Chapter 241 What’s wrong

The deepest part of the palace is dark and cold, the air is dull and hot.

But the survivors couldn’t take care of these.

In the rumbling of the explosion, they were driven by fear, rushing into the deepest part of the palace without any reason, lowering the gates, trying to stop the killing of the demons outside the sky.

The arms of the surviving soldiers trembling with weapons.

The only thing you can rely on is the murals painted on the final defensive gate.

These murals depict the gods belonging to this ethnic religion.

It depicts those sacred and beautiful sacrificial runes.

Religious objects with a sense of mystery can give some illusory support to the aboriginal survivors in despair.

The palace’s resistance seemed so ridiculous. They tried their best, and the only result was to slow down the enemy’s pace.

The demon easily destroyed the gate of the palace.

Amid a rumbling, like a god-punished explosion, the warriors who fought for their faith were torn to pieces.

The warriors with faith looked so unbearable in front of these demons, they were easily exploded and crushed.

Only after a while, the soldier turned into a corpse fragment with a stench and thick blood flowing everywhere.

Most wise men were killed when the city gate was destroyed.

“Six Zero Three”

While escaping into the depths of the palace.

A desperate wise man knelt before the demons and questioned loudly.

“Why? What did we do wrong? Why are you so viciously hurt and extinct.”

Facing the question of the wise men, the demons did not respond.

A demon leading the team raised his steel wand, killed the courageous wise man, and let its head explode in front of the desperate tribe.

Fear permeated the entire mutilated palace and plunged into the flames of the palace.

The devil easily entered the guarded palace.

They spewed fiery flames and burned any living creatures they could see.

The survivors had no courage to resist, they fled into the depths of the palace.

But the sound of footsteps followed closely behind.

Along with the sound of footsteps, there was also a weird and terrifying sound.

The demons were talking in vicious voices.

The sound of footsteps and conversation passed through the thick door to the ears of the survivors.

They can feel the demons approaching the gate.

Just these terrifying footsteps have caused the surviving native aliens to cry desperately.

They made all kinds of sharp wailing sounds, howling hysterically, using all kinds of ambiguous sentences, praying to the gods to show their power to drive away these demons.

With the explosion, countless rubble hit the survivors, breaking their bones and wailing.

Then, a sphere glowing red was thrown in.

Along with the red light flashing more and more quickly, the desperate survivors made various sharp, ear-piercing sounds of fear.

This huge sound mixed with the explosion that occurred later, pushed to the extreme, forming a reverberating sound wave.

In the end, all the sounds disappeared, the underground space returned to calm, and there was no more sound of life.

Alien resistance is useless.

In the explosion of several hot melt bombs, the palace entrance they blocked was opened.

The huge explosion blew away those aliens with weapons.

The aboriginal creatures in the palace still have the courage to resist, unwilling to accept the fate of death.

But their technology and equipment are too backward, and they have become lambs to be slaughtered.

How these aliens shouted all kinds of morale-boosting slogans, they couldn’t change the fate of death.

As the number of resisters continues to decrease.

Human soldiers entered the deep and cold underground passage to encircle and suppress those aliens.

Some soldiers carry high-pressure fuel flamethrowers on their backs. When the trigger is pulled, a random flame can be as long as hundreds of meters, which can burn everything they see.

The alien wailed and screamed in the flames of the bone attachment group, and finally turned into a scorched corpse.

Sometimes they will become burning moving torches in front of the human commando.

In the intense pain, a cruel flame dance was performed.

Waving their burning limbs, they died in a stern and horrified sound.

Keyang asked the company to separate and strangle every scattered and hiding alien.

Use bombs, guns, and flames in your hands to shred the bodies of those monsters.

Larkin’s team was the fastest. They strode forward and continuously shot various bursting power lasers.

Shattered all the aliens you saw along the way.

The alien palace is built like an ant nest.

The various passages are like a labyrinth, intricately intricate.

There are peculiarly shaped sculptures all over the passage.

Alien has created countless sculptures for worship here.

For the aboriginal aliens, these sculptures may be extremely exquisite, with an unparalleled sense of art.

From a human perspective.

These sculptures are distorted and terrifying.

The most insane human beings cannot create such a blasphemous, life-saving statue.

Larkin and his team moved forward in the dim light.

The light comes from the scattered inlaid stones on the wall, emitting a pale white light.

The visual enhancement device helped Larkin and others to see objects in low-light environments, and they traveled unimpeded in these deep tunnels.

They hunted every frightened, desperate alien.

During this hunting process, they found a huge room without any doors and windows that were fully enclosed.

Several aliens with simple weapons were easily killed.

The human soldier opened the door and saw that the room was filled with hundreds of big eggs.

These eggs are oval in shape.

The surface is white, reflecting a faint light, like pure jade without impurities.

The size of the eggs is uniform, about 20 cm in diameter.

Some aliens entered the room, screamed and hid in the corner, curling up their bodies.

Larkin looked at it, and these eggs should be the offspring of this alien race.

They are different from human viviparous, but an oviparous fertility model.

In the room, six or seven eggs have hatched.

Under the faint light, these weird little aliens made harsh sounds, looking for their own breeders.

Larkin had a few high-explosive grenades thrown into it, accompanied by several deafening explosions.

Those egg liquid mixed with broken eggshells splashed around, those curled up in the corner, screaming from extreme fear, the after wave of the explosion shattered.

The entire killing process is efficient and simple.

This is just one of the episodes, there are countless aliens who have died tragically under this squad.

An alien with a slightly thin figure, assuming the role of a wise man, knelt in front of Larkin, shouting all kinds of unclear words.

Even if you can’t understand the other party’s words, you can feel the grief and anger in it.

It’s a pity that Larkin is not a linguist and has no interest in this weird language. He directly shot and killed the opponent.

The alien was beaten to pieces in front of the bursting laser beam and scattered all over the ground.

Those disgusting flesh and blood even poured on the alien sculptures.

No one would condemn this kind of behavior. From the horrible sculptures, it can be seen that human beings are absolutely impossible to coexist with these aliens.

Pull kicked the broken limbs away, took a deep breath of oxygen in the circulating air purification equipment, and continued to move forward.

For humans, Larkin is a hero.

For the natives of this planet, Larkin and others are undoubtedly invaders.

When passing by those alien statues.

Human soldiers can feel the four compound eyes of these weird sculptures staring at them.

Angry at the war and death that mankind brought to this world.

Larkin once watched these weird statues, which often carry a layer of pitch black and stinking slime.

This may be the unique worship mode of this race.

Among these disgusting sculptures, Larkin could not find any beautiful places.

He just felt that these things aroused his inner disgust and hatred.

These forms can only be conceived by the most pathological imagination.

Such things, if left in this world, have already desecrated life.

For whatever reason, these aliens are damned.

“Found an alien shelter.” A team member shouted in the communication.

Larkin and others rushed over, and after scanning, a large number of life signals were detected behind a door with weird patterns and symbols.

“Blow up the door and kill them.” Larkin said, looking at the door.

The development project of 4D Universe is classified as a confidential project.

Only a few people can know the existence of this project.


Kane and Bi Gaofeng are in charge of this vital project.

After several years of continuous exploration in the periphery, mankind has gained a lot.

After making a decision, they decided to conduct an in-depth internal investigation.

In a small four-dimensional spacecraft.

“Young man, let’s go deep inside and see if there are any good things.

Piao Jun, the person in charge of exploration, said loudly on the spacecraft console.

These years of groping have brought a certain degree of breakthrough in human science and technology.

It also made the status of Park Jun and Tsuburaya rise steadily.

From being a member of the exploration team at the beginning to taking over an exploration team.

Up to now, the two of them are directly in charge of the entire exploration project.

With the efforts of the two, the consortium has harvested a variety of four-dimensional technologies.

Now they want to go deep into this four-dimensional small universe to see what remains on the destroyed planet.

With a pilgrimage mood, they rushed into the planet of the four-dimensional small universe.

At the same time, Bi Gaofeng and Kane also deciphered the information of the four-dimensional signal from many symbols.

[Ats, leave this world, or you will taste the consequences of triggering taboos. 】.

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