Chapter 236 Even more terrifying speculation


Zhao Yu stood in front of his favorite porthole, watching the huge machinery outside constructing a miracle belonging to mankind.

Facing these magnificent steel buildings, there was no joy in his eyes, only deep fatigue.

These buildings that can excite ordinary people and think that the rise of mankind is hopeful, and they don’t make him happy.

In this cruel universe, the more you know, the more you will feel confused and afraid of the future.

He branded a spiritual stamp on his thoughts, but this didn’t change anything.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of the rise of mankind, he even had to give up part of his emotions and desires so that he could concentrate on this matter.

If the future goal is achieved, he will unlock this part of the restriction.

It now appears that the arrival of that day is nowhere in sight.

The overall situation of the universe is constantly deteriorating.

The proliferation of latitude weapons has caused many spaces to collapse in two dimensions.

Many civilizations have even begun to be two-way.

Dimensional weapons are a poison left by high-level civilizations to low-dimensional civilizations, encouraging them to kill each other and continuously reduce the speed of light and dimensionality.

“Six Zero Zero” no one knows whether zero dimension, zero speed of light can make the universe collapse again, and then there will be another explosion.

Perhaps it’s just that the high-dimensional civilization deceived again.

The civilizations that occupy the right time and place have left too many vicious things in this universe.

They launched a war and blocked the path of low-level civilizations from prying into truth.

Without their own help, human beings can develop light-speed spacecraft and obtain dimensional weapons, which is already a remarkable achievement.

After obtaining these achievements, they will be confined to the three-dimensional world, confined to the speed of light, and they will never be able to make any progress.

In the three-dimensional world and the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second, technology has an upper limit.

Even if human beings smash the microscopic field and inspect it bit by bit, they may not be able to squeeze out more knowledge.

It’s like human beings were locked into basic science by the Trisolaran civilization.

No matter how hard they work, they just sharpen their old swords.

Those high-level civilizations have also locked down the technology of the low-latitude universe, and they cannot go to other worlds.

Without Zhao Yu’s help, even if human beings can escape from the destroyed solar system, they will stop in front of a small universe or a light-speed spacecraft.

After reaching this level, human beings can only be forced to end their scientific research roads.

This is a road cut by a high-level civilization, and they will not allow others to climb to their level of technology.

Without Zhao Yu’s psychic technology, humans may not be able to establish an effective colony in their lifetime.

Without the ability to create a new universe, mankind may only be able to meet the dark destiny of the universe.

In the eternal expansion, all the galaxies will move away from each other and recede out of their sight.

At that time, from any point in the universe, all directions will be completely dark.

The stars will extinguish one after another, and the physical matter will disintegrate into thin nebulae.

Cold and darkness will rule everything, and the universe will become an empty tomb.

All civilizations, all memories will be buried forever in this endless tomb, and everything will die forever.

In the original work, the Three-Body World has always had these organizations named Returners and Zeros.

They called on all civilizations to return the mass they took to the universe.

But if you do that, the small universe will not be able to survive, and the creatures in the small universe can only return to the big universe.

Then another cruel war will inevitably occur.

Without even thinking about it, everyone must have fought in the end.

In the ending, Cheng Xin and Guan Yifan responded to this return movement’s statement.

They gave up their small universe and returned its mass to the large universe.

Zhao Yu knows that Cheng Xin is what human beings want to be.

I hope that there will be no more wars in this world and that all civilizations can live together in harmony.

But that is doomed to be just an unrealistic delusion.

It can be seen from the human world that different species cannot coexist harmoniously.

Humans will not be friends with ants.

Human beings expel mice, ants, and everything that threatens them for their own benefit.

Ants cannot understand why humans do not allow them to build nests in the courtyard.

Rats cannot understand why humans will kill them because they eat some garbage.

Some people may say why nature can prosper, and why humans can accept cats and dogs and even treat them as companions.

These are all examples of the harmonious coexistence of different species between humans and nature.

What’s more, there must be wisdom between civilization and civilization, and intelligent creatures can talk and have the opportunity to understand each other.

Just think about it, are these really examples of harmonious coexistence?

Cats and dogs are cut by valves, their sharp teeth are pulled out, their sharp nails are cut off, and they become playthings that may be abandoned at any time.

All this is just because humans think they are cute and can have some kind of symbiotic relationship.

Emotional symbiosis is also a kind of symbiosis.

This example of people living in harmony with cats and dogs just proves one thing, that is, the difference between species is the main factor that leads to doubts about war.

Boys will think that a girl who teases cats and dogs is cute.

But what if it is a girl who plays with creatures such as slugs, vipers, and earthworms?

Many people feel disgusted, even disgusted, disgusted, repulsive, and eventually drive away the other party by any means, and even sanction the other party in the name of various laws.

In this case, are there no wisdom between the two parties? Can’t talk? Can’t reach agreement and tolerate each other?

When nothing can be seen, human beings will shout for peace, justice, and universal unity.

But they themselves express their malice so unconcealedly to those unacceptable creatures.

Will other creatures also have this kind of emotion?

Other civilizations may think that strange creatures like humans are maggots in toilets. Why is there such a disgusting civilization?

The differences between creatures of different civilizations in the universe may be greater than the difference between humans and earthworms

World outlook, values, and emotional differences, coupled with many factors such as the chain of suspicion, the explosion of cosmic technology.

What Cheng Xin advocated will never come true.

Zhao Yu looked at the starry sky and understood that there is only war in this real universe.

All humans in this world have to do is leave.

According to the theory of reversible detection.

I can come to this universe, does that mean I can also leave this universe?

Crossing novels has been regarded as a bad street in the major book stations of his previous life.

Many authors have not recorded whether those people returned after they became strong.

Have you explored the mechanism of traversal, the principle of traversal, and the origin of the system? Who caused it?

To some extent, this is because they circle bad money and are unwilling to write such complicated things.

Writing about upgrading, fighting monsters, and picking up girls is obviously more popular than writing about ghosts.

It is easier for the author to write these, and readers like to read them.

There is really no need to write messy things.

But a novel is a novel, and reality is reality.

Here, Zhao Yu sees living people, living things.

They have their own emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and each one is alive.

Even if Zhao Yu stands at the highest place of human power, those people will still look at themselves with suspicion, and even make up their own various peachy news in private.

This is an extremely real world.

Apart from anything else, Erica’s fiery heat is also an important basis for Zhao Yu to confirm the truth of this world.

If the three-body fantasy universe is real, it is just projected into Liu’s mind in a certain way, let him write such a novel.

This kind of thing is not impossible.

An important argument of Kane’s theory is that different universes influence each other.

These 0.2 influences can even change the basic forces of matter and the basic laws of the universe.

Naya Space must also be affected.

And subspace is closely related to people’s thinking, which gave him inspiration and created novels.

In addition to interference theory, there is another possibility that fantasy produces reality.

This concept involves the research topics of Guan Yifan and Nuriel.

Thinking of these, the truth of everything in the universe will be even more terrifying.

Zhao Yu even wondered whether the universe he lived in before was also a product of creation.

In this way, what is reality and what is illusion?

Zhao Yu looked out of the porthole and watched the huge machinery glow, suppressing the urge to continue thinking deeply.

The most important purpose now is to plunder resources and create sub-universes and new universes so that mankind can continue to survive.

Presumably someday in the future, he will get the answer to all this.

The most important thing for mankind right now is before those high-level civilizations have reacted.

Destroy those low-level civilizations, seize more galaxies, and plunder the resources of the three-dimensional universe.

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