Chapter 103 - Black Cross Line

Heart Beats Slowly





A forbidden romance, a taboo, never in history, a ghoul and an agent, way too many lines crossed, a point of no return, worlds apart, but together their worlds are one of the same... but for how long?

Liam slowly stroke Lorna's cheek, they were both on the bed, naked, for there was nothing to hide anymore or any secrets left unturned.

She was fast asleep, her chest rose and fell, her dark hair spread across the pillow, he couldn't take his eyes off her, she was beautiful, a light in his darkness he never thought he could find ever since Riley, she was a mystery, an intriguing mystery that keeps pulling him deeper and deeper, how long would he keep getting sunk in this desire that keeps steering, what was this pull? This woman captures his heart and soul unlike anything he had ever felt, it was like a bond that was incomplete before and now finished.

She stirs awake, her lips going apart, a habit he now took note of, her eyes slowly opened, her long eyelashes stir at the action, her sleepy eyes met him, a sweet smile that melts his heart and warms it all at once found her lips.

"When will I ever get enough of you?" he said softly.

"Never" her answer was short and simple as she launches at him with a mouth-watering kiss.

She wanted him again, again and again, she wanted him to ruin her and he obliged making love to her again and again. 


Section Five 

Ghoul investigator Headquarters (GIH)

Natasha was seated on her desk area, watching a video on her laptop, it was footage from the nightclub, she kept scrolling and scrolling hoping to at least find something.

"What are you doing?" Johnny asked walking up behind her, she quickly shut the laptop turning to face him with a smile against her lips.

"Um nothing" she shrugs.

He raised an eyebrow at her words.

"What Johnny?!"

"You're checking the security footage from the night club aren't you?" He asked certainly.

She sighed.

"I'm trying to check for any evidence or anything we missed out on"

"The team assigned with that task already have, there's no need for you to check them again"

"Or unless you suspect something" he adds folding his arms.

"I'm always suspecting," she said sternly.

"Does this have to do with Hart?"

Natasha sighs rolling her eyes.

"It does, doesn't it"

"Well maybe," she said turning to face her desk.

"I just feel something is up, she's always in the middle of all the incidents surrounding the black ghoul, she's like a beacon, a magnet," She said lost in thought.

"What is going on in that brain of yours?" Johnny said sarcastically.

She turns to face him.

"You know that too don't you, I'm sure you have seen the pattern," she said.

"I have Nat, but there are other things to worry about which is the drug king turning innocent people into monsters along with the physic killer, the black ghoul," he said walking away.

Not minding his words, she quickly resumed what she was doing, opening her laptop and checking the series of footage.

"Come on, anything," she said clicking on her mouse passing footage, she got to one and instantly pause, she blinks zooming in, her eyes widen in realization, she could recognize that body physique anywhere and it was Lorna, standing close to a man on black hood, but who?

Chase Office

"Hey Lorna it's me for the 10th time, been calling but you aren't picking, been leaving messages" he sighs.

"I wonder when you are gonna see them, I'm worried" he adds cutting the voice mail, he sighs rubbing his eyes, he was worried, for the past one week now she has been recovering, he just hoped she would get better soon, he couldn't wait to see her on full energy, he smiled imagining seeing her face.

"It's rare to see you smile" a voice came in.

Chase shot his head up to find Barbra standing by the door, arms crossed against her chest, with a smirk plastered against her lips. Chase leans back on the chair rubbing his chin.

"How long have you been there?'

"Long enough to hear your voice mails, trust me just a few of them, I'm not a stalker," she said in amusement walking into the office studying it.

"You have quite the taste" she comments at the paintings hung on the wall, but for some reason, Chase felt it meant for something else.

"What do you want Barbra?!" he demands.

"Now now is that any way to talk to your Captain?" she faced him raising an eyebrow.

"You and I both know we're way past formalities'" Chase said.

Barbra just made a hmm sound nodding her head, waking up to his desks, placing her hands on it.

"Careful Chase" she began amused.

"Don't fall too deep" she adds turning to walk away, it was a simple word that made Chase's expression changed instantly, he understood perfectly, the gravity of it, but that wasn't on his agenda right now.

He opened a page he minimizes in his system, it was a file showing all the info and backgrounds of the doctors working in the agency, and a particular Steve wasn't found on any database, that alone raised the suspicion he had on Barbra.

"What you hiding?!" he said sternly, his eyes lingering on the file.


Barbra heels sound along the hall as she walks towards the elevator, it made a ding sound as the doors swamp open, she steps in, she inserts a code as a special level numbers came up, she punched on level 30 as the box went back inside the wall, the elevator shut close.


Level 30

*Ding Sound*

the doors swamp open as Barbra steps out walking along the halls straight to a wide room with a bed in the center, a patient on it, several machines connected to the patient, beeping sounds, and faint breathing could be heard.

She walks closer, as her eyes soften, staring at an unconscious Seth Judson on the bed in a coma.

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