Chapter 202 The fleet arrives

The battleship owned by the defense team of the Oak system was quickly defeated.

The silent fireball lights up in the cold and dark space, and then quickly goes out.

Those space stations that have not undergone military transformation have become living targets.

Was destroyed by the biological spacecraft, one by one high-speed flying plasma balls.

Those spacecrafts full of survivors started their plasma engines in a panic.

The dazzling light lit up in the sky, and then rushed out of the galaxy one by one.

The light of the propellers is like small suns, and they flee in the opposite direction of the enemy.

While attacking them, the biological spacecraft entered the low-Earth orbit of Orc.

Several escaped spacecraft were hit during the flight, and the survivors on it were all buried in the fire.

Fortunately, most of the spacecraft were able to escape this dangerous starry sky.

Those compatriots who remain on the planet Orc can only resign themselves to their fate, or wait for the rescue of the consortium.

The huge protective shield was propped up, and the temporarily armed civilians were taken to various positions by the officers to build defenses.

There is no attempt to communicate between humans and skywalkers.

Any communication between civilization and civilization is useless.

The huge mass of flesh fell on the Orc planet like a torrential rain, and countless artillery and light lit up the sky in an instant.

The air vibrated because of the explosive missiles, and the violent roar echoed in the atmosphere of the planet Oak, and then resounded throughout the world.

When the flesh ball fell on the ground, it grew tentacles, absorbing the nutrients of the earth, devouring those 23 creatures, and releasing the predators in the body.

Those killed will be dragged back, digested again, and give birth again.

Thus formed a circular war system,

As long as these meatballs exist for one day, the monster army will be difficult to defeat by conventional means.

No matter how much ammunition the enemy has, they will eventually be overwhelmed by these monsters.

This is the hunter’s war mode, a very simple technique.

But no low-level civilization can resist this kind of attack

In the face of these monsters, low-level civilizations can struggle, but the final outcome is doomed and perished.

These meatballs will take all the nutrients and energy of the planet, and use these things to produce countless troops.

When they become large-scale, these meat regiments will even cultivate a complete military-industrial system in order to support the never-ending war.

The atmosphere at the assembly point was terribly suppressed.

Hundreds of thousands of people are gathered here, waiting for the selection of the defensive troops.

Several officers are trying to maintain order, and those temporarily recruited are very nervous.

They have not been able to sleep well these days because of fear.

Accompanied by the explosion sound from high altitude, and those dazzling beams, their blood was about to boil because of tension.

“In the name of the consul, we are brothers from this moment.

An officer shouted loudly.

A huge weapon box was sent over. The military mech stood beside the officer. The huge revolver exuded an icy breath, like a sleeping beast waiting for the bloody hunt to begin.

The mecha stunned other people, making them afraid to act rashly,

The screaming sirens resounded across the sky, mixed with the noise of people, and filled every inch of air.

Keyang stood at the back, and he didn’t hear what the officer was saying.

Amidst all the chaotic sounds, the crowd began to move slowly.

Keyang was carried forward.

His vision was obscured by the chaotic crowd.

The harsh sirens and desperate murmur echoed in his eardrums.

He was squeezed into the huge weapon box.

Here he was assigned a gun.

That kind of powerful laser gun, one shot can beat people into minced meat.

The weapons of the consortium all need to be activated, but the laser gun in Keyang’s hand is not activated.

It is possible that the officer was afraid that they would be too nervous and would accidentally hurt them.

The guns were given to them just to avoid repeating this procedure again.

The laser gun was so heavy that he had to carry it on his shoulder.

After getting the gun, Keyang followed the people away from both sides and walked out of the assembly point.

Outside, a large number of suspended vehicles are ready.

Before Keyang could react, he was pushed into a car.

The other party desperately squeezed people into the suspended car like a sardine, and ordered to drive until they made sure that there was no gap.

Keyang felt the foul smell pouring into his nose, and the body odor of other people made him unbearable.

What’s more troublesome is that his gun is very heavy, and with crowded people, he can only raise the gun.

Over time, this awkward posture made his head and shoulders sore and painful, and he felt that his hands didn’t belong to him anymore.

But in this extremely crowded space, he couldn’t change anything.

I had to use all my energy to twist my body, trying to relax the muscles that were torn.

This effort is just to make myself feel a little bit better.

Fortunately, this torture did not last long.

After half an hour, the car dumped their sardines and left with a roar.

He was assigned a task of guarding the nuclear fusion energy base.

At the time of the report, the officer gave him the authority to activate the laser gun.

He followed an veteran to a high platform to garrison.

“Your clip is crooked.”

The veteran reached out to help Keyang fix his protective clothing and respirator.

No one knows what means the enemy will use, but respirators, goggles, and some hemostatic drugs will be issued to these people.

Make sure these people can live longer.

The war came so suddenly that these soldiers hardly received any training.

Recruits can only rely on the knowledge gained during military training at the academy.

“Live.” After finishing Keyang’s clothes, the veteran patted him on the shoulder and said.

The veteran walked away. He checked the others and repeated the same words.

Holding the activated laser gun, Keyang was stationed on a platform and reinforced the platform with anything he could find.

When he finished all this, he looked up and saw that the whole city had been plunged into flames.

There was a constant collision sound from high in the sky, like 1000 hearts, and brilliant drum beats played by the rhythm at the same time.

The monsters impacted the human shield, and the weird and distorted high-frequency sound vibrated the air, stirring up human fear.

The shield was destroyed, there was a gap, the flesh group began to fall from high altitude, a large number of buildings were destroyed, and fell amidst the roar of explosions and soot.

After the meatball fell, various terrifying monsters were rampant in the human city.

These monsters are big and small, the big ones are up to ten meters high, and the small ones may only be as high as a human’s knees.

Waving huge arthropods at will can destroy human buildings.

In the complex mouthparts inlaid with sharp teeth, plasma balls of different colors are sprayed out from time to time.

These plasmas are so powerful that they will set off a big explosion on the ground at every turn.

Located in the center of the city, the huge consul statue was the first to be attacked.

A flying monster sprayed a plasma ball on it.

The heavy marble head broke away from the torn body in the explosion.

The huge mass has terrifying potential energy under the traction of gravity,

The overpass built at high altitude was smashed through by the head, and the supporting elevated road collapsed.

The turbulent smoke and dust spread like water being poured on the ground along the gaps of the broken buildings.

People who have not had time to leave the city have seen this scene. The sculpture is so magnificent and tall.

People built this magnificent colossus with the most pious attitude.

To commemorate the great achievements of the consuls and express their gratitude.

But at this time, the sculpture was fragmented, as if it represented the brokenness of human hope.

“Asshole, communicate with your boss and ask them to send out support. I must not let my child walk through such a dangerous street.”

The courtyard of the social support center is like an angry lion, whose roar is enough to overwhelm the noise of cannons outside.

When the statue was broken, the evacuated team was on the overpass.

Hundreds of children were swallowed in an instant, and the sound of crying wafted along with the smoke from the sculpture’s head.

The 060 team was cut off.

One person was left on the broken road, while the other person stayed on the way to Xinggang.

Those people can only give up those behind and continue to rush to Xinggang.

The dean saw that the monsters had broken through the shield, and could not find another way.

Only take the remaining children to hide in a fairly safe building.

“I sent a message, I don’t know when the reinforcements will come.” The soldier captain showed helplessness. “And even if you can go to Star Harbor, you may not be able to set sail. Those monsters occupy the sky.”

Hearing the words of the soldiers, the tall, marble-faced dean couldn’t help showing a trace of prejudice.

His eyes swept over the children, and everyone’s faces were filled with fear and anxiety.

Looking at the immature and uneasy faces, the dean felt that his body was being pulled by the countless gravitational forces of the universe, and he couldn’t let these children die.

They did not request to come into this world. Adults brought them into this world with cold steel and injection pipes.

They have come with a mission, but they have not yet been able to enjoy the beauty of this world, so they must leave with fear.

Thinking of this, the dean’s heart was full of guilt, because he failed to protect these children.

“Give me a gun and I will find a car that has not been abandoned.

When the magnificent human fleet emerged on the edge of the galaxy.

The hunter of Skywalker also fell into a brief consternation.

They pay too much attention to the fluctuation of subspace, and they did not expect that human beings will use the real space to approach.

All the airborne units of the biological spacecraft have been released. Under the order of the hunter, the spacecraft turned and rushed towards the human fleet.

The hunter wants these humans to know what a real war is.

Those battleships like toys can’t protect them.

It’s a pity that hunters don’t know the social structure of human beings.

The armed forces of mankind are divided into militia forces and main forces.

The former suppresses the same kind and maintains law and order.

The latter kills aliens and seizes space. .

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