Chapter 201 Evacuate

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi.

A loud electromagnetic sound echoed in the receiver’s loudspeaker.

After a lot of effort, these signals still cannot be compiled and interpreted.

There is always a dimensional difference between human beings and the four-dimensional world.

Deciphering the language of high-dimensional creatures is indeed a very troublesome thing for anthropologists.

The only thing in common between four-dimensional creatures and three-dimensional creatures is that everyone is an intelligent creature.

This is a very broken argument.

Just like the common ground between the stone and the ark, everyone is made of atoms.

This kind of commonality simply cannot find evidence of reasoning.

Four-dimensional creatures and three-dimensional creatures are completely different structures.

Three-dimensional objects in the four-dimensional world, the internal structure is presented side by side.

All atomic structures are clearly visible.

Even three-dimensional creatures are the same, every cell can be seen.

But four-dimensional creatures are completely enclosed, and their bodies have one more dimension than the bodies of three-dimensional creatures.

Their vision of the world is also completely different from that of human beings.

The two sides are like different species in two different worlds.

The language translation made it impossible for Bi Gaofeng and others to start.

Someone once mentioned that the Rosetta self-deciphering system was sent to the intelligent body that sent information to humans.

This stupid “zero six zero” decision was rejected without any accident.

Now it is human beings who are studying the four-dimensional world, not letting human beings be studied by the four-dimensional world.

There are only slight semantic differences between these two sentences, but the meanings implied in them are quite different.

Explore the main control room of the base.

Countless staff members walked around, looking hurried and looking very busy.

Various information windows float above the lobby.

The information in it comes from the findings of various research teams and exploration teams.

Kane became Bi Gaofeng’s deputy, sharing the research work of the four-dimensional world.

Bi Gaofeng stood on the platform, watching the busy staff.

He glanced at those people, then turned his gaze back to the machine in front of him.

The structure is complicated, and the display screen resembling a twentieth-century computer with a big belly is placed in front of him.

This is a computer built by humans after preliminary analysis of the four-dimensional chip.

Because of the changes in electromagnetic speed, only this old structure can be used to maintain smooth operation.

Even if nothing has changed, just putting it in a four-dimensional world has already improved performance.

The speed of light is increased in this four-dimensional small universe.

The essence of light is electromagnetic radiation. As the speed of light increases, the speed of electromagnetic radiation naturally increases.

And human computers are all based on electromagnetics.

The increase in electromagnetic speed allows it to have a faster calculation speed.

Bi Gaofeng thought of a problem. If a civilization is born with such fast computing power in a ten-dimensional world where the speed of light has not been reduced, then they will develop civilization faster.

As long as they cut out a part of the universe and use it as their base camp.

Then continue to carry out dimensionality reduction and speed reduction attacks in the universe.

The latecomer civilization does not have as fast computing power as theirs, and the speed of development is naturally slow.

Based on these two guesses, combined with the dark forest theory.

Bi Gaofeng felt his body chill.

He remembered the weird information that the consortium had detected when monitoring the universe before.

A message called the Zero is scattered in the universe.

The specific situation is not known.

It may be a group of intelligent individuals.

It may also be a civilization or an organization composed of several civilizations.

Humans just received some of their neutrino signals and gravitational wave signals.

It can only be determined that the zero person exists in this universe.

They declared that they wanted to restart the universe and return to the pastoral era.

The approach is to reduce the dimensionality to zero or reduce the speed of light to zero.

In this way, it is as if the hour hand has moved past 12 o’clock, maybe the universe will return to its original appearance.

This organization has left dead lines in every galaxy in the universe.

I originally thought it was just a naive organization or civilization dreaming of an impossible dream.

Now it seems that the Zero is just disguising a poison as a sugar, throwing it into the universe to attract those civilizations to taste it.

The decrease of the speed of light will cause the performance of the computer to decrease.

If the speed of light is reduced to the 16.7 kilometers that humans have pursued in the solar system.

At this speed of light.

The nuclear fusion reaction will disappear.

Whether it is an electronic computer or a quantum computer, it will not be able to start at this speed of light.

According to the research of related scientists, in the low speed of light, only the neuron computer can run in the environment of low speed of light.

With this kind of computing power, civilizations born later may not be able to advance to interstellar civilization for their entire lives.

When the speed of light slows down, it will naturally block the path of other civilizations.

Zero has a small universe at high latitudes, and if you put your computer in a high latitude world, you will not be troubled by the low speed of light.

Many people joked when they learned of the existence of the zero returner.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a naive civilization in this dark and cruel universe.”

It now appears that innocence is always just a human being.

Does the zeroer really want to restart the universe?

Just need to master the way matter converts energy, the universe is dead, or falling into the low speed of light, what does it matter?

The matter just doesn’t change anymore, but the mass is still there.

No matter how many dimensions are reduced, matter is there.

Only those civilizations in exile and those low-level civilizations suffer.

Those civilizations with high-latitude small universes will not be affected at all.

The viciousness of these guys makes people shudder.

Mankind will face these civilizations one day.

Rise little by little from the low-dimensional world.

Finally face the civilizations of those ten-dimensional universes.

Or confront the civilizations that survived the last universe.

These civilizations have no mercy and kindness, and they do nothing to survive in order to survive.

The humans in the Oak system received the order to evacuate two days ago.

The Karena area in the colony is the most prosperous area in the entire colony, and it is also the first central area to be developed.

Many areas in the back are built around it.

The architecture here is the most exquisite in the colony, and it is also the place where the wealthiest people live.

Brilliant European-style domed buildings, revolving Xiangguang skyscrapers, large libraries and bustling business districts.

Those prosperous commercial districts welcome goods brought by ships from other brother colonies and ocean-going ships.

This area is almost a city that never sleeps. Those shops are open 24 hours a day to entertain those interstellar travelers.

Now these commercial districts have become very quiet and there is no one.

The shops are closed, and the pedestrian streets are empty.

On the contrary, there are too many people in other places

An intricate network of transportation routes, maglev trains and winding trunk lines converge from various places to Xinggang.

All traffic routes are overwhelmed by the huge number of vehicles entering the station.

Built on the high-altitude overpass, the suspended vehicle connects from end to end, like a winding snake.

The inhabitants of the planet walk along the overcrowded highway.

These refugees take everything they have, hoping to quickly pass through the passage out of the world.

With the unfolding of the planetary evacuation plan, the leaders and commanders of the Orc galaxy mobilized all available ships.

Every vessel capable of cross-orbital flight was forced to drop their cargo and engage in evacuation work.

All the supplies were thrown down, and only people could be carried on each boat.

Of course, this is not all people can leave,

Only those professions that are not suitable for combat are allowed to leave.

There are many young people left, and they will build planetary defenses to prevent the enemy’s attacks on the complex.

Staying is a mortal thing.

But people have no choice.

At this time, they must fulfill their responsibilities.

In the commander’s plan, these people will consolidate the defense of the galaxy.

Transform those civilian space stations into military.

Laser cannons and electromagnetic turrets were installed in the space port where supplies were transported.

Connect those space cities that are used for life together and build an orbital platform.

Just when the commanders in this world are ambitiously planning to transform the whole world and make it a fortress.

A huge biological spaceship leaped out of the subspace accompanied by a strong light.

Destroy the subspace satellite responsible for observation.

It has already entered the galaxy before mankind has time to fight back immediately.

The planetary defense team organized an attack for the first time, but most of their ships were of small tonnage.

The largest one is only one kilometer in length.

Compared to the huge biological battleship, it was like a small bug attacking a big bird.

Before causing any actual damage, it turned into a fireball in the starry sky.

“You 1.7 must speed up.”

A soldier shouted, “The enemy is coming.”

“They are just kids, and some of them are only five or six years old. We need flying cars. This is part of the plan.”

The dean shouted.

“All the vehicles have been requisitioned. They will transport ammunition and supplement parts to the defensive positions.” The soldier said helplessly, “Unless, we wait until the delivery of supplies is over, but it will take a long time. Xinggang is not far from here, according to At our current rate, five hours is enough.”

Laila looked at the dean’s gloomy expression, his face was full of anger when he looked at the soldier’s appearance.

Is it a joke to let some children walk to Star Harbor?

She held a three-year-old child in her arms and put a nutrition bottle in his arms to prevent him from crying because he was hungry.

The mechanical soldier was standing not far from her, his electronic eyes looked around, alert for any possible danger.

The dean didn’t get any car, so he could only pick up the two children and walk the rest with the children strode forward.

The evacuation team of the social support center is very large, nearly 30,000 people.

Most of them are under ten years old, and some are thirteen years old.

An infantry squad and more than two dozen mechanical soldiers protect these children. .

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