Chapter 11 - Black Game

Section One

Ghoul Underground

Sean kept going through Steve's research files but still couldn't find anything that said Liam was the black ghoul. He remembered that day he checked Liam's blood, he was sure, sure that Liam was human but what he saw that day made him realized Liam wasn't human at all.

"Hey," Paige said walking up to him.

"Hey," Sean said as she sat on his lap.

"Found anything yet?" she said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"No not yet," Sean said stressed.

"Evan hasn't been able to find him either, he's off the radar," Paige said.

"Liam is different now," Sean said.

"What we saw that day was unlike anything, it was like his ghoul genes were improved or something," Paige said confused. Sean blinked, his eyes widen in realization.

"Paige," he said with wide eyes, she turned to him.

"That's it" he kissed her on the lips briefly, turning to his laptop.

"What if Liam's ghoul genes were not destroyed but improved," Sean said.

"Wait you mean his father did this to him? ".

"I don't know but am sure of this one. Jenna's death must have trigger something, maybe she was like a key to a locker waiting to be opened" Sean said.

"Jenna was the source" Paige nodded.

"Yes, Jenna was what was keeping Liam at bay," Sean said.

"Now she's gone".

They turned to look at each other at the realization.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Barbra walked into her office, she sighted Seth on the ground lying, staring at the ceiling, his ears plugged.

"You have been out all day" Barbra began knowing that he would hear her.

"Where have you been?" she demanded.

"Tracking," he said seating up, he arranged the scattered chess on the floor.

"So what did you get?" she asked taking her seat.

"Nothing much just scratching the surface," he said studying his black king pawn.

"You know the black ghoul is similar to a king" he adds in theory.

"In what way" Barbra said interested. Seth rose to his feet with a well-arranged set. He placed it on her table.

"Play chess with me," he said taking his seat. She sighed.

"I have a job for you" she began seriously. Seth just played his pawn.

"This job I want you to have a partner" she began, playing a pawn. Seth rubbed his chin like he was thinking, he smiled.

"I have a bad history with partners," he said amused moving a pawn.

"They tend to die every time".

"Very unfortunate" he added shaking his head in pity.

"It's necessary Seth," she said making another move.

"I have a plan" she noted as her knight checkmated his king.

"A plan, just not for the black ghoul, but to uncover the ghoul underground and to get rid of all the ghouls in this city" she adds.

"The ghoul underground" he moved a pawn.

"What a place" he adds smirking. Her eyes drifted to him. She checkmated his king again.

"A sanctuary for ghouls," he said like he was in thought as he moved his king, Barbra moved her pawn but she froze after making a move, she leads her king to a trap which Seth set since the very beginning of the game, she just figured that out. She smiled.

"You're always the winner".

Seth smirked studying his king pawn.

"Why do you like the king pawn so much," she said raising an eyebrow.

"Because it's indomitable depending on the player".

"I will get you a partner so just stay put until then," she said reaching for a small box, she placed it on her table, giving it a password input before opening it. There were series of injections inside fill with a red syringe.

"Time for your medication".


The next day all agents were summoned to the training unit, new weapons were aline in front of them. Chase took the gun in his hand studying it.

"It's no different from the ones you guys use before," Nicole said checking the one on her hand.

"No, it is," Chase said certainly.

"The previous ones could only wound ghouls sometimes kill but this is well upgraded probably better than our own" he adds.

"So no more capturing ghoul?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Only when necessary I think," he said sternly, his eyes fixed on the gun.

Nicole turned to her's. Her fist tightens on it. 'Am doing the right thing'. She kept telling herself. She was caught out of her trance when Chase dropped his gun heading out.

"Going somewhere?" Nicole asked.

"None of your business" Chase said leaving.

On his way along the hall, Seth walked towards him, they walked past each other not saying a word until.

"Chase how much do you know about section one?" Seth asked, Chase, halted, they turned and faced each other.

"Section one doesn't exist" Chase noted.

"Since when?" Seth shrugged.

"For years now why?" Chase asked puzzled as to why he was asking such a question.

"Nothing just curious of something," he said turning to leave. Chase blinked staring at the boy behind until he exited the hall, he turned in his direction leaving not wanting to linger on the mysteries around the Ghoul killer. He had other things to worry about.


Section Four

The Cody's Resident

On hearing the knock on her door, Renee opened it and found Chase.

"Hey" she forced a smile.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Chase asked worriedly.

"Am pregnant, not sick" she rolled her eyes, Chase walked in.

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't be worried" he clarified.

Renee sighed walking to the parlor, Chase followed behind.

"So what did the doctor say," Chase asked.

"Well" she began carefully seating, a hand at her back, Chase took a seat.

"He said I should transfer to the hospital until my due date," she said not liking the idea.

"Well I think that's good, I mean it's good to be close. Don't get me wrong I will be here for you but the hospital is for the best" Chase said firmly. She sighed.

"Yeah I know, already packing," she said but Chase could see the hesitation in her voice.

"Renee" he took her hand.

"What's wrong?".

She trembled slightly.

"I don't know, scared I guess, I mean we live in a city filled with ghouls," she said shakily.

"Nothing will happen to you Renee I promise" Chase assured her.

"I find comfort in your words Chase and it means a lot but that doesn't mean that when I wake up I don't have the thought that we are living side by side with flesh-eating monsters" she noted as a tear fell from her eye.

"They could be anywhere Chase and as far as am consigned, nowhere is safe" she adds. Chase swallowed.

"I better get to my packing, thanks for coming, it means a lot," she said.

"You're here but-" she broke.

"-They are still out there!" she said final, she rose to her feet leaving.

Chase was left stiff, every word she said was the truth, the city isn't safe, the world isn't safe, they were most likely at the blink of extinction but still they would wake up every morning and do their various duties when there are flesh-eating monster's out there. If the ghouls decide to retaliate, there will be nothing but bloodshed.

Chase's eyes landed on Max picture, his fist tightens but that's why the agent was formed to get rid of the threat and clear the world of all ghouls so that they could have a normal happy life, it was worth fighting for no matter what just like Max said. Being an agent was their duty, their duty to protect the city, even if it was the last thing they do. Chase never doubted that thought once, it's what made him surge further even in the blink of death.


Section Two

Seth was seated in the cafè once more, this time he ordered a cappuccino, his eyes fixed outside the window, a finger tapping on the table. But then it seized when he turned to face his drink. Without any word, he walked out of the cafè dropping his pay.

He walked into the streets, people passing by around him, he got to a place he had to wait for the lights to go green. His shoe tap slightly on the floor like his own rhythm, and then it clicked, he smirked.

The Lights Turned Green.

He didn't move from where he was as others passed him, he just smiled to himself.

"Section one," he said amused.

"The ghoul underground".


Section One

Ghoul underground

Riley was seated at the edge of a pillar watching the dark skies, the cool breeze blew harshly around her. She closed her eyes remembering when she hummed when Liam came to her. She opened her eyes, her mind kept playing the extreme power of Ghost, Liam's cold eyes, funny she gave the same vibe to him before but now, it was Liam who has the darkness and she was bracing for the light.

Riley's mind traveled when they first met in the cafe when their eyes met, there was light in them, no pain or anger, he was like a wind that was free of all dark emotion but now Liam wasn't the same person, he was different the moment Jenna died in his arms, she could see his pain, feel it.

"Liam, where are you?" Riley said softy as she watches the night skies, the stars brighten it.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters

"Where have you been Seth? You shouldn't be leaving without permission" Barbra hissed.

"You said I should work on the black ghoul case," Seth said removing his earplugs.

"No I asked you to stay put until I find you a new partner," she said.

Seth didn't say a word. Barbra sighed as she threw him a file, he caught it swiftly. The top was written 'Chase Wyatt'.

"That's the information on your new partner, he's the best in his field," Barbra said.

Seth smiled turning to face the chessboard in his front, he dropped the file.

"The ghouls in the city have their identities hidden" Seth began playing a pawn, Barbra folded her arms.

"You want the black ghoul, you want to get rid of all the ghouls in this city and you want the ghoul underground". He played another pawn.

"You want many things, Barbra," he said, his eyes drifting to her.

"Why don't I grant you all your wishes" he adds, her expression changed, Seth smiled knowing she got the language. He scattered the chessboard, he held a castle pawn placing it on the board.

"The ghoul underground" he began.

"Section one". The moment he said that she froze. He placed the soldier pawn on the board.

"Ghouls in the city".

He arranged it one by one around the castle. He then held the black king pawn, smiling giving it a squeeze, he turned to Barbra who listen carefully.

"The black ghoul of course," he said placing it far away.

"The most important piece".

"The underground is a sanctuary for ghouls. Where homeless or troubled ghouls reside. They help one of their own" he stated.

"You force the ghouls out, the underground will take the bait to save their people" he adds.

"Chaos attracts many things". He tapped on the king's piece.

"Are you saying I should call a raid, a hunt for ghouls to draw out the underground and the black ghoul?" Barbra said amused.

Seth smirked placing the black king in the circle near the castle.

"Let the hunt begin," he said amused.

"May the best player win".

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