Chapter 242 Danger

Deciphering a civilized language system is simply impossible.

The development path of civilization and the different emotions will also cause the words to have nothing in common.

Fortunately, humans have the remains of an entire small universe.

Read information from the various symbols that appeared on the broken wreckage, as well as those chips that were functioning normally.

More importantly, human beings have a quick understanding of the laws of mathematics and physics of the four-dimensional universe.

With these innate conditions, through constant comparison, we can preliminarily decipher the other party’s language system and grasp the meaning of the other party’s expression.

[The ants leave this world, or you will taste the consequences of triggering taboos. 】

The last remaining intelligent body of this four-dimensional small universe civilization continues to send these messages to mankind.

It is not communication, not inquiry, but an attitude that despises bugs to let humans get out of his world.

The characters used in this four-dimensional civilization are completely different from the phonetic characters used by humans.

What this lost civilization uses is a kind of ideogram, which has nothing to do with language, and directly expresses its meaning.

In ancient times, human beings also appeared ideograms, for example, some hieroglyphs are ideograms.

But the vocal organs used by humans are completely unsuitable for this kind of ideogram, and its meaning will be distorted after several generations.

This kind of writing is not suitable for the development of mankind, so it is gradually eliminated in the long river of history.

The ideograms are more concise, and the amount of information contained is larger. The communication is more efficient and quicker. It is difficult to deceive and induce complicated language operations such as 24.

Phonograms are cumbersome to express and have less information, but they are easier to use and have a wider application field. Deception and inducement can all be done extremely easily.

There is no difference between the superior and the inferior of the two languages.

Which type is more suitable for the development of civilization? Which type of script is used.

Deciphering the language of a civilization brings not much joy to many scientific research scholars in the scientific research room, but a kind of solemnity.

The civilization of this small universe has collapsed and been wiped out by that powerful and unknowable enemy.

But a surviving intelligent body dared to dismiss humans so much, and even called it an ant.

(The ant is just a translated term, meaning it is equivalent to a small, weak insect creature.)

The difference between dimension and dimension is like a chasm.

Dimensional strike is the best weapon to destroy high-latitude creatures, but to a certain extent.

Civilization that actively reduces dimensionality is also very dangerous.

In the eyes of high latitudes, low-level dimensions are just thin pieces of paper or lines.

If confronted head-on, high latitudes can easily destroy them.

Guan Yifan and others of Starship Humans once talked to a four-dimensional civilization, and the other party once bluntly stated that there is no dark forest between different dimensions.

Resources at low latitudes are not useful for high latitudes.

This statement, either the other party’s civilization and technology level is not high enough, or it is deliberately induced to deceive mankind.

According to the existing clues, the former one is very likely.

The dark forest is desperate to kill the enemy and strive for a chance to survive.

Lowering the dimensions can quell the war and end the grabbing of resources.

There is no need for those civilizations that actively lower their dimensions to continue their attacks.

How could the dimension of the universe drop little by little.

What’s more, reducing the dimensionality does not reduce the mass of matter.

The spatial dimension is just curled up into the microscopic realm, and mastering sufficiently sophisticated technology may not be impossible to recover.

There are competitions in different dimensions, but many high-latitude civilizations do not have that kind of technology.

The speed of light is lowered level by level, and the speed of light in the four-dimensional small universe is faster than that of the three-dimensional universe.

Faster light means that organisms can process information faster.

When building a computer, the computing power is even more amazing.

Even if the basic theory does not break through, these high-latitude civilizations can develop very well.

The basic scientific theory of the Lord of the Rings civilization may only be equivalent to the level of human beings in the solar system.

Otherwise, how could they be forced to escape.

The Dark Forest is only aimed at low-level civilizations, and high-level civilizations will not be affected at all.

The Lord of the Rings did not master the dimensional technology, and could not take the initiative to go ashore from the sea to another dark forest.

If you think more badly, they may not even have control of the light-speed spacecraft, and can only be forced into the puddles by the constantly collapsing dimensions.

There is not only one spacecraft in the four-dimensional space debris discovered by the Starship Mankind.

There are also a large number of unidentified objects flying in its depths, of different sizes and shapes.

There are cross shapes and pyramid shapes. There is also a polygonal frame structure, and various irregular combinations are floating in that space.

Afraid of the sudden disappearance of the four-dimensional space and the reasons for being too dangerous, Guan Yifan and others did not come close to look.

However, judging from these characteristics, these floating objects are obviously not natural celestial bodies.

In the four-dimensional space with the size of only one solar system, there are hundreds of four-dimensional spacecraft waiting for the final collapse of the four-dimensional space.

These spaceships may come from the same civilization or different civilizations.

They are just waiting to die and can’t do anything.

When Guan Yifan communicated with them.

There may be some creatures living on it, but they can’t do anything. They can only watch the four-dimensional space go down a little bit and watch death approaching a little bit.

Those four-dimensional creatures had nothing left, only the spaceships that had escaped.

The civilization that communicated with the starship humans self-deprecatingly called the four-dimensional space debris a cemetery.

Those four-dimensional creatures must also want to reduce their dimensionality to survive, otherwise they would not drive the spacecraft and all escape into the puddle.

It is a pity that they do not have that kind of technology, nor do they have the resources to support this kind of research.

The more sophisticated the technology, the greater the cost of trial and error, and the R&D cost is enough to make a civilization feel unbearable.

The more resources you have, the more trial and error opportunities you have, allowing scientific researchers to invest in various cutting-edge fields.

A civilization in exile with nothing but destruction has no hope at all.

According to the interpretation of the theory of relativity, a spacecraft that reaches the speed of light can reach the end of the world, which is undoubtedly a good way to escape war.

But that kind of spacecraft can no longer turn, nor can it deal with crises on the sailing route.

A black domain, a planet that just happened to be thrown out of the galaxy, a floating giant meteorite is enough to make the spacecraft fly away in ashes.

“Should we reply to each other?” Kane said, “Maybe the other party can still communicate.

“Do elephants communicate with ants?” Bi Gaofeng asked rhetorically. “This civilization treats us as low-latitude bugs, and if they are willing to communicate, they won’t send this kind of information.”

“Maybe it’s just a deciphering error.” Kane’s electronic eyes rolled, relocking those weird ideograms.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s right or wrong. We only need the knowledge of the four-dimensional civilization, and there is no need to harvest the other’s false friendship. Let the mechanical troops be prepared to destroy the defense of the intelligent body and bring its chips back. ”

“Send a message to the exploratory team and ask them to withdraw.”

Bi Gaofeng looked at the pulsating data on the screen, and the dense light spots represented the remains of the four-dimensional small universe.

These seemingly useless and broken things contain breakthrough points in human science and technology.

Finding these breakthrough points, mankind will be able to master a higher level of civilization technology.

“Everything does what you mean.” Kane said with a slight bow.

Pu Jun was sitting on his console, a thick nerve cable connected to several huge computers, and a core control area leading to the four-dimensional spacecraft.

The other exploratory team members stood in front of a holographically projected strategic virtual screen, discussing the plan of action in a low voice.

On the virtual screen, a series of dim images with data symbols mark the only planet in this four-dimensional small universe and the broken debris floating in the void.

This exploration spacecraft has undergone several upgrades and transformations, and the interior is a three-dimensional space to protect the personal safety of the crew, and then control the spacecraft through a four-dimensional nerve channel.

Human neural signals are the same as the gravity of celestial bodies and electromagnetic waves 603, which can be transmitted between two dimensions regardless of the difference in dimensions.

Under normal circumstances, the brain cannot process the detailed information in such a huge four-dimensional space.

In order to deal with this situation, it is necessary to process the human brain and provide auxiliary computers.

Without a human brain, using intelligent systems to control is similar, and more auxiliary computers need to be added to help process four-dimensional detailed information.

The engine propulsion of the exploration spacecraft illuminates the remains of a civilization that has been lost for so many years.

The outer orbit of the planet is full of corpses and debris.

Judging from the terrible wounds, this is a well-matched war.

It’s a pity that this small universe was defeated and became a ruin.

Even if you have mastered the navigation mode of the four-dimensional world, exploring the spacecraft is cautious.

Human beings are essentially three-dimensional creatures, and this cannot be changed.

The birth, evolution, and birth of human civilization all happen in the three-dimensional world.

Observe the four-dimensional world from the perspective of the three-dimensional world. Every small object is composed of three-dimensional objects overlapping infinitely in all directions.

You can’t be too careful to fly in such a world.

After reducing the speed, the exploratory team adjusted the observation mode, omitting most of the details, and avoiding too much information to be processed by the computer.

They avoided the alien bodies floating in the air, passed through the wall of death made up of abandoned debris, and approached a celestial planet in a four-dimensional world.

Standing on the transparent porthole, the exploratory team saw images that would shock them for a lifetime.

Jun Jun switched to autopilot, got off the console, and wanted to experience the shock of the four-dimensional celestial body with the naked eye.

As soon as he removed the nerve cable connected to the cerebral cortex, the exploration ship lit up a dazzling red light, and the rapid alarm sounded.

[The spacecraft system detects danger and is performing emergency avoidance. 】

[The spacecraft system detects danger and is performing emergency avoidance. 1

[The spacecraft system detects danger and is performing emergency avoidance. 】.

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