Chapter 222 Overthrow the tyranny of the Commonwealth

Kobek is fifty years old and he is in his prime. He is a little blessed, but he is still very strong.

Strong and powerful, his broad arms swimming like snakes and pythons have the skull tattoos of the former adventure group.

Inside his body is a molecular fiber protective suit issued by the Legal Department to all exploratory team members.

There is a multifunctional military coat that keeps the body surface constant.

Whether it is a high temperature zone or a low temperature environment, this military coat is woven from special materials and has a built-in temperature sensor that can help the human body maintain temperature

Like other people who like starry sky adventures.

Kobel’s skin was pale, his head was black, his hair was perfectly trimmed like steel needles, and he had blue eyes.

According to relevant tests, Kobek has 50% Oriental ancestry.

This does not mean that he has parents, he is just a child from a social support institution.

After completing basic studies, he was not invited by Ark because of his poor grades. He could only flow into the society to act as a screw to build a huge human polity.

Later, tired of the ordinary life, he chose to join an adventure group temporarily resting at the port and embarked on his ups and downs of adventure.

He has gone through space travel for twenty years.

Go to various places to grab those colonies that have not been developed and have no ownership rights.

Shoot each other with guns and kill others just for more money.

He also hunted down some remaining aliens.

This kind of behavior is not for the noble complex of human beings, it is only for the high rewards.

The adventurous journey is exciting, but there is a time to get bored.

In twenty years, his sturdy body was covered with scars.

One eye selected an electronic eye in the 24 injured rehabilitation operations, which contained a delicate sensor and sight.

This electronic eye made him, allowing him to easily blow the enemy’s head.

An arm has also become an alloy mechanical arm, just to get better combat effectiveness.

He spent a lot of money using various implants to strengthen himself and make himself more adaptable to fighting.

But with the passage of time, the passion has gradually faded.

The friends who used to be familiar either chose to live peacefully or died tragically during the journey.

When he got to the back, he also felt a little tired, refused the captain’s retention, and disembarked with his share of money.

For twenty years, Kobek has worked for money and lived a life of licking blood.

After disembarking, he returned to the old colony of Taibiya, a colony without enemies and threats, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

After many years of adventurous career, he became a worker.

But this kind of boring life makes him, a person who enjoys freedom, feel depressed.

The consortium has strict management of the colony. People are not allowed to excessively entertain themselves, nor are they allowed to use various psychotropic drugs to paralyze themselves.

The only way is to let yourself immerse yourself in the ocean of knowledge to pass the boring time, otherwise you can only sit stupid day by day.

Kobek is tired of such a boring life, and there is no fun in such a life.

But he also understood that the consul was for overall human consideration.

People always desire more of these things for pleasure.

Excessive freedom will only make people degenerate and decay, chaos and inequality will follow.

It’s one thing to understand, but he still can’t stand such a life.

When he saw the Legal Department recruiting adventurers, he was the first to sign up.

The root cause is the desire to find something to relieve inner irritability.

The kind of irritability about ordinary life.

He has faced many weird things, and those aliens in the starry sky also possess various abilities.

Can easily kill his companions and destroy his weapons, making him embarrassed.

But he swears in the name of a consul who is like a god, even after so many adventures.

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of weird expedition today.

Those weird spiral symbols gave him a sense of evil religion, and he walked in all the way, and everywhere was full of unknown signs.

Relying on the intuition gained from escaping from the dead for many years, he felt that the city of megaliths exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

He once tried to extract some information from the guy named Makado.

But the other party was very alert and didn’t reveal anything.

He chose to stay on the platform and watched those guys climb down from the rope and walk towards the weird and dangerous spiral boulder city.

Kobel sat on the side, still irritable, and looked annoying at everything.

I feel that something is still coming in my mind, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

He felt that he was too tired, and he needed to rest for a few minutes, and close his eyes to relieve his tired mind a little.

Kobel fell asleep and even had a dream. His dream was very strange.

He felt his soul became a whirlpool, spinning and spinning all the time.




Countless voices sounded.

There are countless light spots in Kobel’s spiritual world, which are the spiritual bodies remaining in this space and time.

His spirit merged with those still remaining after thousands of years, feeling the madness and chaos inside.

Naturally, it is not only emotions, but also more memories.

A civilization came to this planet in a spaceship.

In his dream, Korbel became a member of this civilization.

Soon, he understood his situation, he merged into an ancient memory, and saw what the other party saw.

He was just savoring other people’s memories. With the help of the creature’s eyes, Kobel saw the aliens.

It’s hard to describe, like a mad scientist, stitched together with the body of a snake and the limbs of a lizard, forming this terrible race.

Such monsters give people a disgusting and distorted feeling.

Kobel recalled the Archon’s words in his mind, all aliens deserve to die, this is correct.

They spit out forked tongues and talk with a high-frequency voice that is completely different from that of humans.

Kobel could feel their spirits very crazy.

There was no ordinary communication, just a crazy voice, shouting a certain creature called Ciemont.

In the illusory dream, they built the megalithic city. In the process of construction, there were constant alien shapes that suddenly shook their bodies, then fell, and died completely.

Those aliens have spacecraft technology, and medical care must be very advanced.

But they don’t care about the death of their kind. On the contrary, they admire those who are going to die.

Those who are still alive, put each dead person into a specific area of ​​the city.

The more the city was built, the more creatures died, but they never gave up.

For these deaths, there is no fear, no fear, only joy and jealousy.

They long for death.

More spaceships have also come to this world, more aliens appear, and build that twisted city together.

Kobel lives in an alien body, feeling everything that the other party has seen, and feeling the brand-new feeling of being integrated with the other party.

On the day the city was completed, a strange creature was sent over.

In front of the creature, all the aliens entangled with each other, and Korbel was also in one of the aliens.

He felt the death of the other party, the ecstasy and satisfaction that the other party showed.

When Alien died, Kobel felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure and satisfaction flowing in his spiritual world, which was more intense and exciting than the reproductive behavior.

This is not true, but a feeling that a residual spirit brings to him.

I don’t know how many years are left, but it can still give people this kind of enjoyment.

Kobel couldn’t help but wonder how happy it would be if he experienced it himself.

That feeling is countless times stronger than the pleasure of intercourse that humans have in order to stimulate reproduction, and the illusory feeling brought about by the use of nerve stimulating drugs.

This kind of joy made Korbel, who was tired of ordinary life, couldn’t help but give birth to longing.

He wants more pleasure, happiness, and a strong sense of excitement.

He allowed himself to melt into that spiral of will, and let the other party completely swallow his spirit.

Sinking in the blurred, illusory world, he couldn’t help yelling out in the illusion, Emmon.

He feels like he is ecstatic, this kind of happiness is the greatest pleasure of being born.

Compared with this pleasure, the union is tyranny.

At that moment, Kobel had an urge to pass this happiness to everyone.

Let them come out of the slavery of the consul and feel the world.

When people come into this world, they should do what they want to do and enjoy in time.

Look at what humans look like now, suppressing emotions and desires, and burying themselves in those boring knowledge.

Outside of work, there are heavy learning tasks.

Only in this way can I pass the boring time.

And also need to pass the tests of the consortium in order to get a longer life.

The people now have been controlled by the consul and have become numb walking corpses.

These lives should not belong to human beings.

Such advanced technology brings people not a freer life, but oppression, suffering like ascetic monks.

Korbel sinks, he enjoys these things, his spirit is sublimated, and he has a glimpse of the essence of life.

He stood at 593 at a height that the consul did not reach, and looked at the entire human society.

The brutal behavior of the union prevents people from relaxing and happy, and forces people to do boring studies.

Various systems drove those people out of a comfortable life to face more challenges, regardless of the need for rest and entertainment for their tired souls.

Those who are suffering should embrace Eamon, blend into Eamon’s son, sublimate, sublimate, and then sublimate.

As long as everyone embraces Eamon, there will be no war and chaos in this world, and the world will be peaceful.

All races will join hands to sing hope and the future.

Korbel felt that a sense of mission was born spontaneously. He wanted to move towards universal unity for love and justice, for all races, and preach the Eamon’s way.

“Are you OK?

“Wake up.”

Kobel broke free from the illusion and opened his eyes in a daze.

Seeing the two exploratory team members shaking him worriedly.

It feels bad. Look at his eyes, how could there be those spirals and shouting something about Emmon. Give him a sedative and I feel he needs treatment.

An explorer said worriedly.

They wanted to cut off my contact with the Son of Eamon, and those people went to the City of Rock. They wanted to destroy the Son of Eamon.

Such an absurd idea emerged in Kobel’s mind.

A voice emerged deep in his heart, shouting, to stop them, for this world, to save mankind from those terrible tyranny.

When two exploratory team members took off their backpacks and looked for medicine.

He raised the gun in his hand and blasted the head of another player in front of a player who just took out the tranquilizer.

Without warning, the broken skull, flesh and blood mixed with brains, scattered in the air.

“For Eamon, let us merge with Eamon’s son.”

Kobel roared loudly, aiming his gun at the other team member.

“No, my friend, be rational, we can talk.” Another team member opened the communication channel, so that the killing would leave evidence.

Kobel pulled the trigger directly, and the opponent’s head exploded directly.

“What’s wrong with you?” Makado’s voice sounded in the communication.

“For Eamon, for Eamon’s son.” Kobel said piously. .

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