Chapter 223 Illusory pleasure

“For Eamon, for Eamon’s son.

Crazy voices rang in the communication channel, and Makado’s frowned brows wrinkled even more.

This damn slogan appeared again.

The weirdness here can affect the normal mind of human beings.

“My lord.” Skarta leaned over, asking for support.

Makado nodded, “Let the ground dispatch a group of small aircraft with armed forces. After investigating this place, we will destroy it.”

Lonely heroes only exist in fantasy film and television dramas.

In the real world, no matter how powerful Superman is, he can’t hold a single star destroyer.

Makado is going to shovel this place.

No matter what the monsters or monsters are, just use the destruction bomb to push it all the way.

Skarta contacted the ground and used his power to let the ground personnel dispatch a batch of combat aircraft.

Makado did not choose to stay and did not go back to check.

Doing that is just a waste of time.

And will be led by the nose by the enemy.

Before the combat aircraft arrives, he needs to get some biological specimens. After this is done, he will order the destruction of this place.

The team members walked in closely behind him. At this time, it was clear that they acted together and had a greater chance of life.

Many expedition members have starry sky adventures or military service records.

Having been in battle for many years, let them know what to do is the best way to survive.

Gathering together, when there is a crisis, I have a chance to be rescued.

Those who leave the team because of fear are often the first to be killed by unknown danger.

The team members formed a formation that can take care of each other, thereby advancing to the inside of the Boulder City.

They held their guns and walked in the light provided by the suspended illuminator, relying on the strong light to find their way.

But these strong lights couldn’t travel far, and they were swallowed up by the darkness.

Only coat the edges of surrounding objects with a bleak silver edge.

The objects in the range of sight are very blurry, and the details can not be seen clearly, so that it is difficult to judge the distance.

And farther away, it was covered with a thicker darkness, as if it was extremely sticky, as if a certain darkness had been melted.

The building materials of the megalithic city seem to contain a certain magical power. They swallow the light and make the light a member of the endless darkness.

Makado did not feel any psionic fluctuations.

These boulders do not look simple, and the materials technology of those builders is not very backward.

If there is a team of genetic warriors, there is no need to be so careful, Makado thought.

Don’t talk about the first team, even if there is only one, don’t worry so much.

The powerful combat power of the genetic warrior is comparable to that of the gods.

The tall body is enough to tear a steel plate with one hand, and punch any genetically modified monster to death.

Wearing heavy power armor, they turned into gods of war, enough to crush everything and beat all the enemies they could see into flesh.

If they are here, things in the communication channel will not happen at all.

They will easily push all monsters that dared to offend the name of mankind to the ground and violently beat them, or squeeze the enemy’s head, so that the other party can no longer speak words that despise mankind.

It’s a pity that they are all under the leadership of Mara, preparing for expeditions, or areas far away from humans, to hunt down those enemies that may pose a threat to humans.

Macado felt a little lost.

The corps is not there, otherwise he doesn’t need to take these guys to do this dangerous mission.

Before they even saw the enemy, they lost three players.

Pray in the name of the consul and let the rest become easier.

The city of megaliths is full of weirdness, and various spiral-shaped buildings are enough to drive people with fragile minds to madness.

The closer all the team members are to the city center, the more they can feel that something is trying to enter their minds.

Makado used his own psychic energy, a trivial mental hypnosis, allowing the team members to shake off the mental shock brought by those weird scenes.

Let those weird things not hurt their brains.

The more weird murals go in the middle, the more they grow.

Moreover, it became more and more chaotic. When it came to the back, the murals could not convey any information, only chaotic, crazy emotions could be conveyed.

A lot of bones remained in some rooms along the way. Because of the lack of microorganisms or the characteristics of the megalithic city, these bones were able to survive.

The owners of the bones are those snake people, densely packed, full of spacious rooms.

The bone structure is very strange, even the bones are twisted.

Even the bones of ghosts like spirals have been changed.

Makado scanned it with the scanner he carried with him, but he didn’t get any clues.

“This place is too weird”. “One of the team members looked at the white bones in the room and said with some horror.

If it is a normal death, there is nothing.

It’s just that all the bones here are spirals, entangled together, and there seems to be some mysterious force driving them to do so.

“Don’t think too much, anything can find a suitable explanation.” Makado interrupted the players’ words to keep them calm.

The deeper you go, the more these twisted bones will be placed in the rooms along the way.

Open the gate, and you can even see the bones rolling down.

These scenery made many people worried, and they felt a sense of awe in the city of megaliths.

But when I got here, it was impossible to look back.

Under the guidance of the map drawn by the flying exploration instrument, a group of people went deep along the twisted passage of the city.

After Makado decided to obtain some biological samples, he took people away and ordered the destruction of this place.

This is left by a malicious civilization. It is impossible to guess what it is, but it is definitely not a good thing.

The universe is too extensive, and the human mind is limited, and it is impossible to understand things that are too chaotic and irrational.

Too much contact with these things will only harm humans

After spending more than half an hour, they found the nearest path from the complex and ever-changing maze.

When everyone approached the final central area, the horror scene made people shudder even more.

In a huge spiral deep well with a diameter of three or four kilometers and a depth of several tens of kilometers, the descending steps are built to rotate downward, very dense, spiraling down one circle after another.

The steps are full of bones, as if the dough is stretched and then twisted together.

On the stairs, there is also the underground of the deep well, and countless bones are stretched and wound like that.

Countless builders have died here, like a weird and terrifying art.

A giant creature with no fixed shape, spinning in it.

That powerful vitality radiates from here, and this is the so-called Son of Amon.

It is spinning there, like a black whirlpool, absorbing everything.

Light, soul, or other messy things.

In addition to vitality, this monster also exudes strong mental fluctuations,

Especially when it is close to the center.

The violent mental fluctuations are like waves, wave after wave towards the adventure team members.

There are extreme emotions in the mental fluctuations, and people can’t help but want to open their minds to accept.

In these shocks, Makado felt pleasure.

It is short but very exciting, making people obsessed, wanting to enjoy, sinking into it, and wanting to lose themselves completely.

Makado got rid of this illusory pleasure for the first time, and at the same time used psychic energy to awaken everyone else.

After getting rid of that feeling, everyone’s faces showed lingering expressions.

This kind of thing is not something that people can resist at all.

Easily corroded the bottom line and thoughts possessed by mankind, and became a slave who just wanted to sink into it.

Makado didn’t dare to disperse the players to avoid temptation.

Everyone is going to collect some biological samples, even if this task is over.

Otherwise, after staying here for a long time, no one can say that he can restrain the urge to enjoy that kind of pleasure.

Suddenly, gunfire sounded.

Without any hesitation, everyone gave up the task at hand, looked for a hidden spot and hid.

Laser beams light up from the narrow corridor behind them, and they will explode directly when hitting anything.

Macado hides behind a spirally supported pillar.

The two guards have been shot dead.

The laser passed through their skulls and blasted their skulls to pieces.

The headless corpse twitched on the ground, shed blood, staining the black basalt buildings with blood.

*~For Eamon, for Eamon’s son. For freedom and liberation, all people must unite and eliminate the tyranny of the coalition. “Korbel walked out of the spiral passage.

The tone is very calm, with a certain weird characteristic.

In Makado’s memory, this (Li Nuohao) man is a bit cunning. His years of adventure has given him a cautious character different from other people, but he is definitely not the kind of fool who doesn’t understand the world and shouts justice.

The other team members reacted quickly, and they teamed up to shoot at each other.

Countless lasers passed through the dark space, leaving traces of explosions on the surface of the megalithic city.

Kobel’s tone became very strange, but it was clear that he hadn’t lost his sanity.

He found an excellent cover that allowed him to avoid attacks from all angles.

Years of adventurous life and life of licking blood have given him a beast-like fighting instinct.

But Kobel underestimated a kind of power, psionic energy.

Before he had time to react, Makado used a psionic trick to flash behind him.

A laser shot on his arm and a laser shot on his thigh, respectively, abolished his mobility and combat capabilities.

The battle ended simply and neatly.

The other team members walked out of their hiding place, Skarta covered his hand, and blood gushed out of his fingers, dripping onto the dark basalt floor.

His palm was affected by stray bullets in the battle.

The adjusted laser beam has a burst function.

The stray bullet directly exploded half of his hand, making his face pale with pain.

Everyone used the emergency medicine they carried to help him stop the bleeding.

For a deeper treatment, you need to return to the ground.

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