Chapter 195 There is always a price to make mistakes

The stellar light of the sky slowly faded with the passage of time.

But the sky didn’t turn into darkness.

The propelling flames of countless rays and missiles make the sky look like day.

From time to time, an exploding fighter plane lights up high in the sky.

The fireball accompanied by the loud noise illuminates the countless masses of meat that are smashing into the ground in the sky.

The huge mass of flesh fell from a high altitude, carrying green smoke, and hit the ground fiercely, making a huge-big booming sound.

Wu Di didn’t know what material these pieces of meat were made of. They could fall at such a height and still remain intact.

Various peculiar creatures crawled out of the meatball, sending out sonic attacks visible to the naked eye, stirring the air, and shattering everything that could be seen in front of them.

The ecological environment that humans spent several years planting and cultivating was destroyed under the ravages of these monsters.

Those animals that have been genetically modified to fit the environment of this planet also suffered heavy casualties under the attack of monsters.

The enemy didn’t seem to intend to let go of any creatures.

In fact, Skywalker is not willing to let go of even a single microorganism.

Wu Di couldn’t see the battle that was breaking out in the microcosm, he could only see that the other party was ruthlessly destroying everything that mankind once possessed.

The piston system of the mecha made a buzzing sound. It seemed that something was interfering with the operation of the system, and the pace of the mecha became a little uncoordinated.

A huge mass of meat fell in front with the rumbling sound, the huge sound even raised bursts of violent smoke.

In the harsh roar, the weird creature crawled out of the meatball and blocked Wu Di’s front.

It was too late for the detour, and more meatballs fell in other places.

“Damn it.” Wu Di cursed in a low voice.

He quickly activated the pressure injection system of the mecha, bypassing the safety device directly, and performing illegal operations.

In his brain, the intelligence of the mecha wailed at him.

Wu Di tried his best to appease it, saying that he would fix every part of it after the war to make sure there were no flaws.

After injecting pressure, Wu Di sprinted violently, then jumped up, jumping over the mass of meat blocking the road.

The manipulator palm closed and carefully protected Jenny, and then Wu Di forcibly twisted the mechanical body in the air, causing his back to fall heavily to the ground.

He could even hear the breaking of the back parts of the mecha. This huge body was too heavy, and such exaggerated movements were enough to shatter the parts inside it.

Mecha intelligence expressed pain in Wu Di’s mind.

Wu Di ignored the mecha system, he lowered his head and glanced at Jenny.

The girl’s head was bleeding, and the exaggerated action just now was not without effect.

After all, there is no buffer device.

Jenny didn’t have the power to grab the mecha at all.

In the violent shaking, her head hit the mechanical palm.

Fortunately, there is no life-threatening danger.

Wu Dimai started and continued to run to the colonial city.

The weird creatures behind them roared and moved their weird limbs to chase Wu Di.

Wu Di didn’t dare to have any delay, and rushed all the way into the circle of firepower of the colony.

Those huge electromagnetic guns and laser turrets are constantly pouring their firepower.

Scorching, bright rays and shells glided high in the sky, bringing light in the dark night.

Mankind is working hard to resist the enemy’s invasion.

But there are still countless monsters crawling towards human cities from all directions.

Wu Di didn’t dare to delay the slightest, the mecha ran with all his strength under his will.

There was a problem with the hydraulic system of the mechanical leg and it burst directly.

Wu Di recalled the experience just now, it seems that he has never been attacked.

The hydraulic tube is made of tough material. If it is a little thicker, it will be difficult for the laser gun to shoot through. How could it cause problems for no reason.

When a detector on the back of the mech sees the feet.

Wu Di knew why it failed and even caused the hydraulic pipe to burst.

A mass of green slime is sticking to his mechanical leg.

It must be the handwriting of those monsters.

Now he can’t worry so much, Wu Di keeps his head down and continues to accelerate.

After running another distance, the mecha suddenly tilted and fell to the ground.

The out-of-control hydraulic system provided balance and could not maintain the standing of the mecha, and fell directly to the ground.

Wu Di tried to protect Jenny as much as possible, his brain buzzed from the fall of the mecha.

Fortunately, he quickly recovered.

Support Jenny with one hand, and move the other hand with one foot.

The roar of those monsters was getting closer and closer behind him.

The immersive control certainly allows humans to use the mecha more handily.

It is also easy for humans to bear the damage caused by the damage of the mecha.

Various information about the damage of the mecha flooded into Wu Di’s head, making his entire head gloomy.

The intelligence of the mecha was damaged and could not help him process all kinds of information.

More and more information that had not been processed and simplified was forcibly stuffed into his mind.

Too complicated information makes the brain have the urge to strike and try to forcibly reboot.

Wu Di prevented the brain’s self-defense and forced it to forcefully operate.

There was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to send Jenny back.

He forgot how he climbed to the entrance of the city.

It feels that many people have pulled him out of the console of the mecha and disconnected the data cables.

The last thing the gloomy eyes saw was Jenny’s golden hair.

“You promised me not to leave me behind, you must live.”

Jenny’s crying sound rang in Wu Di’s ear.

“You must go.”

A male voice sounded, and Wu Di saw the soldier’s uniform on the opponent.

Jenny was taken away by the other party and got into a transport truck.

Wu Di also fainted.

The supreme director of Gamma Star is Halsey, he is one of the few high-levels who is authorized to know that this planet will inevitably be destroyed by the enemy.

He stood on a platform, surrounded by rocky gray walls.

Soldiers stood on the stone wall.

The breeze in the air was blowing his delicate coat with gold rims.

“It’s cold,” Halsey said.

……For flowers………

This is the largest military base in the human gamma galaxy, with tight defenses.

Surrounded by various high-orbit guns, there are also heavily armed heavy mecha units.

Between the underground facility and the ground is a 300-meter-thick hard steel plate and concrete.

The place where he is standing can withstand a direct hit from a 90-million-ton nuclear bomb.

But these things did not bring any sense of security to Halsey.

Looking up into the distance, countless lasers shot from the human artillery position to high altitude.

According to Skynet’s calculations, they won’t last long.

It will take at least seven days for the support of the Commonwealth Corps to arrive.

Rescuing losses has become their most important thing.

His brown eyes looked at the scholars who were transported by soldiers from everywhere.

The scholars were stuffed into the transport ship, and the mechanical soldiers watched all this. They would make sure that those who did not meet the regulations could not board the ship.

Everyone’s boarding order is predestined, without any exceptions.

This is not unfair, on the contrary it is absolutely fair.


The consortium gives everyone the same opportunity through the public system, and those who stand out get more value.

If time is sufficient, Skynet will screen out more candidates for evacuation.

It’s a pity that when Tianwang received the information, the other party had already positioned the real space, breaking through the barriers of virtuality and reality.

Halsey watched the order of the evacuation sequence, as expressionless as a stone sculpture, letting the air current from the explosion blow her hair.

“Why am I not on the evacuation list?” “A man wearing a researcher’s clothing roared loudly, trying to rush through the guards like a mad cow.

“You bastards who operate in the dark.”

“Let me pass, or I will expose you.

Halsey frowned slightly and said, “Bring that man here.”

A few soldiers left quickly and brought back a crazy man within a short while.

The data scanner recognized the direction of the other party for the first time, and it was Kaxian, the manager of the emergency center.

Cassian saw Halsey as if he saw a savior. He looked excited and knelt on the ground and said loudly, “There must be a problem with the supervisor evacuation list. Why is there no my name on it? I am also a scholar. Someone is in the dark. Operation, you have to take care of this.”

“You didn’t die, just because it’s a special time now.” Halsey said boredly: “You betrayed mankind and left your post without permission, causing the entire planet to be ignorant of the enemy’s arrival. Now roll me to the ranks of private soldiers. , Otherwise I will execute you now in the name of the consul.”

The words made Cassian’s face pale.

Several soldiers nearby also raised their weapons. The laser of the barrel is already in a state of energy storage, and it will be activated when the trigger is pulled.

The man walked away in despair, and he will fight as a private soldier.

This is a punishment for his negligence of duty.

Even if an early warning is received, Gamma Star cannot cope with the enemy’s invasion.

At most, more people can be evacuated.

But anyway, there is always a price to make mistakes. Several

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