Chapter 194 The outbreak of war

The earth’s surface became darker and darker, and the rolled up dust cloud obscured the light of the star that was about to disappear.

The biological ships that appeared at high altitude disrupted the lives of people on the planet Gamma.

Watching the planet-level war of mankind be easily destroyed by the other side.

Everyone’s eyes were filled with fear.

Looking at the warship of that terrible creature in the sky, they finally recalled the cruelty of space war.

Ear-piercing alarms sounded all over the planet, demanding everyone to obey the arrangements.

[All adults must take up weapons and gather at the nearest assembly point][All adults must take up weapons and gather at the nearest assembly point][All adults must take up weapons and gather at the nearest assembly point]

The administrators of the colonies required everyone to perform their duties.

Fully armed soldiers walked out from various places to maintain order and demand that people follow instructions.

“All the methods used to obliterate low-level civilizations are no longer suitable for humans. We will give them a real war. This is their glory.”

The leader of the hunter said, “To turn the flagship into a matrix, we need to turn on the war mode, let these humans understand their weakness, and we will declare their death and failure.”

Following the command of the leader, the hunter returned to his post, and the control crystal began to release the combat unit.

Using any means of long-range destruction will give mankind a chance. The best way is to destroy them at close range, release the beasts of war, and destroy the colony of mankind.

Use the human colony as the foundation, continue to devour, hunt and kill, until the last human being is destroyed in the stars.

Skywalker is not that kind of low-level civilization. The cleaners use the two-way foil to destroy the humans in the solar system just for convenience and trouble-free.

The heavy carapace of the biological warship shrank and shrank, exposing huge holes.

The blood-red flesh at the mouth of the cave shrank from time to time, releasing 057 various green gases and injecting them into the colony’s atmosphere.

One by one wriggling masses of flesh crawled from the dark depths to the entrance of the cave.

Along with the bulging of the nearby area, these meat balls were bounced out by the force field and muscle contraction.

They also carry various tentacles behind them. When flying, those tentacles sway wildly behind them.

In the squirming mouths in front of them, a puff of green smoke enveloped their bodies.

Human warplanes skimmed at high altitude, and lasers and missiles were launched at the same time.

The explosion of the missile and the explosion of the fighter plane occurred at the same time, and some fighter planes were hit by a dense mass of meat and were directly destroyed.

The commanders of Gamma Star tried their best to mobilize all the fighters possessed by mankind, defend according to Skynet’s instructions, and buy time for the final evacuation.

A large number of laser turrets and artillery turrets continue to fire, and their vibrations are like irregular heartbeats.

Everyone is doing their best to speed up the frequency of artillery firing. Only in this way can the enemy’s attack be slowed down as much as possible.

What is desperate is that ordinary human forces rarely participate in the battlefield after all.

They only know how to operate, and they have never seen such a terrible enemy invasion.

If it weren’t for the support of Skynet’s mechanical warriors, I’m afraid the firepower would be weakened by more than half.

Fortunately, in the face of the threat of death, human learning and adaptability are beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

Soon a large number of artillery joined the resistance.

Large amounts of plasma and lasers poured out from the ground, weaving a web of destruction in the air.

A large number of missiles rushed into the sky with a howling tail flame, and when they hit the target, they would tear and destroy the opponent’s defense.

Even in a peaceful period when there is no danger, the governor strictly requires all colonies to be equipped with a sufficient number of heavy weapons.

Many officials have expressed dissatisfaction with this, thinking it is a waste of resources.

At this moment, these opponents are all fortunate that they have the leadership of a wise man like a consul.

Hundreds of heavy weapons roared, and the hot energy caused unusual heat to appear in the atmosphere.

Even with the protection and isolation of the energy shield, ordinary people are still sweating.

The soldiers of the planetary defense team took the recruited soldiers to transport ammunition and replenish manpower.

The precious scientific research personnel were protected by elite troops and went to the evacuated warship.

Human genetic seed embryos are also being transported simultaneously, and are sent to the evacuated warships by those transport vehicles.

Skynet has already calculated the final result.

When receiving the monitoring satellite information, Skynet already understood.

Relying on the power of this planet, it is impossible to resist the enemy’s attack.

The only thing we can do is to preserve as much as possible the precious possessions of mankind, genetic seeds and anthropologists at the time of destruction.

However, only a few people know this information.

Most people are still believing that as long as they can persevere, they will definitely be able to get the support of the Corps.

This theory is not wrong in nature, but they cannot sustain it.

The civilization level of Skywalker is much higher than that of human beings.

They have wiped out countless civilizations similar to human beings.

In various wars, Skywalker has used countless invasion strategies.

They have a wealth of experience to destroy a civilization.

Their invasion occurred in both the micro and macro realms at the same time.

A large number of meatballs were released to the planet Gamma by them.

At the same time, tens of billions of microorganisms have been spread into the planet’s atmosphere.

These microorganisms are at war with bacteria, viruses and microbial communities that are invisible to ordinary people.

These are all designed to contaminate enemy weapons or destroy human machines.

In some cases, it can even destroy the enemy’s body, thereby making them vulnerable.

Especially for carbon-based organisms, the bodies of carbon-based organisms are almost miniature organisms, a paradise for germs.

Together with the human body, they form a complete human being.

Once destroyed, the human body will almost fall into sub-health and even cause death.

Even when human beings are still (cdbh) resisting, these microorganisms have already begun to erode the world.

Skywalker will not use any resources of the home planet.

They will seize the enemy’s planet and build their own military base on the enemy’s ruins.

If things go well, with a few hunters, they will be enough to destroy a civilization.

Then these polluted planets do not need to be managed.

After the war order is lifted, these creatures will slowly die again.

Biological nutrients will become fertilizers for these worlds, allowing them to breed new ecological environments.

In this way, Skywalker can not only destroy the enemy.

You can also use this war to nurture various life worlds and make them suitable for your own living.

The entire army of human fighters was wiped out, and only a few were able to escape from the enemy’s attack.

Countless meatballs fell on the energy shield of the colonial city, directly turning into mud.

The huge impact also caused ripples on the surface of the shield.

People looked at this horrible side, fleeing around in fear, trying to find a place to hide.

The soldiers of the planetary defense team shouted loudly, asking them to go to the designated area.

The whole city was in chaos.

The moment I saw the biological ship.

Wu Di knew something was wrong.

The enemy came with the night.

A fighter plane in the sky was hit by a huge meat group and exploded directly in the air.

The huge fireball instantly brightened the dim world again.

Wu Di jumped into the control room of the mecha. With the light on, he merged with his partner.

The huge and heavy mechanical arm, under his control, easily protected Jenny in the palm of his hand like a lover’s hand.

The wreckage of the fighter plane turned into a huge fireball, and thick black smoke was dragged behind the fireball.

Under Wu Di’s control, the mecha quickly bent down to protect Jenny.

The flames passed over his head, and a thunderous sound rang not far away. The huge explosion made Jenny into a deafness.

With the help of the mecha’s detection array, Wu Di has an alternative vision.

A message appeared in front of him.

[Please protect scholar Jenny to go to the fleeing spacecraft. This is the Supreme Law of the Commonwealth. If you cannot protect the target, you will be convicted of betraying humanity. 】

This is Skynet’s message.

Wu Di looked down, and the mecha’s eyes revealed a red light.

Jenny stubbornly grabbed the mecha’s fingers.

As a future outstanding miner, Wu Di is qualified to control a seven-meter miner mech.

Because of the problem of neural synchronization rate, the academy allows these students to carry the mecha at any time.

In addition, Wu Di has already started an internship and can afford the consumption of mecha.

Carrying mechs at any time is a study of civil engineering design, but in the end it becomes a miner’s sad reminder of the child’s final strength.

Compared with the energy consumed by the mecha, for the infinite energy of today’s consortium, the consumption is not at all at all, and the various parts are the bulk.

Like other civilian mechas, Wu Di’s mecha has no weapons and no energy shield.

There is only a chain saw for logging, and a powerful laser blasting gun for blasting ore.

There are other accessories, but Wu Di has no equipment.

“Even if you don’t tell me, I will take her back.” Wu Di glanced at the colonial city in the distance and drove the mecha to run.

Jenny was guarded by him and tried her best not to harm the delicate girl.

From time to time, there will be meatballs falling from a high altitude, crawling out countless weird and disgusting creatures, they just eat everything like locusts.

A huge fleet rushed out of the subspace with an unparalleled sense of strength.

Mara stood on the bridge, listening to the reports from the captains.

“Something happened. Planet Gamma encountered an enemy that destroyed the solar system. This is the message sent by the Skynet matrix over there before the signal was shielded.

An intelligence agent hurriedly walked to Mara and handed a data board up. The consul asked the Third Corps to pass immediately.

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