Chapter 221 Civilized malice

The anti-gravity device of the flight detector made a slight buzzing sound in the underground space shrouded in blue light.

They hover in the boulder city, shooting the interior scenes for human beings.

With the help of detection equipment, Makado saw something that he would never forget in his life.

A huge, jelly-like whirlpool creature is in the center of these strange stone buildings.

The creature is huge, deep and dark, giving people the illusion that the light cannot escape.

Rotating, as if to suck in the soul.

The members of the exploration team used the ropes they carried to descend from the naturally formed platform.

Macado is still the first.

He grasped the fixed rope with both hands and slowly climbed down the steep rock wall.

Even if it is hundreds of miles underground, the rock wall does not feel wet or slippery.

On the contrary, because of the lack of air circulation, the rock wall became extremely dry, and it was very gripping, allowing him to take advantage of it.

After walking so far, this is the most friendly place to explorers.

Makado slowly climbed down.

The height of a few hundred meters is enough to frighten an ordinary person.

Although Makado is an office worker, he also pays great attention to exercise.

He seems to be thin, but his muscles are knotted and his strength is extremely strong.

Climbing a cliff that is more than two hundred meters high is no problem.

In principle, the aircraft should be used, but some passages are not easy to walk, and the aircraft can’t get in.

The rope came to an end when it was two or three meters above the ground.

Makado spotted a small slope and jumped down directly.

The whole person rolled on the ground a few times to buffer the pressure brought by landing at high altitude.

The three exploratory team members who followed him immediately followed and jumped down one after another.

“Safety, all of you come down.” Makado looked at the surrounding environment and asked other people to follow him on the communication channel.

After seeing several people in Makado land safely.

Others sorted out their portable respirators, guns, food and other things, and climbed down.

Three people were left on it, responsible for guarding some equipment that the exploration team could not carry.

The rest of the people climbed down the cliff.

After all the people came down, Makado took them to the megalithic city.

Mankind has entered the interstellar age, and the powerful interstellar army swept all enemies, and even the stars will succumb to the feet of mankind.

Among the many scientific research institutes of Ark, creating the world is nothing more than a scientific research project with a slightly higher level of confidentiality.

But why do those cultists of Son of Amon still worship some weird creatures and call them gods?

Humans have long possessed the mighty power of gods, but those foolish people still succumb to the so-called gods they worship.

Connecting to the bottom of the cliff is a raised basalt slope with a dark gray surface.

The hillside stretches far down, slightly steep, and is full of all kinds of turbulent rocks with swirling patterns.

There are some alien plants that grow tenaciously in the crevices of troubled times.

These plants bear the mark of a whirlpool, and may be the same species as the dome of the underground space, because they also emit a blue light.

Makado picked up a small stone with some moist red dirt on it, and a short human hair was glued to the surface of the stone by the dirt.

They did not pass through areas with red soil, these were not brought by the expedition.

The only explanation is that the believers who came before left these things.

The geology here is basalt, solid and dry, so don’t worry about slipping.

Macado knocked, the basalt here is fine in texture, and the pig iron may not be able to chisel.

Without the technology of the industrial age, it is absolutely impossible for the builders of Megalithic City to keep such buildings.

While these are weird, they also carry a trace of mystery.

This universe is too dangerous to figure out these problems.

The planet Tybia may not dare to allow humans to continue living.

Under the leadership of Makado, the team continued to move forward, but it was not very smooth.

The steep and long slopes and loose rock fragments make them stop every now and then

Down the steep slope is a plain, where traces of intelligent creatures can be seen everywhere.

All kinds of strange shapes, but with a common point of sculpture.

That is the vortex, winding spiral patterns, all over every sculpture.

In addition to sculptures, there are also traces of various levels of land,

The red land is separated by a spiral path made of basalt.

There are some unmaintained plants with blue fruits growing in the fields.

These fruits are crystal clear, just like rotating spiral blue agate.

There are human footprints on the red mud ground.

Some of the fruit has been eaten, and broken branches and leaves can be seen.

It can be seen from those broken places that the internal stripes of these plants also present a spiral shape.

“There is a problem with this thing,” Skarta said. “They concealed these things, but why did they do that?”

“This is the problem. Even in the face of death and the threat of the consortium killing their relatives, they still kept these secrets.”

Macado looked at the blue fruits.

None of these appeared in the interrogation files.

Many things have been concealed.

Those believers only said that they were inspired.

But they did not say that these things existed.

They brought people in several times before and after, but no one said anything about the blue fruit.

People collected some fruits and prepared to take them back for testing. Makado led the people to go deeper.

The speed of walking was desperate, and it took them an hour to get close to the megalithic city.

The stone slabs were paved and the roads were divided into the 100-meter radius of the megalithic city.

There are also sculptures on both sides of the road that bring spiral art to the extreme.

It is like countless snakes climbing up, entwining each other, and finally being petrified into pillars.

These hollow pillars are also carved with various symbols that can’t understand, but can feel the madness and hysterical emotions in them.

That kind of chaotic mood, across time and race, was passed on to the latecomers.

These things look creepy.

These things make Makado feel uncomfortable from the psychological level.

Seeing these patterns, I always feel that something is always trying to get into his mind.

After crossing the final road, they came to the passage into the megalithic city.

That kind of weirdness has been shown to the extreme in this city.

Everything here is twisted and spiral.

The exploration team walked into the city of boulders, and what they saw made them dumbfounded.

What surprised them was not the dust that had covered everything after countless years.

It’s the murals painted on the twisted walls, those ancient murals, describing the history of this ancient city

Words may not be interlinked in every race, but pictures can convey something that is familiar to all intelligent races.

Some alien races that look like snake people use engraving machines to carve these patterns, and then color them, leaving it to the civilization that may come later.

Makado’s guess about the level of civilization of the builders is wrong.

What left behind the megalithic city is not an industrial era civilization, but an interstellar civilization.

It is known from the murals that those builders discovered this planet where single-celled organisms were initially born.

They drove the spaceship and came here to create this megalithic city.

Put the monster in the Boulder City into it and wait for the intelligent life to appear on this planet.

But the mural does not explain the reason for this.

Makado and others can only guess.

The builders portrayed the megalithic city as a shining star.

The star is one of the important conditions for the birth of life.

Among alien civilizations that have been eliminated by human beings, worshiping stars is a very common belief.

These monsters shaped the megalithic city into the appearance of stars.

It probably means that they treat it as a gift to those indigenous people who may be born with wisdom.

Macado can’t see what these things represent.

But he would not agree that it was a gift. With psionic talent, he only felt malice and ridicule.

No matter how kind human beings, they will never be friends with ants.

In the Ark’s observation of the universe.

The space observation department has received a variety of information.

The universe is vast and complex.

There are all kinds of races and all kinds of worlds.

There are those who use good illusions to deceive the civilization of fools in this way.

There are also all kinds of self-proclaimed pacifists, but in fact they are just alliances of equal civilizations dedicated to destroying the existence of other low-level civilizations.

There are also races that are in exile, willing to donate science and technology to low-level civilizations, claiming to be charitable, but in fact they are trying to disrupt the order of the strong and rise up by themselves.

It’s as innocent as humans in the solar system, not without it.

There may be many such civilizations, but they won’t live long before they will be destroyed.

Universe 0.2 is an apocalyptic world with no rules. Only those civilizations with cruel heart and blood can survive.

The universe once envisioned by mankind, the peaceful coexistence of various races.

In dark game theory, there is no possibility that it will happen.

Both belong to human beings, but they are still fighting because of religion, belief, and ideals.

The conflict of interests among different civilizations is more acute.

Survival resources, different living environments, and suspicion will all directly lead to the outbreak of conflicts.

There is no symbiotic relationship between different races, and destroying each other will not have any impact on their own survival.

On the contrary, it will get more resources and space, and even get scientific and technological knowledge from the other side’s wreck.

These builders did not give gifts to the world, but planted the seeds of chaos in the world.

There must be something in that monster that affected the minds of those believers.

Makado frowned deeply, ready to step into the depths of the boulder support.

“No, my friend, be rational, we can talk.”

I haven’t finished speaking, only the electric current is left in the communication.

The three people who stayed on the cliff encountered an accident.

“What’s wrong with you?” Macado asked in the communication. .

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