Chapter 235 Why fight

Accompanied by the brilliant purple light, the dense winding lightning lit up in the cold and dark silent space.

Followed by countless troop carriers rushed out of the subspace etheric ocean like bullets.

The satellites responsible for the detection continued to echo, announcing the arrival of friendly forces to the defensive forces.

Keyang sat in his dormitory. There were four people in this small room.

Even if there is an air exchanger, the fresh air is continuously replaced, but it is not much better.

The smell of sweat and smoke are mixed in a narrow space. These dull smells make people drowsy.

And Keyang did the same, he was sleeping all the time during the long journey.

The spacecraft can accommodate a large area, but many places are used to transport their equipment, as well as various supplies.

Each corps needs a large amount of materials to avoid encountering situations where it cannot supplement its logistics.

Keyang has become a company commander at this time. He was previously called up by the defense team of the planet Orc.

Survive in that nightmare battle.

Such an iron-blooded resume is enough for him to win honors and rewards.

Even if he has not experienced systematic military learning, he has experience in facing the enemy, which is a very precious quality.

In large and cruel real wars, professional military literacy sometimes seems not so important.

Sometimes, more emphasis is placed on courage and strength in the face of desperation.

Keyang’s outstanding performance made people see his potential.

One was in a desperate war, but he continued to fight until the last minute.

This quality alone is enough to make him a leader.

“War is about to start, do you know who our enemy is?” Larkin in the dormitory said.

He is the platoon leader of Keyang’s subordinates. When speaking, he spit on the wire cloth and continued to polish the buttons on his clothes, seeming to make it shiny.

Larkin looked a little thin, with a capable short yellow hair and only a vest on his upper body, showing tight muscles.

Keyang shook his head: “I don’t know, this matter is terrible, I have no news.”

“This information must be in the strategic headquarters.” Second Platoon Commander Corbetan said.

Corbetan is different from Larkin, his face is pale, his hair is dark, and the blood of the East and West makes his facial features very three-dimensional.

And he is not a child of a social support institution, he has his own biological parents.

With the development of science and technology, the contradictions between people will not be alleviated.

Corbetan’s relationship with his parents is not very good.

His parents tended to let him live in peace, but Corbetan did not want his life to be spent on those meaningless work.

He longed for his life to be burned, even if it was not strong, it was enough to shine on something.

The life span of the consortium is generally extended, but many things will not be changed.

Such as inner satisfaction and stimulation.

Repeating work day after day is enough to drive any normal-minded person crazy.

The consortium also banned most degrading entertainment.

People can only tend to devote their minds to art and into the vast ocean of knowledge.

But some people don’t like to be so boring, nor do they like to stuff themselves in a small room and spend several years polishing a perfect artwork. Just to get that few applause.

Corbetan is one of them. He has joined the army, eager to burn his life and understand the meaning of his life among the vast stars.

“Anyway, we are always going to war. No matter who the enemy is, they are just disgusting monsters.” Raun lay on his bed and looked at the gray iron-colored ceiling, as if to see from the inside. What a profound truth of the universe.

Lawn is handsome, but he has a slick tone.

He always shows that he is interested in everything, but he is not interested in anything.

But there is no doubt that he is a scumbag.

Before leaving the world he belonged to, he spent more than ten days to say goodbye.

Cope with more than two women a day.

Many of them are twice his size, enough to be his mother.

These are all the people under Key Yang, that is, the backbone of his company.

“Yes, we are just going to war.” Keyang said.

Corbetan took out a few bottles of canned wine from under his bed and threw it to his roommate.

“I took it when I was eating. Drink a little. We are going to set off soon. If we can’t keep up with the logistics by then, there is no such thing for you to drink.”

Soldiers are not scholars. In order to relieve the pressure of the coming war, they are allowed to drink, smoke and other stress-relieving activities.

Corbetan’s worries are correct. War is not an ordinary business activity.

The war is full of uncertainty, and no one knows what to see in this hell of a universe.

“Perhaps we will also die in the first war.” Lawn laughed.

“The Archon will definitely mourn you.” Larkin took a sip, and then responded.

“Forget it, he doesn’t even know who I am. There are so many people he needs to care about, and those big men don’t care about a small soldier.”

“But he cares about the victories you can bring, and we fight for humanity, not for the big men, although it sounds a little nonsense.”

Keyang raised the can and said.

Corbetan nodded and drank a sip of wine and said, “Yes, we are fighting for humans. As his consul said, everyone is insignificant, and only humans are the most important. We are alive, Fight, die, and later people continue to inherit our mission. What we do is just to prevent those tragedies from happening in our world again and again

Instead of letting your name be engraved on the stone tablet, or making people comment on it. ”

“Your literary talent is very good, you can be a poet, why do you want to embark on this road of serving as a soldier?” Larkin asked after stopping his polishing work.

“I’m just a man who shows off words. I’m far from real artists. I once dreamed of writing a novel that would shock the world, but I failed. At that moment I felt that I was useless. Joining the army might make my boring life shine.”

Corbetan said.

“If I can live after the war, I will write a memoir. It’s called Corbetan’s Military History.”

…Seeking flowers 0…

“I think you can definitely write it down, and remember to include a few of us at that time.” Keyang quipped.

“Remember to write that I once had a hundred and eight girlfriends. They may not remember my heroic deeds, but this kind of vulgar thing is enough to be their post-dinner talk.”

Raun also became interested and said.

“If I can really write it out, I will add your names.” Corbetan said.

“Remember to describe me as handsome.

“Give me a few more adjectives.”

“Can you write me a little bit wiser?”

In the narrow room, the laughter of a man reverberated.

Sometimes human friendship is as simple as that.

The Gamma Galaxy is the final assembly point, and then the formal theory of war.

The fleet has been prepared, and only waiting for the last soldiers to complete the assembly, they will set off.

Despite the unremitting efforts of the horse and the logistics department, the time for the first fleet to sail was delayed for a month.

The mighty combined fleet set sail, and the tail flames of countless engines crossed the starry sky and the sea, and sailed to the starry sky beyond the territory of mankind.


Due to the speed of light, many civilizations know nothing about it.

In the three-dimensional world and the speed of light of only 300,000 kilometers per second per second, it is destined that any civilization that uses electromagnetic signals to explore will not be able to observe the existence of human fleets at this time.

Perhaps it is also possible that some low-level civilizations sent detectors similar to Sophons to observe humans.

Regardless of the existence of various sophon blind spots in the universe, human beings also have strict precautions against such methods.

Every major human galaxy will place a jammer to interfere with quantum entanglement.

Unless it is the signal station of the consortium, it is impossible for the quantum interference signal to pass out of the galaxy without permission.

This principle is very simple. It only needs to slightly disturb the gravitational force at intervals to cause time misalignment.

The time misalignment takes only one second to break the connection between the sophon and the observation world.

Quantum entanglement is synchronous, and the time on the large scale of the universe is also the same, but the time flow rate of each item is different.

Time can be distorted and slowed down.

Once this happens, there will be a kind of dislocation between the two parties of quantum entanglement, which leads to the failure of entanglement and the complete disconnection.

Those ignorant alien civilizations still live in their small world, and they don’t know the coming destruction.

For those super civilizations that can observe abnormal navigation fluctuations, mankind has become a threat.

They are not sure whether they have to take huge risks and launch a protracted cosmic war.

Humans have the means to travel faster than light, which means that they are qualified to go to the entire starry sky.

It is not those backward civilizations that take tens of thousands of years to fly out of the tiny galaxy.

Launching an extinct war against mankind also needs to bear the possibility of mankind’s crazy revenge in the future.

What’s more, once a war is launched, the distance they need to cross is also very long.

They also have enemies themselves, and it is inevitable that they will not be taken advantage of by the enemy. two.

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