research on psychic abilities. A lot of experimental data is obtained from her.”

“It’s a pity that he is a historical sinner and the chief culprit that led to the collapse of civilization.” said another female scientific researcher who was shorter.

“Nor say the same, mainly because the people of that era were also very corrupt in their thinking, and various factors would lead to that kind of result.” said the tall male scientific researcher.

“It is a very dangerous thing for a person without self-knowledge. People like her have had countless opportunities to enjoy their life and spend their old age, but they are always stupid again and again. Whether they are elected swordsmen, Or to stop the development of the lightspeed spacecraft, or to attack the archons who were struggling to survive at the time, or even interfere with the work of the leaders.

“When she made the first mistake, people forgave her, but she still didn’t know anything about herself. She made mistakes again and again. You don’t know, she almost killed the consul. It was because of this woman at the time. , The entire Federation was shouting to execute the consul. The consul also ignored her. If she hadn’t blocked Director Shi’s way, she would have to stop her.

Only Natasha joined the predecessor of the consortium, Quantum Technology Corporation. At best, she died with the solar system, there is no need to suffer this kind of sin at all. ”

The female scientific researcher laughed and said: “She is completely self-centered, and thinks that what she says in this world is what she should be. It’s really stupid.”

“Okay, don’t say it. I just mentioned it, and you just said so much.” The male researcher said, “By the way, let her do experiments. The psionic properties are also good.”

Cheng Xin let out a horrified voice, resisting the scientific researchers who wanted to take her out.

In desperation, the researchers could only give her a tranquilizer.

The needle was inserted into Cheng Xin’s shoulder, who was screaming frantically, and various blurred images appeared before her eyes.

In the end, the darkness in front of him completely fainted.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself tied up in a coffin-like device.

Bathed in a shuddering song, Cheng Xin recognized the voice.

This is a special voice from the non-material world, which is renamed Subspace later.

The selected test subject is fixed in a cylindrical psionic extractor.

From Cheng Xin’s perspective, this is the coffin, the kind used for the dead.

The psionic extractors are tilted 60 degrees one by one, forming a big circle, just like some kind of mysterious ritual.

Cheng Xin tried to breathe, but found that she couldn’t fill her lungs.

Her heartbeat was slowing down, like an old man.

The functions of the body are constantly weakening.

Struggling painfully, trying to get rid of this sad fate, but to no avail.

The restraint belt tied her tightly inside the coffin.

Extreme panic swept through her body.

She kept crying and crying.

The other 9 cries quickly joined her in the queue.

Everyone was crying in despair.

Primitive fear filled their bodies.

The experience of dying makes them hysterical.

The only thing Cheng Xin could do was lift her upper body slightly and press her cheek against the glass.

Her lips were trembling, and her eyes clung to the glass window. It’s like going in and out of the eyes.

The desperate face was stuck on the transparent glass window, full of pleading and pain.

Researchers don’t care about these poor test products.

They have long been accustomed to the pain of these guys going crazy and screaming sickly

If these prisoners were really scared, they would not have committed so many trembling crimes.

Everyone who is used in psionic experiments is a person who has committed an unforgivable crime.

These people who used to shout how fierce they are, now show a frightful side.

It’s a pity that no one will sympathize with them.

Many prisoners just have twisted hearts and vicious thoughts.

They have no courage to speak of. Only by bullying those who are weaker than them can they gain a sense of presence.

The psionic laboratory has been established for so long, every prisoner who comes in will behave very aggressively at the beginning, and will cry loudly in the back, saying that he has reformed.

It’s a pity to come here, it already represents the complete abandonment of human society.

Criminals are the existence with the lowest individual value, and they are only worthy of being a living tool.

These people do not have a strong heart, nor the courage to go to death.

It is understandable to live ordinary.

But they have to hurt others for their sad desires. This kind of pain suits them best.

Along with the indicator light in the middle of the psionic extractor, it lights up one after another.

The hum of the machine echoed in the air.

The reaction column used to open the subspace crackles and generates strong power to provide energy for the energy gathering array to tear apart the tulle between the real space and the subspace.

The energy of the reaction column is concentrated in the open space surrounded by the psionic extractor. A sphere of light twisting and emitting arcs was formed.

It emits a tingling light in the eyes, and the light gets stronger and stronger.

The prisoners in the psionic extractor were also twisting more and more fiercely.

The tremendous pain drenched every cell of them, causing them to scream hysterically.

“Their psychic energy can be extracted. If we can extract enough psychic energy, we can even create some waves in the subspace.

The male scientific researcher said, with excitement on his face.

This device is newly developed.

The main purpose is to study what the psionic energy of 1.7 can do in the subspace?

Try to use the power of the real universe to influence the fluctuation of subspace.

“We still need to try a few more times, this kind of experiment is too big. Avoid data errors.

The voice of the female scientific researcher passed through the psychic extractor that had no sound insulation function and echoed in the painful ears of Cheng Xin.

A trace of despair appeared in Cheng Xin’s heart.

These guys actually want to try more experiments.

She wanted to angrily condemn these inhumane guys.

But the great pain caused her throat to scream.

And the other party didn’t care about her pain.

How much Cheng Xin hopes she has the courage to face death at this moment.

It’s a pity she didn’t.

In the icy space, with a burst of space distortions and fluctuations, a spacecraft with the logo of the consortium flew out of the cracks in time and space.

“Are we really not giving a message to the consul?” Addo looked up from the console and looked at the horse drawn on the bridge.


Mara looked at the outer space and said.

The starlight in the cold space reflected in his eyes, which looked very deep.

In front of the spacecraft is the navigation space station of the Talos colony.

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