Chapter 218 swirl

Deep in the stone tunnel, there was silence, only darkness and the ice immersed in the bones.

Every time the exploration team lands, they will make a sound in the silent tunnel.

Every slight movement echoes in the ghost hell where the sky is not visible, like ghosts everywhere.

“Let the ground send us the map.” Macado said.

With the help of goggles, members of the exploration team can see the surrounding scenery.

At this moment, they are in the center of a natural stone chamber.

The floor of the stone chamber is jagged and uneven.

The stalactites were clustered like a forest, hanging from the dome.

Various naturally formed vortices are distributed everywhere in the stone chamber.

This stone room makes it difficult to distinguish whether it was made by intelligent creatures or formed naturally.

If it is naturally formed, it is not necessarily too neat, and the vortices are also very strange.

If it is formed by intelligent life, it is too natural to find a trace of carving.

Behind them is the passage into this stone room, but there are 7 bifurcations in front of them.

These deep tunnels are tangled underground into a huge network of countless dark passages,

Every explorer feels that he is a flying insect about to be captured.

This atmosphere is very depressing, no one speaks, only the communication between the correspondent and the ground engineer.

They did not act rashly.

Seven forks mean there are many choices, which may be wrong.

If they choose the wrong path, they are likely to waste a lot of time here.

After a while, the latest maps were sent from the ground, all of which were the results of the exploration of the underground tunnels by the aircraft.

In one of them, traces left by the wisdom body were found.

Makado did not hesitate, he led everyone into this tunnel.

There are a lot of irregular natural rocks in the tunnel, and it extends very far downward.

Here, scientific and technological equipment has been severely suppressed.

What is even more bizarre is that in the tunnel, there are various peculiar lines, and traces of vortex can always be seen.

Whirlpool, whirlpool, whirlpool everywhere.

Even the most common small stone has a swirling spiral pattern.

The players felt that all of this revealed the weirdness and evil.

They went deep carefully, and Makado was at the forefront, not at all worried that the tunnel would be dangerous.

There are no dangers along the way.

As the ramp continues to descend, the extension direction of the entire passage and the outline around it also begin to change drastically.

Sometimes, it was narrow and there was only one crack left. When it came over a distance, it was so low that it could only bend forward, and sometimes it even needed to crawl forward.

But in other areas, it widened into a cave and tunnel of considerable size.

In Makado’s estimation, the exploratory team advanced about three or four kilometers in length.

“In such a deep tunnel, how did the believers of the Son of Amon church get in?”

An exploratory team member said.

Similar doubts emerged in Makado’s heart.

Go deeper.

Traces of the intelligent body transforming the cave appeared, and rough excavation appeared on several steep slopes, showing spiral steps.

Some carvings appeared on the stone arms, depicting some strange creatures.

Without exception, they all carry spirals or swirling marks on their bodies.

Probably because of the lack of air flow and low temperature, the carvings here are very complete and there is nothing missing.

Based on these murals, Makado cannot guess at what stage the race that left these murals.

It is reasonable to say that stone carving is a method only used by ignorant civilization.

However, according to research, stone carvings are often the best way to preserve information.

Before mastering the technology of mass-energy conversion.

Stone carving is the longest technical method that can preserve information.

The consortium now uses a non-physical storage method.

Using the transformation relationship between matter and energy, the information that humans need to save is transformed into light at a certain frequency to form a light cluster with intelligence.

The light cluster will continue to exchange energy with the outside world, unless all the universe is destroyed at once, otherwise these devices will continue to be maintained.

Makado observed the carvings on the cave wall, frequently depicting a weird creature.

This creature does not have any familiar features of humans.

It’s just a group of terrifying creatures that reflect a variety of lights like a dream demon.

Makado has seen this creature. In the investigation of the believers of Son of Amon, they portrayed this creature and released it into the real world with a holographic projection.

Makado saw it several times during the investigation.

In the hologram, it is a pile of amorphous protoplasm, like countless tiny whirlpools of black oil, forming weird creatures.

There was a faint dim light, twisting the disgusting spiral body.

Countless eyes with spiral vortex dots are like pustules with black light, continuously forming and decomposing on its surface.

Those believers called this thing the son of Amon.

The deeper the exploration team, the more and more sculptures they saw.

But every sculpture has patterns like spirals and swirls.

It is as if leaving these two things, the civilization that left the stone carvings would not create.

Suddenly, the ground crew sent a new message and they found a wide underground space.

The map was quickly updated, and new indicated roads appeared.

Thanks to the development of science and technology, even in such a deep underground place, communication can be barrier-free.

Following the instructions on the map, the exploration team entered a passage full of stalactites and stalagmites.

This passage has a depressing moisture, and stalagmites have become obstacles, hindering people from continuing to explore the road.

However, Makado has made new discoveries here.

A fist-sized, anti-gravity floating round light illuminator.

This portable round light is the favorite equipment of the colony members. It only needs a tap to illuminate and automatically float in the air.

The built-in energy is enough to last for several years, and it can also adjust the size of the light.

The round light is very small and there is no intelligence inside.

There is only one rope for the user to tow the floating round light.

The round lamp is left by those believers.

The route of the exploration team is not wrong. Those believers have been here.

Seeing this thing, Makado took a closer look at the neighborhood and found that there were traces of fighting, and there were blood stains on a stalagmite with a spiral pattern.

It seems that when those guys got here, there was a fight.

Makado looked at these traces and began to think.

During the interrogation, the believers were extremely united, no matter how they were tortured, they did not betray their own people.

How can such groups diverge?

The two team members stood a little farther away, and they watched Makado rummaging through the ground with the illuminator on the ground.

“I feel dizzy in my head, as if something is about to get in.”

“I also have this feeling.”

“Maybe it’s too dull.”

“It’s not good, I just hope that this bad thing will end soon. If it weren’t for the generous reward, I would like to turn my head and leave now.”

“Those weird whirlpools, I always feel that there is a wicked vigor in this place.”

The two players were talking in a low voice.

Those ubiquitous vortex symbols make them feel that the situation is a bit strange.

But they did not think too much about the problems.

Makado found a lot of fighting marks here. Those believers had a violent conflict here.

The specific reason is not known.

After checking the clues obtained, Makado led everyone to go deeper.

After another dull tunnel, everything in front of them suddenly became clear, and they walked onto a stone platform.

In front of the platform is a huge underground space.

The huge natural stone pillars that converge spirally and towering into the clouds, Jiali is in this space, providing support.

At this time, the map was updated again.

The underground space is full of light blue, which is like an electric arc, which is very beautiful.

Makado didn’t care about this beautiful scene. He frowned when he looked at the giant alien city in front of him.

There are no traces of intelligent creatures on the planet Tybia.

Even if humans searched every corner, they did not find a trace of civilization.

There is such a huge megalithic building here, and such a building can only be built in the industrial age.

Entering the industrial age, the possibility of civilization’s self-destruction is unlikely.

But there was no trace.

Moreover, the construction of the underground space also reveals the weirdness that is hard to describe.

The huge stone creations that are as dark as the dark night form an extremely magnificent swirling building in this underground space.

Distortions and inversions of the law of symmetry are everywhere.

The buildings are like terraces, layered on top of each other, or all over the grooves,

No matter how it changes, there are a lot of whirlpool traces.

These weird and huge truncated cones are also depicted as traces of vortexes, standing upside down with tall, spiral-shaped cylindrical long rods.

Whirlpools can be seen everywhere on the long rods, and thin plates are often built on top to depict spirals.

There are also some strange structures that stick out, like a table.

Like many spiral plates, spiral discs (Li Nuo’s), or spiral five-pointed stars stacked one after another.

The mixed spiral cones and spiral pyramids are combined with spiral cylinders or spiral cubes to form a complex building.

Occasionally, there will be a strange combination of five spiral spires with the tip of a needle.

The sky bridge twisted like a spiral connects all the crazy buildings together.

The spiral flyovers are located at different heights and are dizzyingly complicated.

The whole building looks very frightening and depressing.

Macado pulled closer to the detection camera of the flying instrument, and saw all kinds of crazy, chaotic spiral text and spiral patterns portrayed on it.

Even if you don’t know these alien characters, you can feel the strong mental fluctuations contained in them.

A small flying instrument penetrated deep into the building and detected violent life fluctuations in the depths of the building.

On the outside of the building, there is no trace of life.

This huge building seems to hinder the exploration of human instruments.

Makado adjusted the instrument, trying to see what kind of ghost could give off such a strong life fluctuation.

Seeing what was on the screen, a thread of fear appeared in his eyes.

“~ How many of these crumbles are there in this hell of a universe? There are such weird things?”

[I originally wanted to learn from the Crazy Mountain Range, but after thinking about it, the whirlpool doesn’t have the feeling of alien civilization. So it was revised. 1.

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