Chapter 217 explore

In Guan Yifan’s eyes, the consortium system looks a little weird, even awkward.

The huge and bloated system prevents it from using military dictatorship.

To control so many colonies and populations at the same time is a very heavy burden for a political system.

Even with the help of the Skynet matrix, the brick system is not worth the gain.

Therefore, the consortium encourages free trade, encourages people to develop wealth and establish new colonies.

While encouraging commerce, it suppresses entertainment.

Even the most popular big data algorithm recommendations, games and all kinds of relaxing things are banned.

People are only allowed to enjoy a limited amount of relaxation.

There is an unimaginable admiration for scholars, juxtaposition, even more than the treatment of soldiers.

Guan Yifan thought about the union in his mind.

He took out a notebook and a pen that was popular in the AD era and has now disappeared.

The several colonies owned by the Starship Mankind are not very good in terms of development.

Many infrastructures have not had time to build.

In order to save costs, Starship Mankind has also got rid of the use of holographic screens.

At the end of the crisis era, and at the beginning of the deterrence era.

The technology for using biochips is not mature. At that time, people used a physical chip the size of a fingernail, which was built into the arm.

Use this kind of thing to determine the person’s identity information, so as to realize a variety of personalized services.

The widespread application of holographic technology24, and the so-called free era when big data is rampant, are obviously stupid mistakes made by humans in that era.

They have created a false science fiction, and everyone is immersed in the so-called fantasy dream of a technologically advanced human rights society.

Guan Yifan recorded his thoughts in his notebook.

The consortium has gained experience from the lessons of human history, and has made changes in the system and the law.

This is a world that most disrespects individuals, but also respects individuals the most.

It did not provide the so-called freedom and human rights that people wanted in the old age, but gave them the right and equality to survive.

Survive unscrupulously, determine the value setting when various crises erupt, and ensure who can escape and who need to sacrifice.

Through this seemingly squeezing and unequal means, equality has been achieved.

The seemingly cruel methods have saved more people.

Compared with the Earth Federation, the actions of the Solar System Federation, which are better and worse, are now judged.

The federation is just an illusory utopia, while the federation is real life.

The consul did not have any bells and whistles, he stripped all the cruelty and showed it in front of people.

Guan Yifan wrote, then picked up a data board.

During the journey, Nouriel taught him how to use the technological creations of these complexes.

These things didn’t make any bells and whistles, and didn’t have any sense of technology.

There is only the sense of being bland, just a tool, and it is incompatible with any science fiction.

Guan Yifan opened the data template and looked at the fist symbol on it, and the loading progress bar appeared.

There is a lot of information about the consortium, including the war in the previous period, and the cleanup report of the Kata star area.

Those reports are public. It is clear that the Ministry of Justice executed millions of people there, almost killing a whole corrupt management of the district government, and many low-level civil servants were also cleaned up.

It is said that blood flowed into a river overnight, the entire management system was turned off, and the entire star area was under military control.

Guan Yifan checked the information and continued to record in his notes.

Wait until the management center of the consortium, the Ark.

Human leaders will meet them, representatives of starship humans.

He needs to analyze the ideas of the consortium and various bills in order to fight for the rights of the starship mankind.

The cleanup incident in the Kata sector attracted Guan Yifan’s attention the most.

In the description of the copy, the most important reason for the cleanup of the Kata star area is corruption, the reduction of the supply of talents and resources, and the public dissatisfaction of the citizens of the consortium, which led to this great cleansing.

The specific crime was not listed, but the result of the handling was announced.

Guan Yifan pondered this report.If the Starship Humans cannot fulfill the requirements of the consortium, will they also be cleaned up?

The death penalty is the most serious punishment that human criminal law can achieve, depriving the right to life.

This kind of sentencing should be cautious, and then more cautious.

However, the consortium deprived millions of lives in a single bill, even tens of millions in the Talos incident.

He even did not hesitate to dispatch troops to execute executions.

Guan Yifan thought about the matter, and felt that it might not be a good thing for Starship Mankind to join the consortium.

The consortium naturally has better technology, a stronger army, and human beings also have a better living environment.

However, it can be seen from these cases that the consortium defied human life so much and deprived it at will.

If the Starship Mankind encounters such a thing, will the Consortium erase them without hesitation?

When Guan Yifan was thinking about these questions, a pleasant voice rang, prompting a visitor.

He got up and walked over. Through the detector on the door, he could see that Nuriel was standing outside.

He was wearing a plain robe and holding a sophisticated structure made of brass and silver.

Guan Yifan opened the door.

“Perhaps we can discuss the mutual transformation between real space and subspace together. This is an armillary sphere, which can form a realm of illusion.”

Nuriel looked at Guan Yifan.

These are very few people who know their secrets.

He has been studying the secrets of the transition between reality and reality, trying to pry into the essence of the world.

“Of course, you can come in and say.” Guan Yifan walked to the table and covered his notebook with his expression unchanged.

It is better not to let them see this kind of analytic consortium thinking, otherwise it will definitely cause some suspicion.

When the spacecraft where Makado was located, reached the target area, the sky was already dark outside.

This is not caused by a waste of time, but because the target area is exactly on the back of the planet.

The first half hour was still dawn, but now it is dark.

The spacecraft flew from dawn into the night.

The roar of the engine echoed in the quiet, desolate, and uninhabited plain.

Some waterfowls with white feathers, long spoon beaks and two pairs of wings were frightened, fluttered their wings and fled into the distance.

Embellished a piece of whiteness for the dark sky.

The beetle that screamed during the day gave up the home game to the beetle that walked at night.

These tiny creatures have not yet possessed any names given by humans.

Because they do not belong to the human world, but are the remnants of the evolution of this ancient world.

Humans came here and reshaped the world. Some unsuitable creatures died.

Some tenacious ones survived and adapted to the existence of human beings.

Along with the reduction of the engine power sound, a large amount of air flow was ejected from the abdomen buffer, and a strong wind blew.

A flying insect was entrapped in the air by the air current, hovering feebly.

Finally, it was sucked into the engine mouth, instantly vaporized in the high-temperature plasma, and the ashes were expelled and dissipated in the air.

The mercenaries armed with guns jumped from the docked spacecraft.

Macado is also close behind,

Several buildings stand on the plain, solitary, huge signal antenna radar, humming mechanically, turning in an orderly manner.

Makado looked at it, and apart from these buildings, the other places were not much different from the last time he came.

If you have to find something different, it is that there are more lights in the sky like a curtain.

The light hung in the sky like curtains, entwined and knotted on invisible hooks hundreds of miles high.

It was like being blown by an unimaginable wind, and the sides stretched out.

These seemingly mysterious and beautiful lights are actually the aurora on this planet.

Aurora exists on many planets, and its principle is very simple.

It is composed of a storm of charged particles and intense stellar rays.

When these particles and rays exist alone, people cannot see these 590.

Only when they interact with the atmosphere can such bright light be formed.

Makado looked at it, and the aurora was mostly pale green and rose, with dark red edges.

The target area is already very close to the polar region, and the temperature is somewhat low.

Those aurora are the reasons why those people try to build a city here.

With the combined technology, temperature is not a problem and can be easily overcome.

And this place is close to the polar regions, while enjoying fertile mineral resources and beautiful aurora is rare.

It is a pity that the city has not been established, and even the foundation has not been owned.

When the pioneers came here, they became addicted to religion for some reason.

Makado wrapped up his own clothes and walked towards the camp, followed by others.

The structure of the camp is very simple, some basic tools, living house, and equipment hall.

This is just a temporary base, and there is absolutely no need to build it well.

In the hall, several local engineers are adjusting the instruments.

A huge three-dimensional virtual screen is suspended in the center of the hall, and the geological fluctuation line is displayed on it.

They released a large number of small flying equipment to send strong magnetic radiation to the tunnel, receive the reflected electromagnetic, and send information back to draw maps.

The tunnel is very intricate, with numerous bifurcations.

If you rely on people to explore it, I am afraid that no matter how much time it takes, it will be difficult to find the right path.

Makado didn’t know how those people found the ruins, there must be secrets in it.

After getting people ready, Makado is ready to take people in-depth exploration.

Skarta also put on the equipment, ready to follow in.

“You don’t have to go in, it’s too dangerous inside.” Makado looked at Skarta who put on his protective suit and said, shaking his head.

“In the face of danger, choosing to turn a blind eye and shrink back will make oneself narrow and lack courage.

Skarta rejected Makado’s proposal, which made Makado even more appreciated.

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