Chapter 104 - Black Secret

*Loud Beeping Monitor Machine*

On the bed, Seth Judson laid unconscious, shirtless, a large mark embodied on his chest, it was a scar from the operation, several wires connected to it, along with his hands and head, a mouth breather present on his nose and mouth, faint feeble breaths could be heard.

"How is he?" she demands.

Steve turns to her holding a transparent iPad.

"Still no brain activity" he answers firmly.

Barbra's heart sank at his words.

"I see," she said faintly as her eyes grew wistful.

It was rare to see her like this, it was always a mystery to Steve, but he knew Seth was the only one who could reach her cold stone heart, the only one she truly cared for.

"His heart was badly damaged by the bullet, it was a miracle it was still beating when you brough him to me" Steve as the memories of three years ago flood in his head. 

Barbra crying and demanding for him to the saved. Steve did everything he could but there was always a limit to everything.

"Seth is a survivor," she said with a slight smile.

"He also lost part of himself" Steve began sternly.

Her gaze drifts to him.

"He lost Rath, his Claw, a Claw is a part of any ghoul whether born or genetically made in Seth's case, I was unable to even detect any traces of Rath, over the past years, it's gone".

"What does this mean for Seth?" she demands.

"It means his coma won't last, he practically grasping on straw right now, his body won't be able to handle itself, it will crumble"

"Then do something, create another Claw for him if you have to!"

"I may be able to upgrade Claws and manipulate them but the one thing I can't do is create one, that is not in my power," Steve said sternly.

Barbra huffs.

"I know exactly what you're capable of Dr. Steve, your level of science is extraordinary, I can testify to that," she said smirking.

Steve's looks dark knowing what she meant, a dark secret.

"There must be a way to save him" she adds.

"And I stand by what I say even if I'm a prodigy, there's nothing we can do for him".


Section Six

Lorna's residence

Lorna strolled in her kitchen, preparing a meal, she felt stares at her back, she smirks.

"How long will you keep staring?" she asked amused not bothering to turn back, while swaying her hips seductively as she moves.

Liam was behind her, shirtless, wearing only his jeans, he seat on a high stool close to the table, in the kitchen.

He smirks tilting his head to the side.

"Not when you look like that" he points out to just the panties and shirt she was wearing. She turns to him carrying two plates of food walking towards him.

"Well, I'm more comfortable this way" she shrugs dropping his plate of food taking her seat.

He raised an eyebrow at the meal she prepared.

"Potato stew chicken huh?"

"You must really like Chicken" he adds with a thoughtful face.

'Riley loves chicken' he thought.

"Who doesn't like chicken," she said digging in her food.

"There's a lot I don't know about you" he began.

"What do you wanna know?" she shrugs.

"What's your favorite color?" he blurts.

"Well it's white, I love white".

'Riley loves white too' Liam thought puzzled.


"I love reading"

'It's the same'


"Ed Sheeran of course"

'Okay, what the fuck?'

"Sports activity?"

"Running... And I also love karate...Okay, what's with all the questions Liam" Lorna said sightly annoyed by the series of questions out of the blue.

"Nothing, it's just-"

"It's the same as Riley, isn't it?"

"Lorna" he began.

"Did you asked me all that questions because of that?" she asked hurt.

"No, I asked you because I wanted to know more about you"

"And everything just coincidently resembles that of Riley so you just kept asking," she said sternly.

Liam sighs.

"Well Fuck you" she hissed sitting up and walking towards her bedroom.

"Lorna!" he hissed grabbing her arm, flipping her to face him.

"I didn't mean it that way okay? I'm sorry" he said sincerely.

"It's just everything was so alike and I lost it" he adds with guilt.

"I understand," she said faintly, it was more of a whisper but he heard her.

"Was everything alike then?" she asked looking up to meet his eyes.

He shakes his head negatively.

"Riley doesn't do sports" he said.

"Oh" she made a sound looking away.

"I'm sorry okay" he adds.

"I know you're but it doesn't really seem so great that I look like someone you use to care for" she said rubbing her arms.

"It makes me wonder if you truly see me as me" she adds.

"I see you just the way you're Lorna" he said cupping her cheeks so that she faces him.

"You may look like her but you're totally different" he said, his chocolate eyes burning in her green ones.

"You're my drug Lorna"

Her lips went apart at his words, she could see it in his eyes, as well as he did hers, it was there, that spark of light, that rim of countless affection, it was all so clear, and it feels familiar, this usual feeling. 

"I'm addicted to you" he said softly, leaning his face downwards, her chest rose and fell, this bust in her heart, what was it, it was beautiful, it was enticing and it was pleasure, it was beyond anything she could ever explain, this was estacy, this was love.


*Phone Rings*

It was like the rope snaps, everything that lasted that one moment fades, they both turned to his phone on the couch, as reality struck in, and the space between their worlds were evident, a ghoul and an agent and it made her heart sink.

Liam walks away from, reaching for his phone, she instantly miss his touch.

"I have to go" he said sighing, checking the contents on his phone.

She just nods as she stood silent, watching him walking into the room, grabbing his shirt and jacket and then coming back.

"I don't know when we will see again, but I will try" he said.

She forced a smile.

"And if we meet randomly, if there's an attack or fight and I'm with my partner, I don't think-"

"Hey" he calmed her down.

"I will make sure we don't meet like that where you will have to make a choice like that" he said softly.

Lorna nods still not feeling okay.

"I really have to go" he said letting go of her once more, heading towrds the door.

"Liam!" she called.

He instantly halts, turning. 

The tears streaming down. 

"I'm leaving the agency"

He froze.

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